Friday 24 July 2015

PNG too good in 4x400m relay

Team PNG mens 4x400m relay team left: Theo Piniau
Center: Kaminiel Matlaun and Nelson Stone after their Gold medal win

The 4x 400meter relay was taken away by team PNG in a show of courage and well planned out running by both the men and women of the athletics team.

The team of Mowen Boino, Kaminiel Matlaun, Theo Piniau and Nelson Stone showed that it was their home ground and proved to the crowd with a stellar performance of pace and speed, veteran Boino set the pace for the team and the rest followed through with the same speed.

Nelson stone coming in for the win ahead of Pacific Sprint
King Tabakaucoro
It was the Fijians on their tail but the men from the red black and gold had too much at stake to lose, Matlaun ran the second lap with good pace but it was Piniau who took the speed to the next level around the 200meter bend, creating ample time for Stone to get it going for the last lap, Ratu Banuve Tabakaucoro ran hard to beat stone but the 400meter gold medalist was too far ahead for Tabakaucoro to catch up finishing off a thrilling feat witnessed and cherished by the cheering crowd for years to come.

Nelson stone took back some lost pride beating his rival Tabakaukoro in the 4x400m relay
“It was my field and I meant to destroy him in the 400meter relay, he can beat me in the 200m but not the 400m”

Pinau was happy about his performance thanking the vocal crowd which cheered them on
“It was intense and we had the crowd behind us and we gave it all we had and we succeeded a great team and great effort by everyone” Piniau said

The women’s team were the favorites as well and put in a heartfelt effort, the team of Sharon Kwarula, Donna Koniel, Afure Anda and Toea Wisil, started off well but the hurdler Kwarula couldn’t keep up the pace and got beaten in the first leg.

She handed the baton to Koniel for the second leg saw her take the lead but was passed 

by Ailaiwalu Aid Rayawa of Fiji Anda the replacement for Betty Burua who pulled a muscle in the 200m tried her best but felt short being taken

 over before handing the baton to Wisil who as expected sped around the first bend and started to keep on the heels of Fijian Ana Baleveicau but Wisil had the pace to beat her at the 200m bend bringing home the womens relay team to their gold.

Anda the youngest in the team had a lot to take on but tried her best with what little experience she had
Team PNG womens 4x400 meter relay team before their Gold medal performance
From left: Wisil , Anda and Konniel

“It was really inspiring I was a reserve when they told me to come in, and I was like can someone else do it, but when I took the chance I had to step up” Anda said

Sharon Kwarula comforted Anda and told her to do her best and have fasith in Donna and Toea
“It’s a great feeling for all of us we didn’t come that prepared because Betty Burua had to retire hurt, and when Afure Anda came in she was our youngest but we told her she just had to depend on us”

“I was relying on Donna and Toea to take us home because they had the fastest times in the 400m, and we pulled through grabbing the gold” Kwarula said

Tabaukaucoro the Pacific Sprint King

Tabakaucoro coming in for the record breaking win in the 200m


Pacific sprint King Ratu Banuve Tabakaucoro put in a thriller of a performance saving the best for last setting a new games record in the 200meter final.

His closest rival Papua New Guineas 400meter gold medalist Nelson Stone came in second grabbing the silver and Theo Piniau picked up the bronze.

From the blocks Tabakaucoro burst out and set the pace in the race all the way to the finish clocking in 20.53 seconds, the new Games Record for the 200m in the Pacific games.

Stone clocked and impressive 21.28 seconds and Theo Paniau clocked in 21.37
Tabakaucoro  already planned to break the games record but hoped he would have gone for the Olympic Qualifier

“I knew the record was going to go today despite a strong competition by Nelson and Theo, again the crowd was great tremendous, and I am really happy to come out with the record today”

Tabaulaucoro waving to the crowd
“I was thinking of going under the Olympic qualifier but 20.50 seconds, just .03 short of the record, I tightened up a bit in the race but that can be fixed” Tabakaucoro said

He said his next feat will be the world championships in China where he hopes to qualify for the Olympics.

“I have the world championships in China next month, a bigger stage with world class runners and veteran runners; it’s a good opportunity to beat the national records for Fiji in the 200meter and 100meter and hopefully qualify for the Olympics”

“I dedicate this win to the crowd here in Moresby and Fiji Athletics” Tabakaucoro said

Nelson stone was disappointed but was happy the crowd was here for the athletes of team PNG.

“People were expecting me to turn things around but it’s really beyond my control, at the end of the day the best man wins and it was the Fijian but team PNG is doing well because of this crowd team PNG is lifting without such support I don’t think there would be the drive to achieve” he said

In the 100meters he came  through for his beloved Fiji, blitzing out the competition right from the start winning gold with an impressive time of 10.55 seconds.

But it was not that easy for the young Fijian sprinter, seeing some of his weaknesses come to light during the final. 

“I am very pleased with my performance not the time I was really expecting, but the wind wasn’t very kind to me tonight.”
Tabakaucoro showing the Fiji flag for a photo shoot

“Some of my weaknesses came out tonight hopefully I can fix that with my coach.” Tabakaucoro said

He felt he didn’t have good control of himself during the race but was happy he got the Gold Medal.
“Coming out into the first 30 I felt I stumbled a bit but I gained momentum in the last 50 and I felt like I tightened up too much in the last 30.”

“It was not the time I was expecting tonight but I came away with Gold and I am pleased with that.”  Tabakaucoro said

He said the PNG crowd was passionate and reminded him of his home crowd, he added that he had the world championships in August to prepare for.

“I have the World Championships in August after that we will probably go back to the drawing board and fix, these little weaknesses” Tabakaucoro said

Tetull Rodman of Palau came in for the silver with a time of 10.98, while Papua New Guinean and sibling to Toea Wisil Kupun Wisil settled for bronze in a time of 11.04 seconds. 

Solomon Islanders dominate in 10, 000m

Sharon Kikini Firisua leading in the Womens 10,000m
where she won Gold Medal

Solomon Islands grabbed their second gold in the 10,000m this time in the women’s heats for Sharon Kikini Firisua clocking in 38 minutes and 33 seconds in her second ever race in the 10, 000m.

 Their first 10, 000m gold came from Rosefelo Siosi who won in the men’s division with an impressive time of 33minutes and 6seconds. Bisamo Kupsy of Papua New Guinea came third for the bronze with a time of 33 minutes and 31 seconds, right behind New Caledonian Benfodda Nordine who clocked in 33 minutes and 24 seconds for Silver.

Rosefelo sacrificed a year of study to take part and win the gold for his country, and he dedicated the race to the people in the Solomon Islands who lost their lives in a big flood last year.

“One year I wasn’t schooling I was just training for this race, I thank my coach and the spectators for their support, and I dedicate this gold to my people of the Solomon Islands who died during the big flood last year”

Rosefelo Siosi at the finish line of his 10,000m race
which he won gold aswell 
Sharon previously ran the 5000m and compared it to being her best against the 10,000m

“The 5000m is my best event and this is my second time ever to run the 10, 000m, but I am happy I got gold an I am very happy with my time” Sharon said

She dedicated her win to her late father who passed away last year.

“My father he passed away in 2014, I dedicated the win to him, my family was watching as I got my second pacific games gold, I gave it my all, my full aim and commitment, Solomon Islanders are really happy right now watching me win this event”  Sharon said

Ongan Awa of PNG came in second with 39 minutes and 7 seconds and Tahitian Elodie Menou also grabbed the Bronze with a time of 39 minutes and 32 seco

Great Achievement for a young Athlete

Young Ongan Awa all smiles after her Silver Medal Performance in the 10,000m 


Running for more than 38 minutes around the track for 25 laps seems more like a mountain climb, well for Papua New Guinea Ongan Awa she is a medalist in that event.

The most intriguing of it is the fact that she is only 14 years old and running the 10,000m with some of the most experienced runners in the pacific.

She ran an impressive time of 39 minutes and 7 seconds to claim silver in the 10,000m coming in second from Solomon Islander Sharon Kikini Firisua who clocked in 38 minutes and 33 seconds to claim gold.

Ongan’s counterpart Mary Kua 13 years old that came in third missed her claim for bronze after she removed her bib that had her name on it and threw it away on the 10th lap; the action went against IAAF - International Association of Athletics Federations rules, giving Elodie Menou Mevel of Thaiti the Bronze Medal.

Ongan is from a mixed parentage of Goroka and Popondetta, a shy young girl she found it quite hard to express her great achievement.

“I’m happy and being a 14 year old I ran a pretty good time, my fist pacific games too and I am looking forward to the next games already.”

“I came out with my plan and I knew I would last the race and I am very happy.” she said with a smile

“I would like to thank my coaches and the crowds for their support, and my mummy and daddy to.” Ongan said

She said she started running and gaining interest for the sport back in 2010 while still doing her grade 3.

I should have done more: Kari

Steven Kari after his lift of 204kg which scored him two gold medals
in the Clean and Jerk and the Overall total


In the hype of the home crowd Weightlifting powerhouse Steven Kari was caught in frenzy when he missed two of his attempts to claim gold in the snatch.

He could only manage 140kg in the snatch settling for silver, the Samoan Leusio Siaosi managed an impressive K150 snatch to win the gold.

“I was pissed off after the snatch today I could have done better I can’t believe I let the Samoan take the gold medal Away from me” the commonwealth gold medalist said after the lift.

The lift that got him to the Gold
“I was walking up and down at the back and my blood was really motivating, I really wanted to rip the bar but it was too late I already did the second and third Attempt, I couldn’t take a fourth Attempt”

He said it was his first time to lift in front of a home crowd and it caused quite a stir in his concentration.

“This is the first time to face a crowd like this and it was all mind games for me, the crowd wasn’t behaving but I can’t control them"

“But I thank them for coming in and giving their support to witness a gold medal effort” Kari said
He said he had only the Clean and Jerk to redeem him a great finish and did so in his second attempt.
“It was do or die for me seeing the 204kg hit the bar, I didn’t come here to win silver or bronze I came to win Gold this is what I train for”  he said

He tried to lift a new Commonwealth record in his category but failed to lift the 211kg required on his final attempt.
Steven Kari taking a photo with PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neil
and his family after his gold medal performance

“It was my aim to break the record today breaking the commonwealth record in the pacific games, it would have been nice to break the record in PNG and in front of the Prime Minister as well, but next time I will give a better result.”

“At the moment I will be enjoying this win but I will be back in training to break the record, it is not easy to break such a record it takes a lot of training and hard work, you got to love what you do you get hurt and fall but you get up and give it all, you have to get up and follow your dream.” Kari said

Medalist dedicates win to family

Guba Hale Mea with her medals from the Pacific games

Guba Hale Mea had a lot to celebrate snatching two gold medals and a silver in her 65kg division during the 15th Pacific games in weightlifting.

But she had two special people in her heart and mind during her stunning performance; she dedicated her win to her nephew and sister who both passed away earlier during her preparations.

“I was not here when my nephew and sister passed away I was still training so my father told me to stay on and continue, so today I dedicate this two gold medals to my nephew and sister.”
“One gold medal for my nephew one gold medal for my sister and a silver medal for me” she said showing her medals.

Despite only training for two and a half months at the Oceania Weightlifting Institute in New Caledonia the 29 year old did not lose focus on her dream of being the pacific champion in her weight division.

Guba Hale Mea during her Gold Medal Performance
“I always have this dream of being the Pacific Champion here in my home country, and my training and determination has made me remain single to achieve this.”

“I trained in New Caledonia in 2013 and 2014 but came back due to family commitments but I returned just two and a half months ago to prepare for the games.” she said

The PNG Power Dome was all cheers as she grabbed two gold medals and silver in the women’s 69Kg division in weightlifting.

She lifted a total of 188kg to grab the overall, and grabbed the other in the  she took the gold in the snatch with an impressive final lift of 83kg while she settled for Silver in the clean and jerk coming in second.

 “We lifted the same weight of 105kg but her (Vanessa Sam Liu) Samoa had a smaller body weight from me so she was given the gold in the clean and jerk” Mea said

Guba’s Body Weight was (68.77) while Vanessa’s was (68.46kg) they both could no lift the winning weight of 111kg for the ultimate gold winner.

Blind Athlete stuns Pacific Games Crowd

Malek Chamoun after receiving his Gold Medal in the Snatch

Australian Malek Chamoun was a thrill to watch during the pacific games as he lifted an impressive 139kg to claim the gold in the 89kg snatch in the second day of weight lifting. 
What was impressive was the fact that he was legally blind, something Papua New Guineas didn’t expect to see in the sport of weight lifting.

Chamoun was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at the age of seven and by 15 was declared legally blind.

With his George, a former Australian weightlifting representative, as his coach and with mother Rita supporting on the home front, Malek took up weightlifting at age 12.

The crowd was all cheers as he walked up to the stage for his lifts. He took silver in the Clean and Jerk and settled for silver as well in the overall total.

In an interview with Australian Media Chamoun  the 26 year old described PNG’s crowd as buzzing and the best crowd how has ever heard.

On his Facebook page chamoun said he was happy with his efforts despite losing the overall total by body weight to his closest opponent from samoa Opeloge Petuna of Samoa.

His final Attempt which won him Silver in the Clean and Jerk
“Happy with my competition today. I won the gold in the snatch, silver in the clean and Jerk and silver in the total. I snatched 139kg and Clean and Jerk 172kg. It was so close between me and the Samoan both lifting the same total of 311kg but he ended up beating me on body weight” Chamoun said.

Opeloge took out the clean and jerk with an impressive lift of 173kgs winning chamoun who could only manage 172Kgs in his final attempt in the event.

The National Government plans for Pacific Games Venues and Athletes Training

Team Cook Islands at the Games Village. The facility will be given to the University of Papua New Guinea

The Pacific games is a sure success for Papua New Guinea topping the medal tally with a whopping 88 Gold 69 Silver and 60 Bronze, coming in second was defending champions New Caledonia, and Tahiti in third place.

All success has been credited to the Athletes and of course the High performance training center and the High Performance coaches.

The Go for gold program by the National Government produced results with a backing of K4 million going to good use to train athletes overseas and at the High Performance center here in the Nation’s capital.

Sports Minister Justin Tkatchenko has praised the High Performance center and said the government will continue with the program to achieve more results in the future.

“Thanks to the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill we have approval and we will continue with the High Performance training and the High Performance Institute, that’s very important and that will continue because that has given us the 88 gold medals, it has allowed us to have the best coaches from the best situations to ensure we give our athletes the best performance training possible.”  Tkatchenko said
Team PNG athletes were also happy with the games and the decision by government to give K2, 500 each to athletes who didn’t win any medals.

This is apart from the players who took gold medals who will be getting K20,000 these include members of teams sports who will get the same amount each, for silver medalists they will get K10, 000 while Bronze medalists will get K5, 000.

During the closing ceremony of the 15th Pacific Games
It’s an incentive which was made possible by the government through secured K7 million funding which will ensure all athletes of team PNG are happy and come out winners in their own right.

As for the sporting venues, they will all come under the Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation

 Minister for sports and National Events Justin Tkatchenko during a press conference at Parliament House said every facility that was built except the games village will come under the management of the Sports Foundation under a Trust.

 “The National Sports Trust Limited is headed by the deputy chairman of the PNG sports Foundation Godfrey Seeto and his Deputy Stan Joyce very prominent Papua New Guineans that have done so much for our country especially in administration and management and also construction, so they have a vast experience in that regard they will be heading the new trust which comes under the PNG sports foundation under chairman Graham Osborne” Tkatchenko said

He said things went out of hand after the 1991 pacific games and it was a lesson to be learnt.
“ 1991after the pacific games everything collapsed  fell apart, because  of management and previous governments non funding for the facilities this will not happen under my watch and this will not happen under your governments watch, we will ensure that the facilities will be funded and maintained for the long term” Tkatchenko added
Venues like the new Aquatic  center and others constructed for the games
will come under the PNG Sports foundation under the National Sports Trust Limited
 He said that venue managers in Papua New Guinea will be helped by experts from Australia to help guide them and enhance their capacity.

“The Australian Government will only provide one or two experts individual experts to oversee manage and run the venues for a period of two to  three years during that time they will train and advise the managers of those infrastructure venues that we have built they will be under the venues experts from Australia and will work side by side to ensure everything is covered and the knowledge they lacks is improved they get educated in that regard this will ensure they are educated to the highest level so they can take on those facilities without fear or favor we are not taking away this roles from Papua New Guineas but enhancing what they already have” Tkatchenko said

As for the Games village it will be the property of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) but will be out sourced to other professionals to help manage it.

 Justin Tkatchenko said UPNG lacked the capacity to look after such a facility
“Let’s not kid ourselves on how we are going to run and operate it, The university of Papua New Guinea has not got the capacity to look after a 1500 room basically a hotel or a kitchen that can cater for a thousand people an hour , the government cannot also look after such a facility, we need the best people and companies, hoteliers get them involved and get them to help us run this facility, so its maintained and looked after in the long term, it needs to be outsourced to professionals to ensure it is run properly for the students as well as for future sporting and major events in our country” Tkatchenko said
 Linda Pulsan training at the High Performance center a program
which the Government will continue with

But back to the local competitions in Port Moresby well after the sports starved capital of Port Moresby had a fill from the pacific games most competitions in the city for sporting codes came to a standstill with sports like Rugby Union having nowhere to play out the 2015 season till this date.  
Well the minister said it will be under sub lease basis that sporting codes can use the facilities after the government acquired all the land titles of all sporting venues and now have put them all under one title under the PNG Sports foundation.

 “We compulsory acquired all the sporting facilities and recreational facilities in Port Moresby for that it’s all under one title which comes under the PNG Sports Foundation Sporting codes will now come to the Sports Foundation the CEO and chairman and they will than put up their proposal to look after and use that facility, that we have built for the pacific games” Tkatchenko said

“For example Rugby Union will come back to the sports foundation and ask the sports foundation to take over the facility, there will be terms and conditions put in place for them to use the land we will sub lease it back to them” Tkatchenko said

But for these venues to be used proper maintenance must be done and defects fixed before the Sports Foundation can take over the facilities, that has been the plan all along and government has put in a 10% withholding fee for the contractors to fix up the venues before they can be paid their final installment.

Minister for sports and National Events Justin Tkatchenko said all contractors contracted with the Pacific Games venues are subjected to a withholding fee before they hand over the venues to the Sports Foundation

Team PNG womens 4x400 meter relay team before their Gold medal performance
“All contracts for all infrastructure for all companies are subjected to a 10% withholding fee to ensure work is completed, until all work and defects of the construction is complete the 10%  will not be paid to the contractor, this is so all our facilities are completed over the next two to three months.” Tkatchenko said

He added that minor works were being done on some venues and defect lists were written for contractors to see and fix the problems

“There are minor works that need to be done at the Aquatic Center and Bisini Parade, all the defect lists have been given to the contractors by professional independent consultants and architects, as well there is a defect list by PNG Sports Foundation these lists will go around with the contractors and see all different venues defects are fixed before venues can be handed back to the Sports Foundation” Tkatchenko said

He also added that contrators have an obligation to maintain facilities for free in the next 12 months
“All contractors for this venues will maintain these facilities free of charge on their own cost for 12 months, this is the first of its kind, we want the facilities to come back to us with no maintenance issues so the venues and the Trust can run them perfectly from day one, all payments will be done after all defects are taken care of, we must hold the contractor accountable for their workmanship” Tkatchenko said

Papua New Guinea is now ready for future sporting events; with the ball rolling it’s only a kick away from reaching Papua New Guineas goal of being the top sporting nation in the Pacific.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Rice Farming and Partnership helping to make things possible

Eileen Iambul the farmer who planted the rice
By Fidelis Sukina

Papua New Guinea has adopted rice to be its staple food, and non-other than Trukai has become synonymous with rice in Papua New Guinea

This is Trukais success story on the first harvest of their pilot project in Amadi-Baga along the Hiritano Hi-way towards Gabadi in the Kairuku Hiri Electorate.

The first harvest was made on Friday 12th June I had the chance to witness it all. The four hectares of rice will weigh 12 tones and worth close to K8, 000.

This is part of Trukai Rice’s Sustainable Development program which assists farmers to grow their rice and also buy their rice. Trukai’s concept is “Farmer owns the land and the Rice. While the company helps them to grow their rice and buy their rice at world market price.

The project in Amadi-Baga was an idea which Eileen Iambul who is a land owner with her Land group Amadi-Baga Land Group Inc, approached Trukai and asked if the company could develop their vast savanna grassland into rice field.

Prior to the project at Amadi-Baga, in 2014 Trukai through the same program did a rice viability trial at Vekabu village with farmer Chief Gabriel Maia Haino successfully harvesting half a ton of NARI 1 seeds. This seeds from Vekabu was then supplied for planting at Amadi.
Chris Quiric Trukai Industries Limited Project Advisor
driving Trukais rice harvester which will be used by Eileen and her family
to harvest the rice 

“Trukai came looking for land they wanted land to grow rice and I had a talk with the CEO Greg he was also interested because our land was already registered and we offered him with four hectares. We had a rice company that came in before Trukai but we didn’t agree on their terms and we didn’t continue with them” Eileen said

Eileen said before being a farmer she did have a real job but these days she is tending the rice fields.
“I was employed back in 2003 I use to work with steamships I was working with the Managing Director and then I resigned and went with my husband to Rabaul and then I came back now I am a rice farmer” Eileen said

Eileen said she always wanted to plant rice and it was a grand opportunity for her and her family to engage in such a project.

“I always had this interest of being a farmer I always wanted to live on a farm so when the opportunity came for me to plant rice I just took it so when Trukai came in we agreed because we liked their policy “Your Land Your Rice” we just pay for it we will be selling it back to trukai and they will be taking it away As long as they are happy I am Happy” Eileen said

Eileen said it was a though encounter trying to plant rice but with the expertise and help from Trukai which proved to be a good help.

“We make mistakes but from the mistakes we correct ourselves, it’s really hard work at the end of the day seeing the harvest at this stage I feel I have achieved something You have to have a partnership with God to achieve a lot and we did with this harvest”

 “We don’t know how to plant rice Trukai provided seedlings and seeders to plant the rice otherwise we just provided land and food for our workers” Eileen said

Eileen has the support of her family and community and employs 4 permanent workers to help around her rice field

Chris Quiric Project adviser (left) with Kairuku Hiri Memeber for Parliament
Join Isoaimo  
“I have some casuals some are school children who come and go but I have four permanent women working on the land and my three other sisters which help me do the weeding”

She said others in the community have seen the success and have given much praise to her; she has even donated some seedlings to others

“Actually I asked trukai to donate rice seedlings to the  church and they did there are others who have seen it and they are interested but it’s up to them if they want to plant rice or do other things”
Rice Project Officer for Central Nicodemus Bokame said the project went very well and they faced little problem

“6 months before the project Eileen said they did not know how to grow rice but with Trukai’s technical assistance, they did. We did not face many challenges with weeding because our land preparation was very effective. The field was weed, free right up until harvest. We had a big challenge with wallaby invasion. But that was managed by planting a 5 meters guard rows of rice to keep them from invading the rice field.”

He added that the 4ha field was purely rain fed which needed no irrigation 
“The 4ha field was a purely rain-fed field, meaning no form of irrigation was used. Water source for the field came from the rain. We did a lot of planning on that prior to planting, using local knowledge. Land preparation was done towards the end of last year during the dry period. Planting started on January during the wet season and ended in May. So the crop survived the whole duration of the wet season” he said

Eileen said the 4 hectares was a success and said they would offer another 100 hectares
“Because it’s successful I will give 100 hectares, after the harvest we will re plow the field and put some nutrients plant peanuts and continue to clean the land its Trukais rice cycle thought to us I am not an expert on rice planting”

Nicodemus Bokame said introducing crop rotation helps the soil to replenish its nitrogen.
“Introducing peanut during Crop rotation gives various nutrients to the soil. A traditional element of crop rotation is the replenishment of nitrogen to the soil. Crop rotation also mitigates the build-up of pathogens and pests that often occurs when one species is continuously cropped, and can also improve soil structure and fertility by alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants” Bokame said
Harvested grains on show for the public during the first harvest

Bokame said NARI 1 variety was trialed on the 4ha field. Seeds were sown using a precision seeder, also along with NARI 1 Trukai trialed 12 varieties. This includes 2 local varieties being NARI 1 and TCS-10 (Taiwanese Variety). The 12 varieties were trialed on a 1080meter square block. The other ten varieties are from Trukai. (1).Trukai 12 (2) Trukai 3 (3)Trukai 19 (4)Trukai 30 (5)Trukai 21 (6)Trukai 26 (7)Trukai 28 (8)Trukai 14 (9) Trukai 21 (10)Trukai 20