Friday 24 July 2015

PNG too good in 4x400m relay

Team PNG mens 4x400m relay team left: Theo Piniau
Center: Kaminiel Matlaun and Nelson Stone after their Gold medal win

The 4x 400meter relay was taken away by team PNG in a show of courage and well planned out running by both the men and women of the athletics team.

The team of Mowen Boino, Kaminiel Matlaun, Theo Piniau and Nelson Stone showed that it was their home ground and proved to the crowd with a stellar performance of pace and speed, veteran Boino set the pace for the team and the rest followed through with the same speed.

Nelson stone coming in for the win ahead of Pacific Sprint
King Tabakaucoro
It was the Fijians on their tail but the men from the red black and gold had too much at stake to lose, Matlaun ran the second lap with good pace but it was Piniau who took the speed to the next level around the 200meter bend, creating ample time for Stone to get it going for the last lap, Ratu Banuve Tabakaucoro ran hard to beat stone but the 400meter gold medalist was too far ahead for Tabakaucoro to catch up finishing off a thrilling feat witnessed and cherished by the cheering crowd for years to come.

Nelson stone took back some lost pride beating his rival Tabakaukoro in the 4x400m relay
“It was my field and I meant to destroy him in the 400meter relay, he can beat me in the 200m but not the 400m”

Pinau was happy about his performance thanking the vocal crowd which cheered them on
“It was intense and we had the crowd behind us and we gave it all we had and we succeeded a great team and great effort by everyone” Piniau said

The women’s team were the favorites as well and put in a heartfelt effort, the team of Sharon Kwarula, Donna Koniel, Afure Anda and Toea Wisil, started off well but the hurdler Kwarula couldn’t keep up the pace and got beaten in the first leg.

She handed the baton to Koniel for the second leg saw her take the lead but was passed 

by Ailaiwalu Aid Rayawa of Fiji Anda the replacement for Betty Burua who pulled a muscle in the 200m tried her best but felt short being taken

 over before handing the baton to Wisil who as expected sped around the first bend and started to keep on the heels of Fijian Ana Baleveicau but Wisil had the pace to beat her at the 200m bend bringing home the womens relay team to their gold.

Anda the youngest in the team had a lot to take on but tried her best with what little experience she had
Team PNG womens 4x400 meter relay team before their Gold medal performance
From left: Wisil , Anda and Konniel

“It was really inspiring I was a reserve when they told me to come in, and I was like can someone else do it, but when I took the chance I had to step up” Anda said

Sharon Kwarula comforted Anda and told her to do her best and have fasith in Donna and Toea
“It’s a great feeling for all of us we didn’t come that prepared because Betty Burua had to retire hurt, and when Afure Anda came in she was our youngest but we told her she just had to depend on us”

“I was relying on Donna and Toea to take us home because they had the fastest times in the 400m, and we pulled through grabbing the gold” Kwarula said

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