Friday 24 July 2015

Blind Athlete stuns Pacific Games Crowd

Malek Chamoun after receiving his Gold Medal in the Snatch

Australian Malek Chamoun was a thrill to watch during the pacific games as he lifted an impressive 139kg to claim the gold in the 89kg snatch in the second day of weight lifting. 
What was impressive was the fact that he was legally blind, something Papua New Guineas didn’t expect to see in the sport of weight lifting.

Chamoun was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at the age of seven and by 15 was declared legally blind.

With his George, a former Australian weightlifting representative, as his coach and with mother Rita supporting on the home front, Malek took up weightlifting at age 12.

The crowd was all cheers as he walked up to the stage for his lifts. He took silver in the Clean and Jerk and settled for silver as well in the overall total.

In an interview with Australian Media Chamoun  the 26 year old described PNG’s crowd as buzzing and the best crowd how has ever heard.

On his Facebook page chamoun said he was happy with his efforts despite losing the overall total by body weight to his closest opponent from samoa Opeloge Petuna of Samoa.

His final Attempt which won him Silver in the Clean and Jerk
“Happy with my competition today. I won the gold in the snatch, silver in the clean and Jerk and silver in the total. I snatched 139kg and Clean and Jerk 172kg. It was so close between me and the Samoan both lifting the same total of 311kg but he ended up beating me on body weight” Chamoun said.

Opeloge took out the clean and jerk with an impressive lift of 173kgs winning chamoun who could only manage 172Kgs in his final attempt in the event.

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