Friday 24 July 2015

I should have done more: Kari

Steven Kari after his lift of 204kg which scored him two gold medals
in the Clean and Jerk and the Overall total


In the hype of the home crowd Weightlifting powerhouse Steven Kari was caught in frenzy when he missed two of his attempts to claim gold in the snatch.

He could only manage 140kg in the snatch settling for silver, the Samoan Leusio Siaosi managed an impressive K150 snatch to win the gold.

“I was pissed off after the snatch today I could have done better I can’t believe I let the Samoan take the gold medal Away from me” the commonwealth gold medalist said after the lift.

The lift that got him to the Gold
“I was walking up and down at the back and my blood was really motivating, I really wanted to rip the bar but it was too late I already did the second and third Attempt, I couldn’t take a fourth Attempt”

He said it was his first time to lift in front of a home crowd and it caused quite a stir in his concentration.

“This is the first time to face a crowd like this and it was all mind games for me, the crowd wasn’t behaving but I can’t control them"

“But I thank them for coming in and giving their support to witness a gold medal effort” Kari said
He said he had only the Clean and Jerk to redeem him a great finish and did so in his second attempt.
“It was do or die for me seeing the 204kg hit the bar, I didn’t come here to win silver or bronze I came to win Gold this is what I train for”  he said

He tried to lift a new Commonwealth record in his category but failed to lift the 211kg required on his final attempt.
Steven Kari taking a photo with PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neil
and his family after his gold medal performance

“It was my aim to break the record today breaking the commonwealth record in the pacific games, it would have been nice to break the record in PNG and in front of the Prime Minister as well, but next time I will give a better result.”

“At the moment I will be enjoying this win but I will be back in training to break the record, it is not easy to break such a record it takes a lot of training and hard work, you got to love what you do you get hurt and fall but you get up and give it all, you have to get up and follow your dream.” Kari said

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