Friday 28 February 2014

Port Moresby to have a fly over freeway

An Artists Impression of the first ever Fly Over road in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea
Motorists and residents in Port Moresby will soon embrace the first ever FLY OVER ROAD which will run direct from the Airport to the Waigani Suburb.
The 2.2 km four lane freeway from the Jackson Roundabout to the Sir John Guise Stadium Roundabout

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Two Royal Australian Naval vessels to conduct hydrographical survey in Bougainville waters

 one of the Navy Vessels HMAS Benalla which will be coming to Bougainville on Friday

Source:  Media Statement by ABG 

Two Royal Australian Naval vessels, HMAS Benalla and HMAS Sherpparton are scheduled to arrive in Bougainville on the 28th of this month and this is no cause of concern for Bougainvilleans.

The purpose of the visit is to conduct a hydrographical survey of the waters between Buka Island and Torokina in South-west Bougainville.

Autonomous Bougainville Government Acting President Patrick Nisira says the presence of the two vessels is part of a major exercise by the Australian Government to dispose of unexploded bombs and ammunitions from World War II.

“The Australian Government’s assistance is in response to the ABG’s request from March 2013 to see to the complete disposal from these ordinances,” Mr Nisira said.

Consultations between ABG, the Papua New Guinea and Australian Governments in June last year resulted in the commencement of Operation Render Safe in October of the same year with the Australian Defence Force doing an aerial survey of the charted waters.
A team from the ADF has already visited the site last year to establish logistics and support requirements for the operation.

The Australian Navy’s visit will be the third phase of the preliminary preparations leading to the actual removal and disposal of unexploded ordinances which will begin in October of this year.
Mr Nisira says the ships will a feature of Operation Render Safe to move supplies, equipment and personnel between Buka and Torokina that is why it is important to carry out the hydrographical survey to ensure the safe navigation of the vessels.

HMAS Benalla and Sherpparton will chart the depths of the water, mark any obstructions and determine suitable anchorage points for ships involved in the operation.

The survey will also include examining the beach at Torokina to decide the best way to move equipment from the ships to onshore locations to strategic points of the operation.

“The data gathered from this survey will be shared with the PNG National Maritime Safety Authority and the ABG to provide accurate charts of our waters and ensure the safety of passenger and cargo vessels sailing these waters,” Mr Nisira said.

Acting ABG president reaffirms stand on BVK

The Acting President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Patrick Nisira

By Anthony Kaybing

The Acting President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Patrick Nisira has reaffirmed the ABG’s no nonsense policy towards the aspirations of the so called Bougainville Kina.
The illegal currency is sponsored by illusive failed money scheme boss Noah Misingku’sU-Vistractorganization that is based in the heartland of South Bougainville in Tonu, Siwai District.
The Acting President supported the stand by Acting Chief Administrator, Chris Siriosi and ABG Finance Minister Albert Punghau in distancing the ABG from the scandalous currency.
MrNisira said that use of the illicit currency is against the monetary policies of Papua New Guinea and is also a serious crime.
“It must be understood that there is no such thing as the International Bank of Mekamui operating in Bougainville,” MrNisira added.
He said that the only banks allowed to operate in Bougainville are BSP and Nationwide Micro Bank which are based in Buka Town and Arawa.
MrNisira urged the people of Bougainville to refrain from using the BVK as it is worthless and will not be accepted by business houses in Bougainville.
“The PNG Government and ABG must work together to put an end to this fraudulent act to protect the ordinary people from being deceived into investing their hard earned savings into this scheme,” MrNisira added.
The scandal created by the BVK has also forced the PNG Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill to propose the introduction of stringent measures to counter the number foreigners illegally entering Bougainville.
The proposal by Prime Minister O’Neill will regulate the number of foreigners moving into Bougainville but gives consideration to those who have a genuine reason to be in the region.
This move has also been welcomed by the ABG as Bougainville still defers all immigration matters to the Papua New Guinea Government.

MrNisira says the move by the Prime Minister is a timely one as this will now put in place control measures that will help with the progress of Bougainville and stop any unwarranted moves to destabilize the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s credibility.

Western Students get funding for tuition

Governor for Western Ati Wobiro (right) with cheque in hand surrounded by students from Western..Picture by David Kare


The Fly River Provincial Government of Western in line with their development of human resource has paid the tutation fees of   students from Western at the University of Papua New Guinea.
Governor for Western Ati Wobiro on Monday presented a cheque worth K843, 024 to the University to pay tutation fees of 145 students from the province.
He said 61 students at the main campus will receive K477, 704.00, 24 Medical Faculty students K208, 320.00, and 60 students at the Open campus will receive K157, 000.00
Mr Wobiro said that the funding was to help build the human resource of the province and bring forth change and development.
“The only way forward for all provinces is to develop its human resources, I believe this and that’s why we continue to fund such initiatives, and for you students we want the best from you, don’t be just another student be the best you can be in this institution” Wobiro said
He told the students to see the funding as a way to improve and capitalize on their efforts and to keep away from too much socializing
“stop  socializing and start  spending this money to  help turn around the  province, the future  of  Western is  on your  shoulders, you are not  here for yourself, the whole tribe of western is on your  shoulders, be disciplined attend classes and do well  in your  assessment” Wobiro said
Representative of Western students Meduwa Baku said it was the first time for any Governor of the province to help with the full tuition of the students and expressed much gratitude.
“we sincerely appreciate the full sponsorship since politics no Governor has supported us fully until this time, 50% of the students here, their parents don’t take part in commercial activities to earn income and this has taken one of the burdens off them” Baku said
The Fly River Provincial Governor will also pay tuition for all other Western students attending all other colleges and tertiary institutions across the country once they get an updated list.

Monday 24 February 2014

Australian Journos bunk with SP PNG Hunters Players

The team from the Papua New Guinea “Hunters” at their Bomana training base get ready as they are only 2 weeks away from playing their first game in the Queensland Cup. Pics Adam Head

IT IS the first month of the Papua New Guinea Hunters’ revolutionary rugby league experiment being conducted in a dilapidated police academy.

Black is the Truth: PNG be on alert - unconfirmed reports: Five Indonesian soldiers reportedly dead after reportedly chased to the border

PNG be on alert - unconfirmed reports: Five Indonesian soldiers reportedly dead after reportedly chased to the border

Papua New Guinea Soldiers patrolling the PNG Indonesia Border

Source Sharp Shooters on Face Book


We are not afraid to die for our country, anti-corruption activist Lucas Kiap said after learning today that the Indonesian military has reportedly sent tankers and choppers to the Indonesian PNG border after five Indonesian soldiers were reportedly killed.

Nine Indonesian soldiers were reportedly chased to the border and only four of them reportedly made it. It is understood that five Indonesian soldiers have been killed inside PNG territory in Western Province but may have gone missing instead and are still alive.

This latest incident is understood to have occurred following another alleged incident last week Saturday (the story we broke on Thursday) when PNGDF soldiers allegedly burned down Indonesian houses illegally built inside PNG territory.

Prior to this in a separate incident, 5 Indonesian fishermen illegally after highly prized and highly valued sea cucumber, which are protected from being harvested by a moratorium, reportedly went missing in PNG waters after PNGDF soldiers allegedly burned their boat.

According to an exclusive update, at the time from former PNGDF Commander Peter Ilau now the PNG Ambassador to Indonesia, the soldiers said they (the fishermen) were left standing on the beach watching their boat go up in flames.

In recent reports by Papua Daily (English version of Tabloid Jubi) published by West Papua Media (on the 18th & 19th of February), it was announced that the search for the five missing fishermen has been called off. It was further reported by Papua Daily that two sea cucumber catchers told that "they often heard rumors about ten ‘big bosses’ or leaders of the sea cucumber business giving five million rupiah to officers at the Merauke based naval station (Lantamal XI) for every hunting trip."

According to the Papua Daily report:

"Rumor has it that they also give two bags of sea cucumbers to Lantamal XI officers in Torasi Station after returning from each trip. “It is true that we heard rumors about the owners of sea cucumber business depositing five million rupiahs to Lantamal XI Merauke. But we are not sure as we are only the workers,” said one sea cucumber hunter."

Torasi station is understood to be where the Indonesians reportedly built an illegal military base in 2012 - reportedly 2-3 km's inside PNG Territory. We helped break the news on Social Media early last year, at the beginning of January, after former PNGDF Commander Jerry Singirok, Northern Province Governor Gary Juffa and Papua New Guinea Opposition Leader Hon
Belden Norman Namah expressed serious concern about the report of a base and jetty built by Indonesians at Torasi River, also known as the Bensbach, in Western Province.

There were reportedly up to 700 Indonesians at the base at Torasi River at the time. The current number of Indonesians reportedly ilegally inside PNG territory at Torasi River (Bensbach) is currently unknown but is likely to be much higher.

Due to the sensitivity of this latest alleged incident in which five Indonesian soldiers have reportedly been killed, we understand that the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill, the Minister of Defence, Dr Fabian Pok, any leader in government, new Brigadier General Gilbert Toropo, and any of the Defence Force hierarchy will not comment publicly at this stage to any media to either confirm or deny the latest alleged incident.

However attempts were made to independently verify and confirm the latest reports. The silence so far from certain people speaks volumes. A journalist, who established contact with the Manager of the Bensbach Lodge today, advised: "Not true, they were only lost."

The reported deaths of five Indonesian soldiers has still not been independently confirmed. It has not been confirmed exactly how the soldiers were killed and by whom and if in actual fact the soldiers were killed and did not get 'lost' in the jungle.
Illegal incursions by Indonesians into Western Province over the years is not unusual. According to one of the locals, the locals would "bash the indo's and confiscate their belongings".

Whether or not the latest report is true that five Indonesian soldiers have been killed and although we naturally do not want to cause any panic the fact is that people must be informed and be alert to the possibility that the unconfirmed report that "a battle is about to erupt there" at the border in Western Province is a very real possibility.

PNG be on alert!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Free Health Care for Papua New Guinea starts on Monday the 24th of February 2014

Mothers and their children waiting to get medical attention. starting Monday 
24th of  February 2012 all lower Level health facilities will provide medication for free

The Governments Free health care policy will be effective as of Monday 24th of February primary health care will be free all across the nation while specialist services will be subsidized by 50%.
This was the announcement made by Health Secretary Pascoe Kase at a press conference on Friday to formally roll out the long awaited policy.
“The free health care policy is now legal. After many months of work by the National Department of Health in write up and the process involved in getting the policy endorsed and approved by the National Executive Council it is now ready for implementation across the nation” Mr Kase told journalist and staff at the press conference
But he said that only the lower level facilities such as the Health Centers District, Level Hospitals and the Aid posts are free of charge while due to management levels specialist treatments like Intermediate and Major Operations as well as specialized tests example Biochemistry tests will be reduced to half.
“The Health system in Papua New Guinea is managed by different levels of the Government and if we have free health policy at all levels there will be a problem that’s why Specialist care by specialist doctors is reduced by half” Mr Kase said
He added that maternal and delivery services at all levels for women was free in all Government funded hospitals
“This is one of the main aims of this policy to have more mothers come to the health facilities we have one of the biggest number of Maternal Mortality in the world and two to three years from now we would like to reduce that or stop Maternal Mortality all together” Mr Kase said
He said health facilities would have no excuse to execute the policy because funding was approved by the Government last year for a roll out of K20 million to prepare for the gazettal for the policy
“In 2013 the Government had approved approximately K20 million and it has already been given to all health facilities to replace what they would have received from the patients” Mr Kase said
The break up is as follows K9 million for the 22 public hospitals K6 million for the Government run health facilities and K5 million for church run rural health facilities
He added that this year would also see a similar amount of K20 million to support the policy, he also added that research would be taken to appropriate for actual costs of running health facilities.
“We will be assessing costs of operating the health facilities for proper and appropriate figures that can be sustainable and put in a proper budget for funding” Mr Kase said
 He said the Department was also overseeing the rehabilitation of health facilities across the country, improvement in the management of drugs and medical supplies, human resource providing and agenda and their ongoing commitment and support for the churches
“In order for the policy to be effected fully, we need regular supplies of medicines, water must be running in the delivery rooms and there are nurses and doctors to serve patients when they seek medical attention” Mr Kase said

Water Purification to provide clean water in PNG

Diagram showing the process of purifying the water


A new project will soon be introduced in Papua New Guinea to help in providing clean and purified water for consumption.
Ela Motors through its Yamaha brand did a presentation on Friday at the crown plaza in Port Moresby to show their water filtration system the “Yamaha Clean Water Supply System” the presentation was to gain favor with representatives from various groups and the Government to partner in the project
The Yamaha clean water supply system is a water purifying system that uses a sand filtration method and can produce up to 8, 000 liters of water per day for drinking
Chief Operating officer of Ela Motors Takeshi Abe said the product was ideal for communities in the rural areas.
“The product is ideal to be set up at hospitals, schools and rural villages to help with clean drinking water and improve the standard of living through health education, reduce the labor load in clean water transportation, and promote self government and community development” Mr Abe said
Clean water group manager for the Yamaha motor company Tatsumi Muneyasu said the water project has already been a success in other countries and was a project that is for local ownership and participation.
“The project has already been established in Indonesia Vietnam Senegal and other countries and has good results it’s cost effective with 24 hour water supply and comes with a one year warranty and maintenance” Mr Muneyasu said
Takeshi Abe said the total estimated cost of the project to be set up in PNG would cost K250, 000 he also said that Proposals were welcome at Ela Motors Badli in Port Moresby for anyone interested the project in their area
“It would cost K250, 000 for the project as an estimated cost but if there is no power supply for the equipment we would need extra K250, 000 to set up a Solar System to power it” Mr Abe said
He added that the project would perform well in areas where there were rivers and lakes with no activity upstream like factories that could pollute the water causing problems to the filtration process

Thursday 20 February 2014

NFA changes Managing Directors

Left outgoing Managing Director Sylvester Pokajam receiving a gift from the new Managing Director John Kasu


Hailed as one who had taken the National Fisheries Authority to the level it is in now Sylvester Pokajam the outgoing Managing Director for the NFA will be replaced by John Kasu.
Pokajam had been with the Authority for 12years serving the first two as the Financial Controller and next 10 as the Managing Director
At a small hand over takeover ceremony at the NFA head office in Port Moresby Pokajam was fare welled.
Pokajam challenged all the NFA staff to keep the organisation at its peak and to drive it forward
“I’m very happy working here for the last 12 years and this organization must still exist we have to really commit to issues on Fisheries” Pokajam said
He   said the organization should not be left caught up in politics and must operate on its own terms with guidance from the Government and the Board
“The best way the organization will grow is if it should be left out of political indifferences” Pokajam said
He said he came to accept the decision of the government but he was also overwhelmed that the appointment was within NFA and extended his continued support to the Statutory Authority.
“It’s a decision of the government but I’m happy the appointment is within the organization and Kasu you know where I am I am just a phone call away if you need anything” Pokajam said
Kasu described Pokajam as a mentor and a leader who had helped the country in prominent benchmarks in fisheries.
“During his term a lot has been achieved by NFA and he has helped spearhead many significant initiatives both in and outside of the country which gives prominence to PNG as a significant global player in fisheries development and management including enabling increase involment and participation by PNG in benefits and returns derived from our own resources” Kasu said
Mr Kasu also commended Pokajam for his financial and management skills saying it would be a challenge for him and the management team.
 “Managing finance is a very vital aspect of any organization and it’s a challenge “Kasu said
Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Mao Zeming praised Pokajam for his role as Managing Director and said it was the choice of the Government because they believed in change and chose Mr Kasu on merit to replace him.
“Mr Pokajam on behalf of the government and NFA for your leadership putting us on the world map your leadership will be missed” Zeming said
“Government has made the decision because we believe in changes and this gives opportunity for another way forward Mr  Kasu was appointed on merit and he is  qualified  with a masters in fisheries” Zeming said

Bomana Passes out more Police Men and Women

                 The New Recruits marching during the passing out parade


223 new recruits from the Bomana Police College have passed out last week from their training at the Police College at Bomana after 26weeks of intensive constable training.
The recruits were trained in Basic Elements of Law, Police Procedures, Administration, Community Relations, Domestic Violence and physical skills which include self defense and weapon handling.
Commissioner of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary Toami Kulunga said the recruitment would be a plus and will also add to the Governments Medium Term Development goals 2011-2015.
“The Passing out parade of 178 males and 45 females represents our ongoing effort to meet the Governments target of 8000 regular members by 2015 and beyond as part of the Governments Medium Term Development Program” Commissioner Kulunga said
He challenged the pass outs to maintain their high level of discipline and Integrity as well to respect the citizens of the country.
“I therefore challenge you passing out today as you depart this college to maintain the high level of discipline and integrity imparted to you at this college and to be an instrument for change for the better in your police station, barracks and communities”
“Let me remind you that the uniform you wear is a symbol of law, order and peace. It must be a uniform that encourages trust and respect, and should not be feared by law abiding citizens who make up the majority of our communities” Commissioner Kulunga said
He also encouraged the support of the family and friends toward the Probationary Constables in their choice of field.
 “To the family and friends of the pass outs thank you for supporting your sons and daughters decision to join the police service and I ask that you continue to support and influence them to make the right decisions” Commissioner Kulunga said
 The Probationary Constables were part of eight squads that passed out with individual Dux awards given to outstanding members of each squad and also a male and female category award for excellence in physical fitness.
with two Bougainville Cadets both males getting dux in their squads

City Pharmacy Limited Chairman gives to help children read

Children from Tatana reading the books from the library of the Buk Bilong Pikinini at Tatana Village


Out of his generosity and good will CPL Group Chairman Mahesh Patel has donated a cheque of K60,000 to help fight against illiteracy in Papua New Guinea.
At a small ceremony on Monday at Tatana Village in the Nation’s Capital the nonprofit organization Buk bilong pikinin received a much needed boost in their roll out program to provide books and a library to children to read.
“Without your support things won’t be a breeze the cheque will help in staffing and maintenance of the library” said Joanne Grenenger Executive Director for Buk bilong Pikinini
It was the second donation from Mr Patel with the same amount and he said it was personal bringing along his wife as well to the occasion
Last year, the Chairman donated K60, 000 to the Buk Bilong Pikinini for the running costs of the library
“I got married here in PNG 30years ago and Its personal and it’s not going to stop it brings fond memories of my children when they were in school back than just like this how these children are now” Mr Patel said
The funding is coming from his board fees as Board Chairman of Telikom PNG, Mr. Patel receives Board fees which he was generous enough to donate every toea of it the Buk Bilong Pikinini at Tatana Island last year and again on Monday.  He hopes the donation will help benefit and improve the lives of the children and community as a whole on the island.
Grenenger Executive Director for Buk bilong Pikinini said the organization was nonprofit and it depended on generous people such as Mr Patel.

1 Dead 77 Injured in Asylum Processing Center

Asylum Seekers within the Processing Center on Manus Island looking out to the public


One person is dead and 77 others are left injured after a protest turned nasty at the offshore asylum processing center on Manus Island.

Speaking on a live press conference yesterday on Australian Broadcasting Network (ABC 24 News Channel) Australian Foreign Minister Scott Morrison said the protests started at 9: 45 pm and tensions rose thereafter.

“The protests started on the 17th at Oscar Compound with 50 to 70 transferees protesting in relation to transferees detained in the previous night at the Lorengau Police station” Morrison said

He said the demonstration ended but tensions were high as the transferees threatened further action if the arrested were not released

“The demonstration started again at 9:45 pm with the transferees pulling down internal fences between the compounds and moved on pulling the fence beside the road and moving outside” Mr Morrison added

 He said that G4S were forced to take action driving back the transferees with shields trying to contain the situation.

“At around 12:00am the G4S withdrew and Police took over and calmed the situation at around 2am” Mr Morrison said

Mr Morrison added that 100 extra security personnel were on standby to join the 130 that were deployed on the 1st to the 3rd this month to beef up security.

He also added that PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neil had contacted his Australian counterpart Tony Abott and confirmed their on-going support of the offshore resettlement in PNG.

“I will be sending my Secretary to PNG to meet with the government and Prime Minister Peter O’Neil” Mr Morrison added

He said rumors that the processing center was infiltrated by outsiders were not true and the PNG police were still to investigate.

Morrison cleared any speculation of the involvement by G4S and the Royal Papua New Guinean Constabulary till further investigation.
“It is reported that 2 shots were fired but not toward any individuals and there is no suggestion to my knowledge that the incident had anything to do with G4S staff”

“Police investigations are matters of the PNG government as the Prime Minister Peter O’Neil has made clear and as appropriate because these things happened within their jurisdictions” Mr Morrison said

 He said the safety of the transferees were guaranteed but if only they remain in the perimeter of their jurisdiction

“I can guarantee their safety if they remain in the perimeters and act cooperatively towards those who are trying to provide support and accommodation”

“When people engage in violent acts and in destructive behaviors, and go outside the fence well they will be subjected to law enforcement as applies in PNG”

  “But if they cooperate and conduct themselves appropriately in the center yes I can”

The Autonomous Bougainville Government Do not Support BVK

    The K100 in Bougainville Kina which is said to be legal tender by Noah Musingku

By Anthony Kaybing

The Autonomous Bougainville Government will not sanction the use of the so called Bougainville Kina (BVK) nor does it recognize it as legal tender in Bougainville.
The ABG’s Minister for Finance Albert Punghau made this statement following the apprehension of an American national at the Jackson’s Airport with a brief case filled with the phony currency amounting to BVK1.6 last week.
The currency is sponsored by illusive money scam boss and self-proclaimed king Noah Misingku’s U-Vistract organization under itssubsidiary the International Bank of Mekamui.
Mr Punghau said the ABG does not and will not condone the actions of the Mekamui Faction headed by U-Vistract.
“Bougainville is still under the jurisdiction of the PNG Government and the BVK is in breach of the country’s laws and monetary policies” Mr Punghau said.
 He said that despite Bougainville’s autonomous arrangement, under the Bougainville Peace Agreement Bougainville cannot have its own currency and must still use the PNG Kina as legal tender.
With reports of the BVK already in circulation in parts of South Bougainville, Mr Punghau made it clear that the currency has no value as it is not recognized by the ABG and PNG Government.
He explained that in any country only a Central Bank has the authority to mint a country’s currency under the backing of their Governments.
Mr Punghau further explained that until such time as Bougainvilleans decide to become independent through the referendum then can Bougainville be granted the right to mint its own currency and formulate its own monetary policies.
“Right now the legal tender in Bougainville is the PNG Kina and nothing else,” he said.
He said Bougainvilleans who are using the BVK must refrain from doing so as business houses in Bougainville will not accept it following the advice of the PNG Central Bank that denounced the use of the currency last year.
He added that in the case of the American national, Barry Keith would face the full brunt of PNG’s migratory laws as well as having to face other charges on violating the country’s monetary policies.
Reports from sources within Noah Misingku’s camp in Tonu, South Bougainville say that U-Vistract has distanced itself from the scandal saying they were unaware of Mr Keith’s illegal entry into the country.