Thursday 20 February 2014

NFA changes Managing Directors

Left outgoing Managing Director Sylvester Pokajam receiving a gift from the new Managing Director John Kasu


Hailed as one who had taken the National Fisheries Authority to the level it is in now Sylvester Pokajam the outgoing Managing Director for the NFA will be replaced by John Kasu.
Pokajam had been with the Authority for 12years serving the first two as the Financial Controller and next 10 as the Managing Director
At a small hand over takeover ceremony at the NFA head office in Port Moresby Pokajam was fare welled.
Pokajam challenged all the NFA staff to keep the organisation at its peak and to drive it forward
“I’m very happy working here for the last 12 years and this organization must still exist we have to really commit to issues on Fisheries” Pokajam said
He   said the organization should not be left caught up in politics and must operate on its own terms with guidance from the Government and the Board
“The best way the organization will grow is if it should be left out of political indifferences” Pokajam said
He said he came to accept the decision of the government but he was also overwhelmed that the appointment was within NFA and extended his continued support to the Statutory Authority.
“It’s a decision of the government but I’m happy the appointment is within the organization and Kasu you know where I am I am just a phone call away if you need anything” Pokajam said
Kasu described Pokajam as a mentor and a leader who had helped the country in prominent benchmarks in fisheries.
“During his term a lot has been achieved by NFA and he has helped spearhead many significant initiatives both in and outside of the country which gives prominence to PNG as a significant global player in fisheries development and management including enabling increase involment and participation by PNG in benefits and returns derived from our own resources” Kasu said
Mr Kasu also commended Pokajam for his financial and management skills saying it would be a challenge for him and the management team.
 “Managing finance is a very vital aspect of any organization and it’s a challenge “Kasu said
Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Mao Zeming praised Pokajam for his role as Managing Director and said it was the choice of the Government because they believed in change and chose Mr Kasu on merit to replace him.
“Mr Pokajam on behalf of the government and NFA for your leadership putting us on the world map your leadership will be missed” Zeming said
“Government has made the decision because we believe in changes and this gives opportunity for another way forward Mr  Kasu was appointed on merit and he is  qualified  with a masters in fisheries” Zeming said

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