Tuesday 25 February 2014

Two Royal Australian Naval vessels to conduct hydrographical survey in Bougainville waters

 one of the Navy Vessels HMAS Benalla which will be coming to Bougainville on Friday

Source:  Media Statement by ABG 

Two Royal Australian Naval vessels, HMAS Benalla and HMAS Sherpparton are scheduled to arrive in Bougainville on the 28th of this month and this is no cause of concern for Bougainvilleans.

The purpose of the visit is to conduct a hydrographical survey of the waters between Buka Island and Torokina in South-west Bougainville.

Autonomous Bougainville Government Acting President Patrick Nisira says the presence of the two vessels is part of a major exercise by the Australian Government to dispose of unexploded bombs and ammunitions from World War II.

“The Australian Government’s assistance is in response to the ABG’s request from March 2013 to see to the complete disposal from these ordinances,” Mr Nisira said.

Consultations between ABG, the Papua New Guinea and Australian Governments in June last year resulted in the commencement of Operation Render Safe in October of the same year with the Australian Defence Force doing an aerial survey of the charted waters.
A team from the ADF has already visited the site last year to establish logistics and support requirements for the operation.

The Australian Navy’s visit will be the third phase of the preliminary preparations leading to the actual removal and disposal of unexploded ordinances which will begin in October of this year.
Mr Nisira says the ships will a feature of Operation Render Safe to move supplies, equipment and personnel between Buka and Torokina that is why it is important to carry out the hydrographical survey to ensure the safe navigation of the vessels.

HMAS Benalla and Sherpparton will chart the depths of the water, mark any obstructions and determine suitable anchorage points for ships involved in the operation.

The survey will also include examining the beach at Torokina to decide the best way to move equipment from the ships to onshore locations to strategic points of the operation.

“The data gathered from this survey will be shared with the PNG National Maritime Safety Authority and the ABG to provide accurate charts of our waters and ensure the safety of passenger and cargo vessels sailing these waters,” Mr Nisira said.

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