Tuesday 25 February 2014

Western Students get funding for tuition

Governor for Western Ati Wobiro (right) with cheque in hand surrounded by students from Western..Picture by David Kare


The Fly River Provincial Government of Western in line with their development of human resource has paid the tutation fees of   students from Western at the University of Papua New Guinea.
Governor for Western Ati Wobiro on Monday presented a cheque worth K843, 024 to the University to pay tutation fees of 145 students from the province.
He said 61 students at the main campus will receive K477, 704.00, 24 Medical Faculty students K208, 320.00, and 60 students at the Open campus will receive K157, 000.00
Mr Wobiro said that the funding was to help build the human resource of the province and bring forth change and development.
“The only way forward for all provinces is to develop its human resources, I believe this and that’s why we continue to fund such initiatives, and for you students we want the best from you, don’t be just another student be the best you can be in this institution” Wobiro said
He told the students to see the funding as a way to improve and capitalize on their efforts and to keep away from too much socializing
“stop  socializing and start  spending this money to  help turn around the  province, the future  of  Western is  on your  shoulders, you are not  here for yourself, the whole tribe of western is on your  shoulders, be disciplined attend classes and do well  in your  assessment” Wobiro said
Representative of Western students Meduwa Baku said it was the first time for any Governor of the province to help with the full tuition of the students and expressed much gratitude.
“we sincerely appreciate the full sponsorship since politics no Governor has supported us fully until this time, 50% of the students here, their parents don’t take part in commercial activities to earn income and this has taken one of the burdens off them” Baku said
The Fly River Provincial Governor will also pay tuition for all other Western students attending all other colleges and tertiary institutions across the country once they get an updated list.

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