Thursday 20 February 2014

City Pharmacy Limited Chairman gives to help children read

Children from Tatana reading the books from the library of the Buk Bilong Pikinini at Tatana Village


Out of his generosity and good will CPL Group Chairman Mahesh Patel has donated a cheque of K60,000 to help fight against illiteracy in Papua New Guinea.
At a small ceremony on Monday at Tatana Village in the Nation’s Capital the nonprofit organization Buk bilong pikinin received a much needed boost in their roll out program to provide books and a library to children to read.
“Without your support things won’t be a breeze the cheque will help in staffing and maintenance of the library” said Joanne Grenenger Executive Director for Buk bilong Pikinini
It was the second donation from Mr Patel with the same amount and he said it was personal bringing along his wife as well to the occasion
Last year, the Chairman donated K60, 000 to the Buk Bilong Pikinini for the running costs of the library
“I got married here in PNG 30years ago and Its personal and it’s not going to stop it brings fond memories of my children when they were in school back than just like this how these children are now” Mr Patel said
The funding is coming from his board fees as Board Chairman of Telikom PNG, Mr. Patel receives Board fees which he was generous enough to donate every toea of it the Buk Bilong Pikinini at Tatana Island last year and again on Monday.  He hopes the donation will help benefit and improve the lives of the children and community as a whole on the island.
Grenenger Executive Director for Buk bilong Pikinini said the organization was nonprofit and it depended on generous people such as Mr Patel.

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