Thursday 20 February 2014

1 Dead 77 Injured in Asylum Processing Center

Asylum Seekers within the Processing Center on Manus Island looking out to the public


One person is dead and 77 others are left injured after a protest turned nasty at the offshore asylum processing center on Manus Island.

Speaking on a live press conference yesterday on Australian Broadcasting Network (ABC 24 News Channel) Australian Foreign Minister Scott Morrison said the protests started at 9: 45 pm and tensions rose thereafter.

“The protests started on the 17th at Oscar Compound with 50 to 70 transferees protesting in relation to transferees detained in the previous night at the Lorengau Police station” Morrison said

He said the demonstration ended but tensions were high as the transferees threatened further action if the arrested were not released

“The demonstration started again at 9:45 pm with the transferees pulling down internal fences between the compounds and moved on pulling the fence beside the road and moving outside” Mr Morrison added

 He said that G4S were forced to take action driving back the transferees with shields trying to contain the situation.

“At around 12:00am the G4S withdrew and Police took over and calmed the situation at around 2am” Mr Morrison said

Mr Morrison added that 100 extra security personnel were on standby to join the 130 that were deployed on the 1st to the 3rd this month to beef up security.

He also added that PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neil had contacted his Australian counterpart Tony Abott and confirmed their on-going support of the offshore resettlement in PNG.

“I will be sending my Secretary to PNG to meet with the government and Prime Minister Peter O’Neil” Mr Morrison added

He said rumors that the processing center was infiltrated by outsiders were not true and the PNG police were still to investigate.

Morrison cleared any speculation of the involvement by G4S and the Royal Papua New Guinean Constabulary till further investigation.
“It is reported that 2 shots were fired but not toward any individuals and there is no suggestion to my knowledge that the incident had anything to do with G4S staff”

“Police investigations are matters of the PNG government as the Prime Minister Peter O’Neil has made clear and as appropriate because these things happened within their jurisdictions” Mr Morrison said

 He said the safety of the transferees were guaranteed but if only they remain in the perimeter of their jurisdiction

“I can guarantee their safety if they remain in the perimeters and act cooperatively towards those who are trying to provide support and accommodation”

“When people engage in violent acts and in destructive behaviors, and go outside the fence well they will be subjected to law enforcement as applies in PNG”

  “But if they cooperate and conduct themselves appropriately in the center yes I can”

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