Friday 13 January 2017

Four Academy players make the cut (Post Courier 06/01/17)

from left Joseph Mocke, Thompson Yakima, Muka Peter Kula and Aidan Aruasa from the Hunters Academy.


SP PNG Hunters Coach Michael Marum has included four academy players to train with the SP PNG Hunters hoping that the experience can lead to bigger opportunities.

Aidan Aruasa and Muka Peter Kula are from the Southern Academy, Joseph Mocke is from the Northern Academy, and Thompson Yakima is from the Highlands Academy, they are the final four that made the cut in the Hunters Academy.

Marum said the four players will be released and will be playing in a Digicel Cup franchise team to gain some big experience.

Marum hopes that the experience can help improve their game and make a path way for them back into the Hunters.

“The four players will continue to train with the Hunters and hopefully this experience will guide them into bigger things, hopefully in the next two or three years these four players will be in the Hunters side,” Marum said.

The four players had much to say after the training but complimented their efforts in coming this far, after going through one of the most grueling three weeks pre season training.

Aidan Arusa said it was very tough training schedule and an experience that will greatly help them in their future games

“It was very hard and grueling but a great experience for us all, it’s good to be here we are glad we came this far,” Arua said

Joseph Mocke said they were grateful to make the cut and get the opportunity to train with the hunters.

“We the final four had the same aspirations to make the cut, and with this training I will go back to my team and play extra hard,” Mocke said

Albert Brothers ready for Hunters season (Post Courier 06/01/17)

Wellington Albert

The Albert Brothers Stanton and Wellington Albert are two players that will be helping the Hunters gain much momentum in the forwards this year.

With their exposure and training in Australia with the Penrith Panthers the brothers are a plus for the Hunters in the Intrust Super Cup seasons in 2017.

Albert had two shoulder injuries that minimized his game time during his stay in Australia but is looking to use the experience he gained from the Penrith Panthers to get a step higher in the Hunters team.

“I have had three years of National Rugby League (NRL) experience despite having not played an NRL game, but I have had the chance to train with the elites in the game.

“I had two major shoulder injuries to both my shoulders but I had the best treatment in Australia and I am fit and ready to get back to playing for the hunters,” Wellington Albert said

Stanton is also happy about returning to the Hunters and shared the same sentiments with his brother, as they both look forward to making an impact in the team.
Stanton Albert

“It was awesome being with my brother and gaining much experience in Australia but it is also a good feeling coming back to PNG, and I am happy and feeling confident we can make it to the finals this year,” Stanton Albert said

Wellington who stands at 193cm and weighs about 113kg is billed as a Prop and a winger as well and says he is able and willing to play any position.

“I am ready to play and I can play lock, Front Row, Second Row or even the Wing,” Wellington said

Eliab looking forward to the season (Post Courier 06/01/17)

 Israel Eliab (Red Shorts) during training.


Inaugural SP PNG Hunters Captain Israel Eliab is happy with his return to the Hunters as he anticipates a strong performance this year.

He was hard at training with the Hunters yesterday, and looked to have put on some weight, but he is raring at the opportunity and proved himself to be in the final 29 man squad.

Eliab said it was great to be back, he made a choice to leave the country and get some exposure overseas and was glad he made that choice, and is pleased that he learned a few things that he can pass on to the team.

“I had an offer to go overseas and I took that offer to get some experience and come back to PNG and improve my game and rugby in PNG.

“It’s an awesome feeling to get back from the London Broncos I missed the team very much going away playing with other players overseas, but I still followed the team and their progress last year and they didn’t do that well towards the end of the season,” Eliab said

He said it was a tough pre season training which he described as one of the toughest in his rugby league career so far.

“I can say this is one of the hardest pre season training in my rugby league career coming into training and just going straight into training doing a six Kilometer on the first day and the next was really tough for me,” Eliab said

He was the number six five-eight during his tenure with the Hunters but right now Eliab is looking more at a utility position in the team something he had been use too in his time at the London Broncos last year.

“I really didn’t get to play much five-eight in the London Broncos I was more a utility in the team last year but I will be flexible with it I can play in the Center and the Lock if needed,” Eliab said

His focus for a comeback to team Kumul hasn’t changed but is set to take his game one match at a time.

“I will be taking the game one match at a time, I am looking forward to our first trial match against the Northern Pride on Saturday February 18 and after that look forward to the normal season and look to make the finals as well, and hopefully make the world cup,” Eliab said

Michael Marum names final 29 for the Hunters 2017 season (Post Courier 6/01/17)

The SP PNG Hunters having a water break during their training


The SP PNG Hunters have finalized their final 29 man squad after a grueling three week pre-season training.

Hunters coach Michael Marum made the announcement last week Thursday following their training session at the National Football Stadium in Port Moresby.

The make-up see’s 14 players from last season retained, nine new players brought in and six among the returning players from the 2015 season.

The 14 retained are Adex Wera, Ase Boas, Bland Abavu, Buttler Morris, Edward Goma, Enoch Maki, Esau Siune, Henry Wan, Ismael Balkawa, Silas Gahuna, Stargroth Amean, Wartovo Puara Jr, Watson Boas and William Aquila.

The new inclusions are Anderson Benford, Radley Bawa, Eddie Dafa, Junior Rop, Karo Kauna Jnr, Moses Meninga, Nixon Put, Wawa Paul and Wellington Albert.

Making their return after not being part of the squad last season are inaugural skipper Israel Eliab (Izzy), backrower David Loko, utility Lawrence Tu’u, dynamic Noel Joel, Stanton Albert and the Wapenemanda ‘Mac Truck’ Willie Minoga.

“The PNG RFL Board through Chairman Sandis Tsaka and Hunters Chairman Graham Osborne has endorsed the 29 man squad to take part in this year’s Intrust Super Cup season,” Marum said.

He added that it was a hectic three weeks as the hopefuls had been crammed into a tight training schedule which was supposed to be for six weeks.

“We had a few setbacks with the FIFA U20 World Cup and we started five weeks late but we managed to squeeze q six week programs into three weeks with the fitness test on Wednesday.

“We have included nine new players from the Digicel Cup and they are some good raw talent but we still have some work to do on them,”

He added that he did not terminate any players from the previous season rather he has set them the challenge to get back into the Digicel Cup and work hard to get back.

“I said to the team on Wednesday I am not terminating anyone in the team I only release players because of their personal commitment and other issues that they should sort before thinking about making a come-back,” he added.

Marum lastly clarified that he never terminated players.

“If there are reports of that, then it is not true,” Marum added.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Tsaka clarifies Womens team selection (Post Courier 05/01/17)

left PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka, Horta Boskey (NGI Confederate Director, Russ Kaupa (Northern Confederate Director), Chairman of SP PNG Hunters Graham Osborne, Gwaibo Mari (Southern Confederate Director), new CEO of the PNGRFL Reatau Rau and Joe Tokam (Highlands Confederate Director).


Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League chairman Sandis Taska has clarified the process for the selection of the National Women’s rugby league

Taska said at the moment there is no women’s team because the team is selected in the National Championships when all teams from each confederate assemble their best players.

He added that to get the Women’s National team prepared for the World Cup this year the players would be on development programs like high performance training but would continue on with their respective competitions.

“We don’t select a team and get them into camp for a long period of time we have competitions running we do high performance training and clinics we identify potential players and bring them into camps but they go back and play in their normal competitions.

“Selections are made at the confederate championships where all the best players from the confederates come together for the trials.

“So our national team is selected at the national championships if you are part of high performance training and elite training camps doesn’t ensure a place in the team,” Taska said

Taska mentioned that since the inception of the current PNGRFL Board three years ago they have seen the growth of Woman in rugby league in Papua New Guinea.

“Women’s competition has been played through proper competition since this board came into place prior to that it was ad hock competitions been played.

“I n the past three years we have seen the progressive evolution of the game and the development of the skills and talents of our female athletes through coach Michale Marum and the Hunters program have brought together the identified elite women of the game to train with the Hunters in the Camp in Moresby and the camp in Goroka we have been doing that to improve their level of skills we have women playing in 44 leagues in the country which have women divisions so the standard is there,” Taska said

Taska said the inclusion of overseas players was on the cards which will see a mixture of Papua New Guinea based and overseas based players.

“Once the national team is appointed we are also looking into getting our top Papua New Guinean Women playing overseas especially in Queensland where we have a group of young ladies so how we merge the teams from the local leagues and from overseas is something the new coach will have to take up so we need to appoint a quickly so we can roll out the program of brining our best talent together and putting a team together that can win the world cup which I know we can do,” Taska said

Papua New Guinea Rugby League has a pathway (Post Courier 05/01/17)

Local Rugby League action at the Provincial Level 

A Three year strategic plan put in place by the current Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) will ensure a good outcome for rugby league in PNG.

PNGRFL board chairman Sandis Tsaka said the PNGRFL board has put in place programs that identifies players from Under six through to the elite programs.

“The board has put in a three year strategic plan and we came up with the competition structure in place, meaning that for the first time rugby league instead of being played on ad hock basis we have a development of the game from the Under six to the elite Kumul and is structured as a six tier program.

“We have programs in place that identify children at the age of six to the elite program we have the program Under six to the Under 13 program that’s run in partnership with the Australian National Rugby League that’s tier one than we have the school boys competition Under 14 to 18 which is the tier two which is also known as the School Boys program.

“ After that we have the affiliate leagues we have 49 affiliate leagues throughout the country which are under tier three following that we have the Digicel Cup competition the tier four and then we

have the Hunters program the tier five and then we have the team Kumul program the Tier six,” Tsaka said

He added that with that structure in place we have a good choice of talent going into the World Cup.

“Starting from our domestic path way through to the hunters and with the international pool of talent that we have produced when this board was in power for the last three years, I think we are more ready than we have ever been in the last 40 years.

“And I can tell you with confidence the pool of players we have in PNG through the hunters program and internationally are of a better and higher quality than we have before this board came into place three years ago,” Tsaka said

PNGRFL to stage AGM (Post Courier 05/01/17)

Board chairman Sandis Tsaka

THE Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League will stage its election Annual General Meeting (AGM) on February 25.

Board chairman Sandis Tsaka said that the current board’s time has lapsed and the AGM will be to elect new board members.

“The current board’s term lapsed in 2016.

“The venue and proper notices and requirements for the AGM will go out by the 27thof January.

Tsaka added that the current board has enjoyed much success with the growth of Women’s rugby league and the introduction of the Hunters program to name a few.

“We have the Hunters program which has opened up a new dimension of professional sport.

“It means we have the opportunity to export more players to the NRL and to overseas…giving us a wider pool of talent that Papua New Guinea never had access to,” Tsaka said.

He further said the Government and Corporate sponsorship given to the hunters is money well spent.

The board had made good use of it through the structuring of programs and pathways from the U-6 right through to the Hunters and the elite team Kumul program.

“All the programs feed into themselves and that’s a commitment made by this board in the last three years.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day but the structures we have put in place goes well with the future of this sport.

“We also have engaged Ernst & Young, an international reputable firm to audit our books,” he said.

PNGRFL Board happy with appointment (Post Courier 04/01/17)

left Chairman of SP PNG Hunters and board Director of the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) Graham Osborne and PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka


Chairman of SP PNG Hunters and board Director of the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) Graham Osborne has praised the appointment of Reatau Rau as the new CEO.

Osborne who was part of the Sub-Committee that interviewed the final five applicants said he was happy Rau met all the criteria for recruitment. 

He added that Rau was a national that met the criteria’s and his qualifications and character were quite scarce.

“It was a fair and official matter and I thank Vanguard International who was a big part of the process, the expatriates were of very high quality and took a lot of thinking and a lot of soul searching to see where we were going to go.

“But I think deep down we always knew it was time for a Papua New Guinean, it was time to bring someone with credibility who had one job for 32 years a leader in his Vabukori village and a person who loves rugby league for me those qualities don’t come along every five minutes.

“And with all due respect to the two previous gentleman which we had two expatriates now it’s time go back home and for me very proud that Reatau got the job me and the other directors of the board a very proud as well and he said after he was confirmed that we will help him through the year and,” Osborne said 

PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka said Papua New Guinea had finally gotten a CEO with high professional ethic and knowledge of rugby league in PNG.

“We finally have a professional Papua New Guinean who’s not only a professional but will take the sport to the next level.

“He brings with him a lot of credibility and integrity, professional experience and knowledge of the sport and that was important to us going into the World Cup year that we had somebody who knew the particularities of playing rugby league in a Papua New Guinea environment infect we have the right mix of professional experience that is needed to provide the strategic direction but also has knowledge of the local game those were the right traits,” Tsaka said

Rau said his appointment came at a turning point in his life and also when his passion for rugby league was strong

“Everyone has a turning point in life and for me I am looking for new challenges I have got so much passion for rugby league I can bring a lot more business and corporate perspective into the game through my experience in my former employer of 32 years,” Rau said

Coach for Raggianas to be advertised (Post Courier 04/01/17)

Action in Womens Game between Southern Stars in Blue against Hohola Flies in Red Jersey during the NCD Governors Cup
Picture by Kevin Teme


Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League Chairman Sandis Tsaka says there will be an advert put out this month to find a coach for the National Womens Rugby League team PNG Raggianas.

Taska made this known to the media on Friday after the appointment of the new PNGRFL CEO Reatau Rau.

He said with the Raggianas set to take part in the Women’s Rugby League world cup this year the need for a coach to head the development programs for the women’s team needed to be put out of the way.

“There will be a public call out for applications for the National Women’s Coach as we are all aware our national women’s team will be participating in the rugby league World Cup this year.

“And to go forward to start the screening process talent identification and player development pathway for our elite women in the country we will be calling out for applications.

“The recruitment of the National Women’s coach will be one of the first assignments of the New CEO, adverts will be going out for the position and hopefully we can appoint one before the end of February to take up the position of the National Women’s Coach,” Taska said

He added that the coach will be appointed on merit whether it be male or female according to his resume and qualifications.

“PNGRFL is an equal gender employer we don’t discriminate gender for the women’s coach there are men who coach both men and women in the sport of rugby league but depending on their skills set and their requirements we will select the best coach that’s why we are asking for applications their resume will tell us who they are and we will pick the right coach,” Taska said

He added that the coach would be made known once all final interviews and others are processes are made.

“The result will be made known after the 21st of February, so the coach can be ready to run the programs required all his other support staff will be appointed once the national team is named later in the year,” Taska said

PNGRFL Board happy with appointment (Post Courier 04/01/17)

Left Chairman of SP PNG Hunters and board Director of the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League and PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka


Chairman of SP PNG Hunters and board Director of the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) Graham Osborne has praised the appointment of Reatau Rau as the new CEO.

Osborne who was part of the Sub-Committee that interviewed the final five applicants said he was happy Rau met all the criteria for recruitment.

He added that Rau was a national that met the criteria’s and his qualifications and character were quite scarce.

“It was a fair and official matter and I thank Vanguard International who was a big part of the process, the expatriates were of very high quality and took a lot of thinking and a lot of soul searching to see where we were going to go.

“But I think deep down we always knew it was time for a Papua New Guinean, it was time to bring someone with credibility who had one job for 32 years a leader in his Vabukori village and a person who loves rugby league for me those qualities don’t come along every five minutes.

“And with all due respect to the two previous gentleman which we had two expatriates now it’s time go back home and for me very proud that Reatau got the job me and the other directors of the board a very proud as well and he said after he was confirmed that we will help him through the year and,” Osborne said 

PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka said Papua New Guinea had finally gotten a CEO with high professional ethic and knowledge of rugby league in PNG.

“We finally have a professional Papua New Guinean who’s not only a professional but will take the sport to the next level.

“He brings with him a lot of credibility and integrity, professional experience and knowledge of the sport and that was important to us going into the World Cup year that we had somebody who knew the particularities of playing rugby league in a Papua New Guinea environment infect we have the right mix of professional experience that is needed to provide the strategic direction but also has knowledge of the local game those were the right traits,” Tsaka said

Rau said his appointment came at a turning point in his life and also when his passion for rugby league was strong

“Everyone has a turning point in life and for me I am looking for new challenges I have got so much passion for rugby league I can bring a lot more business and corporate perspective into the game through my experience in my former employer of 32 years,” Rau said

Rau to commercialize Rugby League (Post Courier 03/01/17)

The Team Kumul Logo above and below
the SP Hunters Logo

Reatau Rau the new Chief Executive Officer of the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League has set his task out to bring in income from the two biggest brands in rugby league in PNG.

He said one of his first tasks as CEO of PNGRFL is too help promote the two brands which are the SP PNG Hunters and the national team the Kumuls.

“One of the first things I will be concentrating on will be the two key powerful brands that we have, we have the SP PNG Hunters and Team Kumuls and they are very powerful brands.

He said the game needs to sustain itself apart from the funding from the National Government and Corporate Sponsorship.

“The other thing is the business side of things I think we are very lucky with Government support and corporate support but the game needs to sustain itself.

“And I am hoping to bring on board as a proposal to commercialize the game the business side of it and let the game run its own money.

“We need to look into merchandising we need to look into the membership aspirations to look at all the other aspects of this hopefully in the next couple of months we bring in some commercial experience people and once board approves it we go from there,” Rau said.

Rau also mentioned that he wanted to see the current culture of rugby league move forward from the top right down to the grassroots level.

“The culture we want to build, the Kumuls culture and Hunters culture everything goes to the roots of the game down on the ground and that’s not only including just the players but the Governance areas coaching and referees all others must align with the current standard set right now,” Rau said

He also made mention of the plan to bring the local competitions on par with the development programs that PNGRFL has planned.

“I like to revisit a plan with the board to go back to the local leagues and confederates that’s where the masses are and listen to them and bring their aspirations to align with the PNGRFLs plan and bring them on par with the development programs we have,” Rau said

Rau is aged 52 and hails from Vabukori Village in National Capital District and is a accountant by profession he was the General Manager of Turumu Investments Part of the Brain Bell Group of Companies and has worked with his employers Brian Bell for 32 years before being appointed as PNGRFL CEO

He was also the treasurer for PNGRFL and PNGNRL before his appointment as CEO.

Reatau Rau, the new CEO of the PNG Rugby Football League (Post Courier 03/01/17)

left PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Taska and newly appointed PNGRFL CEO Reatau Rau


After 25 applications to Vanguard International from 17 expatriates and eight Papua New Guineans, Reatau Rau Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) and Papua New Guinea National Rugby League (PNGNRL) Treasurer was appointed CEO of PNGRFL.

Rau was one of the final five applicants (three expatriates and two nationals) put forth to the selection sub-committee tasked by the PNGRFL Board and HR recruitment firm Vanguard International to screen and interview.

Chairman of PNGRFL made the announcement on Friday after the final board meeting of year 2016 on Thursday.

He said Rau’s appointment was unanimously endorsed by the PGRFL Board after it was recommended by the selection committee.

“We made the announcement in the final board meeting on Thursday and his appointment is effective immediately.

“The subcommittee has made their interviews of the five finalists and made their recommendations this week before the last board meeting on Thursday last week and we have made the endorsement of Reatau Rau as CEO of PNGRFL,” PNGRFL chairmanSandis Tsaka said

Taska said Rea was a professional with high level management experience and a long service to rugby league.

“Reatau is an Accountant by profession and brings with him over 32 years of professional and high level management experience and over 20 years of involvement in rugby league administration and management at all levels,

“Mr Rau is the Treasurer of PNGRFL and PNGNRL Mr Rau not only has the professional qualifications but is a Papua New Guinean leader of high integrity and importantly has the knowledge of the game which is important for the sport s we go into our World Cup preparations this year and commence our other domestic and international programs the PNGRFL has the confidence in Rau to provide the strategic leadership and management required to improve the sport and its management on and off the field,” Taksa said

Rau thanked the subcommittee and Vanguard for their screening and their recommendations and said he sent his letter of resignation to start immediately with his new position.

“It will be an interesting journey and I will be looking forward to the challenge, I have been part and partial of the team as treasurer and also in charge of the finance and audit committee of the PNGRFL.

“There was a lot of quality candidates from PNG and overseas and I am happy that the PNGRFL board has the faith in me we have the world cup this year and the hunters 4th year and other programs to concentrate on this year,” Rau said

Erima Wanderers win NCD Governors Rugby league Cup (Post Courier 3/01/17)


The NCD Governors Cup ended yesterday with Erima Wanderers clinching their cup victory to claim K10, 000 in cash after defeating Ex Rocks on January 2nd.

It was with much anticipation the crowd turned up at the Kone Tigers oval in NCD to witness the Cup plate, bowl and women’s final.

The Christmas cup that was supposed to end on New Year’s Eve dragged on to the New Year after heavy rain caused anxiety during the semi finals.

Erima Wonders and Ex Rocks battled the Cup finals in much passion with the teams only given 25 minutes each half for the Cup final.

Both teams had much to prove with the Wanderers using their forwards Tom Manga and Otty John to run at the Rocks defense but the Rocks held solid in their defense and countered their attack through five-eight Mark Tonny.

Rocks managed to pull some good turn over’s after the Wanderers caused a lot of errors earlier on and managed to run their set plays before Rocks captain Gena Samuel crossed over for their first try.

But their conversion wasn’t successful and left them at a 4-0 lead, after heated first quarter of the first half the Wanderers managed to muscle their way into Ex Rocks territory and produced a try to dummy half Nelson Isaro, and after the conversion it was 6-0 in favor of the Wanderers.

Both teams battled hard in the second half but both failed to score again leaving the win to the Erima Wanderers.

Tournament director of the 2016 Governor’s Cup Sengelo Skonga said the tournament went well and grievances were put through to the judiciary committee which handled the decisions.

“We have people on the ground like the judiciary committee and we have worked with the issues and have run the competition well, from the past Governors Cups since 2008 we have changed a lot we are based on a vision that we value the people playing in the tournament and not about the money.

“This initiative is from the Governor’s office and I urge other Governors to take this on board to give something back to the people by hosting this type of Governors Cup in the festive season,” Skonga said

John Kapi Natto explains absence

Suspended Hekari Soccer Association President, John Kapi Natto
talking to the media.

Suspended Hekari Soccer Association President, John Kapi Natto has explained why he did not attend the PNGFA Elective Congress.

He told the media that because of his suspension he was not given a ticket to go to the Congress in Kimbe.

“I was a nominee besides President David Chung and John Wesley I was suspended and that denied my right to go to Kimbe to sit in the congress to get voted,” Kapi Natto said

He said he emailed PNGFA General Secretary Dimirit Mileng but did not get any reply on whether he should be allowed to attend the Congress.

“I did not get any ticket to go to Kimbe, but I was expected to go so I sent an email to general secretary asking if I was expected to go to Kimbe and if the other seven suspended associations were also allowed there was no response from general secretary,” Kapi Natto said

He added that because of that he is asking if David Chung and General Secretary to resign and go through investigations.

“I see the democracy right has been denied by David Chung and General Secretary Mileng and I call on them to resign and call on the government and the Ministry of sport to investigate PNGFA on the process of the Congress,” Kapi Natto said.

Big year for soccer in Papua New Guinea (Post Courier 30/12/17)

PNG`s forward Nicollete Ageva celebrating after scoring the only goal for Papua New Guinea i the U20 Womens World Cup


It has been a big year in sports for Papua New Guinea, with the hosting of the FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup as the pinnacle of a successful year.

A successful hosting of the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup from the 13th of November to the 3rd of December 2016 saw Papua New Guinea rise to the challenge.

PNG built training fields, two new mini stadiums and refurbishing two major stadiums in Sir John Guise Stadium and The National Football Stadium to meet FIFA standards all done in 17 months at a cost of almost K60 million.

The Papua New Guinea U20 Womens team made history in scoring the only goal for PNG in a World Cup tournament with Nicolette Ageva scoring the goal in the 16th minute against the eventual World Cup winners Korea DPR causing the host crowd of PNG to cheer in excitement.

Papua New Guinea conceded 22 goals in the tournament; they lost to Brazil (9-0), Sweden (6-0) and Korea (7-1).

A patriotic word of thanks was given by the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea thanked the nations U20 womens team and the people of Papua New Guinea.

“To the women from our Papua New Guinea team, on behalf of a proud nation I thank you and I congratulate you for the heroic effort that you put in during your games,” he said.

“Every one of you served our nation with pride and distinction.

“You stood your ground against the best teams in the world and you earned their respect as true warriors in your sport.” Prime Minister Peter O’Neil

The PNG Mens soccer team the Kapuls also made history after 43 years making it into the final of the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) Nations Cup but went down to New Zealand in a penalty shootout.

Their performance has earned them the right to contest in round three of Oceania’s road to Russia 2018.

The play off will see Papua New Guinea in Group A along with New Caledonia, Tahiti and Samoa while Group B consists of New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu.

Their matches are scheduled for March and June in 2017. The winner of the subsequent Oceania final will advance to the intercontinental play-off in November 2017 against the fifth-placed South American nation.

New Zealand are the most recent Oceania nation to feature at the World Cup, with the All Whites exiting at the group stage from South Africa 2010 despite being the only side to remain unbeaten at the 32-nation tournament.

Monday 9 January 2017

Teams Pull out of PNG NSL (Post Courier 30/12/16)

Hekari United have won the PNG National Soccer League champions nine times and Minor Premiers for the 11 seasons of the Telikom National Soccer League.

Hekari United and a number of other clubs in the Telikom National Soccer League are expected to pull out of next year’s season.

This was made known by Hekari United Football Club owner John Kapi Natto yesterday to the media; he added that a few other clubs as well have contacted him and pulled out as well.

The news comes as part of 12 PNGFA Associations lobbying to form a new Soccer Association for the country after their non participation in the PNGFA Annual General Meeting in Kimbe on Wednesday.

Kapi Natto said the 12 Associations Hekari, Mendi, Wabag, Koupa, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Lae Football Association, Manus, Madang, National Capital District Public Servants Soccer Association (NCDPSSA), Tabubil, Goroka and Lahi, will be endorsing a new National Super League.

“As of Wednesday several clubs have called me saying they will withdraw from the current national league and as of today Hekari has officially resigned from the Telikom National Soccer League.

“Gulf Erema FC, Rapatona, Admiralty have pulled out from the National Soccer League ,from the biggest association in the Lae Football Association are two franchise clubs the Lae City Dwellers and Welgris Morobe United while Gigira Laitepo United FC have pulled out their sponsorship and will not participate in the competition.

“These clubs will join the new Super League I started NSL seven years ago it’s not very hard to put all the things back together all the templates are there I just need good men to get involved,”

This withdrawal by clubs may cause friction towards the national team the PNG Kapuls which is made up mostly of players from Hekari, and Lae City Dwellers who have also shown support for their team’s withdrawals.

Kapi Natto said his team the nine time NSL champions will withdraw from the OFC Champions League.

“Hekari also has withdrawn from the OFC Champions League in New Caledonia the O league starts in February officially we are not going if they want to send the third runner up or the fourth runner up its up to them NSL ,” Kapi Natto said.

New Soccer Association to be formed in Papua New Guinea (Post Courier 30/12/16)

11 of the 12 Presidents in support of  a new Football association to rival Papua New Guinea Football Association 


A new Football association for PNG is likely to be formed after a total of 12 Papua New Guinea Football Association (PNGFA) member associations not being satisfied with David Chung being reinstated as President of PNGFA.

Hekari, Mendi, Wabag, Koupa, Autonomous Rergion of Bougainville, Lae Football Association and Manus are the seven associations serving provisional suspensions while five others Madang, National Capital District Public Servants Soccer Association (NCDPSSA), Tabubil, Goroka and Lahi were not suspended but didn’t attend the Congress in Kimbe due to flight problems.

Their frustrations have led to their final agreement to form a separate association apart from the existing PNGFA.

Their spokes person and suspended Hekari Soccer Association President John Kapi Natto said to the media yesterday that the 12 associations have agreed and are going ahead to form the new association.

“This association will start from Vanimo to Miline Bay, Manus, Kavieng to Western Province we are going to do this association and we will register it with Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) and it will have a constitution we will register it with PNG Sports Foundation.

“These 12 Associations have given their mandate and we will write to the Sports Minister and tell the Government and the people of Papua New Guinea that we will form a new Football Association in the country,” Kapi Natto said

He said while they are forming the new Association he will be challenging the legality of the quorum

“I want to test the legality of quorum I think I have grounds to challenge the status of PNGFA in the court of law before I do that I will make sure my association is ok I have the blessing of the 12 while we are setting up this new Association”, Kapi Natto said

Good Year for Rugby League in Papua New Guinea (Post Courier 30/12/16)

 SP Hunters winger Butler Morris on the charge


In rugby league the SP PNG Hunters again made history with their unbeaten home record having to win all 11 of their home games at the National Football stadium for the 2016 Queensland Intrust Super Cup season.

They might have won all home games but their away record was shattering with only 4 wins away from home, the Hunters managed to finish 4th in their third season but the 5th place Falcons took them out of finals contention as payback for their loss to the Hunters the week before in the regular season.

The biggest news was Justin Olam securing a contract with NRL 2016 Minor Premiers the Melbourne Storms after an impressive rookie season with the Hunters playing in the centers and the wing.

His debut for the PNG Kumuls against Fiji Bati in the annual Pacific Test saw his performance catch the attention of Melbourne Storms coach Craig Bellamy earning him the contract for the 2017 season.

The PNG Kumuls won the pacific test match 24 – 22 after beating a strong Fiji Bati side, but the PNG Prime Ministers 13 lost to a strong Australian Prime Minsters 13 side 58 – 0 in the annual Prime Ministers 13 match.

PNGRFL chairman Sandis Taska highlighted a few achievements in the year with the domestic competition.

“We had six Provinces run Schoolboys successfully in 2016. These being East New Britain P; Morobe; Eastern Highlands Province; Jiwaka, Western Highlands Province and Enga,,”

“49 Affiliate Leagues throughout PNG who all successfully completed their seasons with Grand Finals for the 1st time in many years. Taska said

He added that the four Confederate Championships were outstanding successes for all divisions, U16, U18, U20, Senior Womens and Senior Mens.

and the The National Championships held in 2016 brought together more than 450 of the best rugby league talent throughout PNG in the U16, U18, U20, SW, SM divisions in which the national squads for each of this divisions was named.

He added that there was good domestic competition which saw a successful hosting of the Digicel Cup despite the on field violence by the Hagen Eagles during the qualifying finals.

“Digicel Cup completed another successful year with the Snax Tigers being crowned the Champions.

“Melanesian Cup, Rabaul Gurias won the Inaugural Melanesian Club Champions Cup. The Snax Tigers will look to defend it next year.

“With better development work through coaching and refereeing updates and accreditations we have seen the progressive improvement in the quality of football in all our domestic programs. In summary 2016 was a very successful year for our domestic Rugby Leauge Season,” Taska said.

Good Discipline in Governors Cup (Post Courier 28/12/16)

from left Sengelo Skonga Coordinator of NCD Governors Christmas Cup 2016 and Judiciary chairman of the NCD Governors Christmas Cup 2016 Sgt Steven Waula at the Kone Tigers oval yesterday. 


The NCD Governors Christmas Cup has a Judiciary Committee that is looking into solving issues that might hinder the tournament.

Chairman of the Judiciary of the 2016 Governors Christmas Cup sergeant Steven Waula said there were a few issues between players and officials but that was sorted out during the course of the tournament.

“We had a few small hiccups, a few complaints by players about referees, we had too instances and we have sorted it out and since then no big complains all has been going well,”

He added that the tournament has seen good performances by all teams playing, while the tournament is set for finals tomorrow police presence will be on hand for crowd control.

He further went on to say that discipline was a key issue and urged all players to always be disciplined during the tournament.

“NCD Police will be present for the finals, and Governor Powes Parkop will do the presentations in the finals.

“Discipline is a contributing factor that determines what type of result you have after a game, and so when you understand the game and you are disciplined and that promotes good sportsmanship in the sport of rugby league.

“If you are not disciplined and cause problems than we won’t have a good tournament all must respect the referees and the touch judges they are the ones who ensure the game is played fairly if they are disrupted in performing their duties than the game will not progress well.

“Should there be any problems complaints should come to the organizers like me and we can sort out grievances and we all can be happy about the tournament and the festive season,” Waula said.

Service Providers owed K16.5 million (Post Courier 22/12/16)

CEO of PNG Sports Foundation Peter Tsiamalili Jnr talking to workers
 of Parohu Engineering construction at the Sir John Guise stadium.

THERE are 40 service providers that are yet to get full payments for the work done to deliver the FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup.

This was made clear by PNG Sports Foundation Chief Executive Officer Peter Tsiamalili Jnr yesterday at the Sir John Guise Stadium; he said despite the service providers being not fully paid their entitlements, they were still understanding of the situation.

He added that it was an issue that would be solved once funding was made available and that a steering committee was responsible for the final payments.

“We have discussed with them and we have talked and they understand the nature of it, and it’s something we are managing.

“We shouldn’t see that as a negative they have delivered for the state and the state is still responsible for sorting it out,” Tsiamalili Jnr said.

He made it known that there was a total of K16.5 million owed to the 40 service providers and the steering committee made up of the PNG Sports Foundation, National Planning and Finance (departments) were looking into the issue.

“We have a steering committee which will look at these ongoing challenges that we have, it’s not like we are doing this in isolation, we have National Planning and Finance (departments) that are in the committee as well,” Tsiamalili Jnr said.

Thursday 5 January 2017

PNG to host three Oceania Championships (Post Courier 21/12/16)

Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko.

Three sporting codes will host Oceania Championships in 2018 in Papua New Guinea this was made known by Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko.

Basketball, Swimming and Hockey will be having Oceania Championships, with the U15 Oceania Basketball championships, the Oceania Swimming Championships and the Hokey Youth U18 Oceania Championships all in 2018.

These Championships will coincide with the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games in 2018, which is the pinnacle event for sports of all Commonwealth nations.

“Papua New Guinea will be hosting three international events and that is wonderful and they will coincide with the Commonwealth games as well in 2018.

“2018 will be a huge sporting year and with the Commonwealth games we have to do well, because the training aspect of it all Aaron Alsop the Director of the High Performance Center at the Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation has done a fabulous job in preparing and training the athletes of Papua New Guinea to prepare for the games and he has a big job ahead of him over the next couple of years,” Tkatchenko said

He added that training and hard work would bring home the gold for Team PNG and encouraged athletes to be strong because it took time and dedication to win at the elite level.

“The situation is we can’t stop the momentum we have to continue with enhancing our sporting champions so we see them with Bronze, Silver or Gold on their necks, these medals are very rare.

“The situation is that we have to understand it takes a lot of time and effort and a lot of dedication to be a commonwealth champion,” Tkatchenko added

Nelson Stone ready for 2017 (Post Courier 20/12/16)

Nelson Stone 

PNG Pacific games 400 meters Gold medalist Nelson Stone says he still has 4 more years in his career and will be working hard once he gets back into training.

He had to contend with a knee injury and also deal with personal issues this year, but the 32 year old says he will be back into training once the Sir John Guise stadium is open for Athletics training.

“I believe I have another four years left in me, so I am waiting for the stadium to open and dig deep again, and like I use to many years ago I do it on my own and I am really going to prove myself If I am going to come back I am going to really prove myself and prove that I am still around and a force to be reckoned with,”

“It will be a big ask for me to get back to the top we have athletes like Theo Piniau and Kaminiel Matlaun and they are very good.

“So I am waiting for the stadium to open and dig deep again, and like I use to many years ago I do it on my own and I am really going to prove myself If I am going to come back I am going to really prove myself and prove that I am still around and force to be reckoned with,” Stone said.

He said age wasn’t a problem because, and despite the criticism he is willing to prove critics wrong.

“There is always an issue with age we Papua New Guineas when you go past 30 people will always question your ability and your form.

“My biggest achievement is the pacific games last year and I was 31 and I still won in style and I know I can do it if Mohamed Ali my hero can go as far as 38 and still be a great champion I can do it, I have boxing Icons and Bernard Hopkins also finished his boxing career on Sunday at 51 years of age,”

He said he would be targeting the 10th Pacific Mini Games are scheduled to be held in Port Vila, Vanuatu, in December 2017.

“If I get back on the track and focus hard and am the man I use to be, it will be a “Watch Out” to all the young talent out there and I will be coming back really hard.

“I am aiming the mini Pacific Games I haven’t been there in my athletics career, that’s the only thing missing in my CV,” Stone said

PNG Hockey signs lease with Sports Foundation (Post Courier 20/12/16)

(from left) PNG Sports Foundation CEO Peter Tsiamalili Jr, PNG Hockey Federation treasurer Manoi Pokiap, PNG Hockey Federation President Kaluwin Potuan and Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko after the signing yesterday.   Picture by Simon Keslep


A sublease agreement for one year has been signed between the PNG Hockey Federation and the PNG Sports Foundation to use the synthetic hockey field at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby.

The sublease will see the PNG hockey federation utilize the field for training and competition purposes.

President of PNG Hockey Federation Kaluwin Potuan said the lease was from the first of December 2016 to the 1st of December 2017 and would later be renewed.

“Thank you minister for making hockey part of the lease agreement and for being on the side of hockey, this is the only turf in PNG and the second in the pacific the first one is in Fiji.

“We have signed the sublease agreement for the usage of the facility from the first of December 2016 to the 1st of December 2017 and after 2017 we will renew it for a further two years,” Potuan said

Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko said the sport of hockey had come a long way when it was played in the field of bare ground at the Sir John Guise stadium.

“I remember 10 years ago my wife played Hockey and the PNG Gardener sponsored one of the teams during those days.

“The hockey players were playing on a rough stoned surface uneven and the injuries were really bad and if they were playing in those surfaces imagine what they would do on this synthetic field.

“This sub lease is all about looking after the facilities and maintaining the facilities and looking after it for the benefit of the game and making sure that PNG Hockey can be something big in the future in the pacific start small and end up big,” Tkatchenko said.

He added that no excuses would come from the hockey federation because now we have a facility equal to Fiji.

“Now hockey players have no excuse what so ever to raise their standards and enhance their abilities to equal Fiji and be better than Fiji because we have the same facilities as them so we are on equal footing before we were never on equal footing because we never had these facilities,” Tkatchenko added.

PNG to host Oceania Championships (Post Courier 20/12/16)

Hockey action between PNG and Fiji Women during the Pacific Games in 2015


Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko has announced that the 2018 Youth under 18 Oceania championships will be held in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea.

He made the announcement in the presence of the PNG Hockey Federation executives at the newly leased synthetic hockey field at the Sir John Guise stadium.

“We are proud to announce that the Youth U18 Oceania Hockey Championships will be held in Port Moresby in April 2018 and this is also an Olympic Qualifier.

“This is another fantastic result of hosting an International event using the facilities that the government built for these sporting codes I thank the president and the executives of the PNG Hockey for bidding to host the competition to have it here Conduct Oceania Champions using the facilities We look forward continue to move forward hockey to the next level can be supported in many ways,”

President of PNG Hockey Federation Kaluwin Potuan confirmed that eight countries will be taking part in the competition and they are New Zealand, Australia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Papua New Guinea.

Tokarara Nest united a team changing lives (Post Courier 20/12/16)

Tokarara Nest United with Coach Nelson Stone before their match against Giluwe Trotters in the A grade Division of the Hohola Offseason league


More than just Rugby is a phrase that matches a team of young men that are changing their ways and playing the game they love.

The Tokarar Nest United team in their first year in the Hohola Offseason Rugby Leauge Competition boasts a lot of up and coming talent in the sport of rugby league and their coach Nelson Stone is one that is harnessing the talent.

Stone who is PNGs 200m Pacific Games Gold Medalist is a sprinter that has the positive attitude and the heart to use the sport of rugby league to help change the lives of youths in his area.

“First I was leading the Tokarara Mix Dogs but again there were still too many youths who wanted to play the game but didn’t have the chance.

“So last year I decided to create the Tokarara Nest United and the team is made up of youths that who have been looking for a better path in life,” Stone said.

The players are from Maria Street in Tokarara dubbed as a notorious street Stone and the members of nest united are changing the mind sets of the community and the city at large.

“I decided to get them under my wing and they have been under me for almost three months now and people are seeing changes our street in Tokarara is deemed notorious but now there is a steady decline in social disturbance like consumption of alcohol and noise and violence it has been three months like I said and only on rare occasions we see minor incidences but that is on the decline as well.

“All the people that use to cause the problems have now come on board and are contributing to the Tokarara Nest United Club.

“All the parents are impressed, I don’t give money to get outcomes or anything it’s all about working together and I really choose my words carefully to inspire these young men and that has changed a lot of mindsets and that has changed a lot of their mind sets and look they are really enjoying their rugby”, Stone said

Stone added that rugby league was a great tool to bring youths together and help the community and change their attitudes in society.

“It’s not only I wanted a rugby league team but rugby league is a powerful tool in the country as a national sport and it brings communities together and to experience what it takes to be a better person being a better person sports can do that.

“Bringing them in a rugby league competition not only that but I am seeing a lot of good sprinters and some other talents are being unearthed and I am very proud of that, but all in all its about getting the youths out of the bad activities,” Stone said.

Tokarara Nest United record first win (Post Courier 19/12/16)

Tokarara Nest United in action against Giluwe Trotters at Ipi Park in Hohola

The Tokarara Nest United proved too good for Giluwe Trotters winning 10-0 in round two of the Hohola Offseason rugby league on Saturday.

The boys from Maria Street, Tokarara dominated the match played before a vocal crowd at Ipi Park in Port Moresby.

As anticipated both teams ran hard and tackled hard, coupled with bone crunching hit-ups and tackles.

Nest United forwards dominated the match as they continually made inroads through the middle.

The Trotters held their defence-line well at times, but the latters good use of the ball out-wide and running their set plays proved to be the difference.

It was Ila Alu who stood out in attack for the Tokarara outfit.

The Rabaul Gurias forward set up the first try when he broke through the Trotters defence-line for a 60 meter break before passing to center Sordy Ian to score in the corner for their first try.

With the unsuccessful conversion Nest United took a 4-0 lead, with 10 minutes of the first half remaining.

Their ball handling took center stage with their decoy runners catching the Trotters off-guard.

This led to their second try to full-back Ian James to score a converted try to lead 10-0 at half-time.

The second half saw an optimistic Trotters attack find some rhythm in attack but a strong Tokarara Nest United held firm in a scoreless second-half.

Nest United Coach Nelson Stone was proud of his team’s efforts and praised their attack as being a crucial part of the team’s arsenal.

“I am satisfied with the team’s performance especially Gurias forward Ila Alu leading by example for the younger ones,” he added.