Thursday 19 November 2015

Autonomous Region of Bougainville referendum to be a joint effort

The chairman of the Referendum, Weapons disposal, and Peace and unification committee Joseph Watawi

Working within constitutional framework provisions of the National Government and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government (ABG) will help Bougainville’s vote for referendum.

This came from the chairman of the Referendum, Weapons disposal, and Peace and unification committee Joseph Watawi.

The committee which was formed this year after the ABG elections seeks to create awareness on the referendum issue and inform Bougainvillian’s on the issue.

Watawi who is the member for Selau in in the ABG government came with his committee members  to Port Moresby to meet with the parliamentary committee on Bougainville affairs chaired by Southern highlands regional member William Powi, and had the opportunity to speak with the media at the Bougainville affairs office in Port Moresby.

Watawi said that it was the first time for both committees to meet and it was more of an ice breaker, an introduction into what both committees were working on.

“The first meeting was more of an ice breaker and we will be talking to the parliamentary committee on Bougainville affairs as part of the ABG parliament on the preparations on the road to referendum”.
Watawi added that it was a huge task but both governments working together within guidelines would help the progress".

“Visiting the four corners of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville collecting views and opinions of the Bougainville population and planning the awareness on how people perceive the referendum, that’s the most important task and working together with the National Government in terms of the implementation of the Bougainville peace agreement in accordance with the constitutional frame work which give effect on the Bougainville peace agreement”.Watawi said

He added on further that there are provisions in place and both committees will be working with in that perimeter. 

“ the constitutional frame work for example Part 14 of the National Constitution particularly the organic law on autonomy and referendum and also in conjunction with the Bougainville constitution are basically the parameters that set the task of the committee and the terms of reference  in which the committee should be operating  we should be guided by the Bougainville constitution the Bougainville peace agreement and part 14 of the national constitution and the organic law on peace building and autonomy and referendum we cannot go outside of the perimeters set within the  constitutional frame work basically that’s the task of the committee”.Watawi said

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