Thursday 19 November 2015

Referendum for Bougainville poses a lot of questions


The referendum issue poses a lot of questions for Bougainvillian’s but it will satisfy most of the population.

Those were the words of the Referendum, Weapons disposal, and Peace and unification committee Member Marcellin Kokia who is the representative of women in central Bougainville in the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

She was part of the ABG’s committee that was here to meet the PNG parliamentary committee on Bougainville affairs last week in Port Moresby.

She said referendum was a sensitive issue for some that had gone through in the civil war in Bougainville.

“The issue of referendum is a sensitive issue and is frightening for some who went through what happened in the past”. Kokia said

She added that so many questions were present in the minds of Bougainvillian’s at this moment   towards the vote that looms, and with less than five years to go those questions keep lingering.

“One of the questions is, what kind of questions will be put on the paper before the vote takes place another question is what will happen if the vote does not come out in a way that we expect, more votes to say no than yes what an comes in who is there to ensure there is peace and no fights”. Kokia said

She said that one of the ways to combat the questions was an idea from the parliamentary committee on Bougainville affairs chaired by Southern highlands regional member William Powi.

“One of the ideas that was suggested by the parliamentary committee on Bougainville affairs, was that they are willing to come to Bougainville, to hear it and see for themselves what the Bougainvillian’s want whether they are for referendum or not, to  see the components of weapons disposal they want to see it for themselves “.

“To me that is, the start of reconciliation it is a kind of healing process for them to go back to Bougainville, it will bring a lot of reactions towards them when they come and see the people”.

“Bougainvillian’s are very happy with referendum because it gives meaning to their lives it helps them in some ways to satisfy what they went through also satisfying their want for the future”. Kokia said

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