Thursday 19 November 2015

New Airline for Papua New Guinea

The New PNG Air ATR 72-600 aircraft at Nazab Airport in Lae Morobe Province Papua New Guinea

Airlines PNG has successfully rebranded and is now called PNG Air, the change happened on Thursday at the PNG Defense Force Air Transport Wing at Jacksons Airport in Port Moresby.
The event saw PNGs Prime Minister Peter O’Neill cutting the ribbon on the airlines new ATR 72-600 aircraft, which is sure to boost the confidence and reach for the airline.

The night was marked with celebration, a fashion show by the cabin crew and pilots, and a tour into the new aircraft by everyone present.
The new Aircraft after its Inaugural flight to Morobe Province 

“It has been a long road for Airlines PNG, we fondly remember this airline from Miline Bay Airlines (MBA) to Airlines PNG and tonight we are here to witness the rebranding to PNG Air”.

“PNG Air is an asset and has served most of our rural communities to help them engage meaningfully with the rest of the country; with this new plane they will replace the famous Dash 8 aircrafts”. O’Neill said

CEO of PNG Air Muralee Siva said the decision to upgrade the fleet and rebrand the Airline was a task 2 years in the making.

“We have been preparing for this event for the last two years, since the decisions were made to upgrade the airline’s fleet”.

“Rebranding of the airline has helped us shape our vision of where we needed to be and what we needed to change to get there, in particular with the fact that we are truly PNG owned with majority shares by National Superannuation Fund (NASFUND) and Mineral Resource Development Corporation (MRDC) it has helped us reinforce our commitment to PNG as reflective of the design elements we have chosen after a lot of input by staff and people across the country”.

A traditional Dancing Group welcoming the plane at Nazab Airport
“PNG Air chose the ATR 72-600 because it is the most modern turboprop aircraft for regional operations in PNG’s rugged conditions.  The ATR is a proven success, coming from the world’s leading manufacturer in the 50 to 70 seat turboprop market” Muralee Siva said

The airline will have 3 of these aircraft operating by the end of March 2016, 5 by the end of 2016 and 7 by the end of 2017.

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