Wednesday 28 February 2018

Broncos Impressed with fan following in Papua New Guinea (Post Courier 28/02/18)

Brisbane Broncos Prop Matt Lodge in front of a Papua New Guinea fans banner after their win against the Hunters
 pic by Fidelis Sukina.


The Brisbane Broncos have a huge following in PNG as they found out in their four day visit to Port Moresby to play the SP PNG Hunters.

Broncos captain Alex Glen said in the Post Match interview after the 26-12 win over the Hunters that he had only heard stories of the Broncos movement in PNG but soon witnessed the rock star treatment and what he described as a memorable experience.

“This is my first time to PNG and I always heard of the strong following we have up here but I didn’t expect it to be this big and this passionate it was out of control and we were treated like rock stars it’s our first trip here and I am not the only one that’s going to say we will remember this trip for the rest of our lives.

“Your welcome was phenomenal everywhere we went we had people waving at us and shouting at us we were just bringing smiles to their faces and we were doing nothing its just surreal and it’s an experience I will cherish a lot of respect to the PNG Community and the following you give to the club,” Glen said

He added that the match on Sunday had a great atmosphere and he could not thank the public enough for their support, the crowd was filled with Broncos Banners and a frenzy atmosphere.

“I thought the atmosphere the way it was put together it was controlled both teams got a lot out of it and at the end of the day the real winner was rugby league and the community I can’t thank everyone enough the support they gave both teams when both teams were scoring try’s everyone was showing fair play and that’s all we can ask from the community thank you to everyone who turned up and watched the game on TV as well,” Glen said

Brisbane Broncos Assistant Coach Jason Demetriou said the game itself came second to the wonderful experience they had during their stay.

“The game was second to the occasion and I think the weekend for us and the crowd today how the Hunters played is exactly the representation of your country and your people it’s been honor to come here and play in Papua New Guinea,” Demetriou said.

Broncos to put in more than a good word (Post Courier 27/02/18)

Broncos Captain Alex Glen and Assistant coach Jason Demitriou at the post match press conference against the Broncos
pic by FS


Brisbane Broncos assistant coach Jason Demetriou says the team will put in more than a good word for rugby league in Papua New Guinea when they go back to Australia.

Demetriou was vocal about the Broncos experience in Port Moresby and said it was humbling for the team to see what rugby league meant for the people.

He was the former coach of Northern Pride in the Intrust Super Cup and knows the Premiership of the Hunters in the Intrust Super Cup is a stepping stone into the National Rugby League Competition.

“I heard a few people in PNG rugby league and the council and Government talking about us coming back and spreading the word about PNG as a country and about rugby league in the country I can say from us and everyone at the Broncos we will be passing more than a good word,” Dmetriou said.

He added that the Broncos in the NRL would do a lot to the country and added that the Broncos would be representing the push for NRL inclusion.

“I think it would be great to see the Hunters in the near future in the NRL and what it could bring for change socially to this country I think rugby league has got the ability to do that as a governing we should be doing everything we can to find a way to make that happen and the Broncos will be representing that,” Demetriou said.

In support of this Broncos head coach Wayne Bennett has commended the Oil Search National Football Stadium as one of the best.

“It’s a wonderful facility that you have built here it’s a real credit to oil search what they have done the facility I have been to a lot of places in the World but not all facilities are that overall and that grandstand and that actual full facility maxes I think anything I have ever been in, something you all should be proud of,” Bennett said.

Bennett says back to back Hunters premiership will be hard (Post Courier 27/02/18)

SP Hunters Burtler Morris tacles Brisbane Broncos winger jordan Kahu with the ball pic by Mark Talia Post Courier


Brisbane Broncos Coach Wayne Bennett says it’s a lot harder to go back to back on a premiership, with the second year challenges different from the premiership year.

The premiership winning coach made mention of this when acknowledging receipt of a gift from Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League Chairman Sandis Tsaka at the Stanley Hotel on Friday at the Hunters Gala dinner.

The seven times, premiership winning coach knows the challenges of back to back premierships, winning two back to back premierships in 1992 and 1993 the other in 1997 and 1998 with the Brisbane Broncos.

“I Speak from experience when I talk about it, and the challenges are totally different from the year that you won it, but that’s in front for the Hunters but I am sure Michael Marum has the boys for it at the end of the day all you can do is your best and when you have done your best you have done your best you have a lot less regrets than you do when you do your second best,” Bennett said.

Wayne also mentioned the importance of stability in a team, and so far Wayne will be in his 24th season with the Broncos.

He added that patience was important as well with a good example being the Melbourne Strom that has been constant with the same coach Craig Bellamy.

“For a successful rugby league team there has to be stability right from the chairman to the coach, we won’t always get it right, there will be times when we won’t have the season that you want us to have, but you can’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

“The Clubs that do that pay a great price for that, looking at our competition Melbourne Storm is the other successful club and they have had the same coach for up to well over a decade.

“It works but you have to be patient with it and you have been patient with it and you got some results, it’s going to be harder this year to get, it’s a different challenge once you have won a premiership to go back to back and win it, The Broncos are the only team to have done it back to back in the last 30 years,” Bennett added.

Wayne Bennett Says more PNG trips on the Agenda (Post Courier 26/02/18)

Broncos Coach Wayne Benneth at Vabukori village during the Hunters visit pic by Fidelis Sukina


Brisbane Broncos Head Coach Wayne Bennett says the team will be willing to make regular trips to Papua New Guinea.

Bennett was talking during the Papua New Guinea Rugby League fundraiser at the Stanley Hotel in Port Moresby on Friday.

He was recalled the last welcome he witnessed in the mid 90s when Allan Langer was still playing and they made the trip to Papua New Guinea with the Broncos team.

He added that he had a soft spot for Papua New Guinea because his younger brother had been here for six years.

“I have always had a soft spot for Papua New Guinea, mainly because my brother Bob Bennett came up here for six years to live and work.

“I was here in the mid 90’s that time Alf (Allan Langer) was a great player of our club he was a super star of his time and in that era the welcome was as great as it has been on this trip,” Bennett said.

He added that the Broncos would be making regular trips in the future with the last trip by the team 20 years ago, but he added the atmosphere and welcome was still the same.

“Nice to be back here privileged to be here you have humbled us with your sincerity and your love for the Broncos and I hope we can come back more on a regular basis.

“It’s been 20 years since we have been here the last time and I hope we can be back here on a regular basis, we will be back on a regular basis and I want to congratulate the team for the last four years and your success in the Intrust Super Cup championship.

“Michael Marum has done a great job with the team and I was just talking with the guests at our table that the Broncos have just built a 27million dollar training and admin area opposite our old training grounds and that’s because of the stability that our club has had for the last 30 odd years,” Bennett said.

Broncos had to re think strategy to win against Hunters

SP Hunters Enoch Maki wrapped up Brisbane Broncos interchange Joe Ofahengaue and his team mates on their goal mount pic by Mark Talia Post Courier


Broncos Captain Alex Glen said the team had to re think their strategy after a tough first half but says they expected the physical battle.

The 26-12 win by the Broncos did have a positive with both teams realizing their flaws and opportunities before the start of the season.

“The game is everything we expected you saw the score in the first half they didn’t stop kept putting pressure on us and they were getting a lot of momentum and we had to regroup in the second half got over our processes and make sure that we were not handing over the possession we were giving away too many field positions, and the Hunters to their credit were capitalizing on it,” Glen said.

Broncos Jason Demetriou said they adopted a different style of play in the second half that meant taking on the physical challenge head on.

“We spoke at halftime I don’t think we were respecting the Physicality and we were playing too lateral we needed to aim up and play more direct and not shy away from the physical battle.

“I felt when we did that, we took more control of the game, I had to commend the boys defense the best in a long time and that gives us confidence going into the season.

“The Huntres put us under a lot of pressure we had to fix a lot of things at half time we were under the pump and a credit to the Hunters,” Demetriou said.

SP PNG Hunters captain Stargroth Amean said the Hunters goal was to give a tough match but were left mediocre at times when they had six play the ball turn over’s.

“It was a physical game, we came in to give a strong challenge and compete and I think we did well, really proud of my teammate’s errors and play the ball that cost the game but all in all it was a good trial match,” Amean said.

SP PNG Hunters Assistant coach Nigel Hukula said they found out a great deal to work on playing with a club like the Broncos.

“We have come away learning from this game to see where we are and what we can work on in the coming weeks.

“Credit to the Broncos it is tough to come play in PNG we stuck to our processes first half but the Broncos came back in the second half with a good defensive effort.

“That’s where we found out that we needed to defend the ruck area and the simple play the ball cost us the game, the NRL is coming strong on the play the ball good to go down to the basics,” Hukula said

Broncos overcome spirited Hunters

Brisbane Broncos interchange Joe Ofahengaue (15) and SP Hunters Nixon Putt race for the ball in the Brisbane  Broncos in goal pic by Mark Talia Post Courier.


The Brisbane Broncos overcame a valiant SP PNG Hunters when they came from behind to win 26-12 at the Oil Search National Football Stadium on Saturday.

The crowd of over 14 thousand supporters graced the stadium and left satisfied with a tough match which saw the Hunters lead 12-6 at half time.

The Hunters held well in defense and with the Broncos having a few errors in play ensured the match was tight.

The Hunters simple mistakes made match referee Gavin Badger penalize them for failed “play the ball”, that’s when the Broncos opened the scoring.

The Hunters players were lifting their foot and rolling the ball under; the correct way was to place the ball on the ground and rolling it back with the foot, the Hunters failed six times in the match.

The Broncos used their forwards Matt Lodge and Josh Maguire among others to plunder the Hunters drawing in the defense line before full back Jamayne Isaako passed one to winger Jonus Pearson to dive over and score in the seventh minute, Jordan Kahu extending the lead to 6-0 with a successful sideline conversion.

The Broncos were strong numbering up in their tackles and giving a few solid hits, but when the Broncos missed their opportunities and gave away two penalties the Hunters took advantage.

A short ball by Wartovo Puara in the Broncos 10 meter saw Enoch Maki spin off Matt Lodge and Josh Maguire to bounce onto the try line, Charlie Simon nailing the two point conversion to draw 6-6.

Watson Boas at second receiver organized the attack with Puara out of dummy half, Watson’s grubber kick and re-gather try bought the team to a 12-6 lead in to half time.

The Broncos came back strong in the second half with a more direct approach using the forwards more and less ball outwide.

The Hunters held on to possession but poor execution, play the ball and fledgling defense saw the Broncos show grit and outplay the Hunters.

Radley Brawa was solid for the Hunters in attack he and Maki braved the Broncos line, but that wasn’t enough, with the Broncos running in four tries to win the match.

Captain Alex Glen scored first in the 48th minute, Milford put in a grubber for Prop Korbin Sims to score, Kahu went over untouched before Corey Oates dived over in spectacular fashion to end the match 26-12.

Friday 23 February 2018

Brisbane Broncos coach says fans bring humbling experience

part of the big crowd of local Broncos fans holding a banner of Captain Alex Glen, which reads "Alex Glen Broncos Power picture by Simon Keslep of Post Courier 


With all the excitement at the top level of rugby league Brisbane Broncos coach Jason Demetriou says seeing the fans crowd the airport was a humbling experience.

He added that the young players should see what the game means to the people of Papua New Guinea.

“The players were shocked they knew there would be supporters there and fans but they didn’t know how big it would be it was really humbling for the players to see especially the young guys to see what rugby league means to the people to see what they do means a lot for a lot of people.

“They get caught up with all the money and the hype that goes with the NRL they come here and see the people appreciate the game especially at the Intrust Super Cup level and the grassroots level it’s a privilege for us to be here,” Demetriou said.

He added that its good for the team to travel out and see the fans have a chance to see the Broncos on PNG soil.

“It’s good for us to get away before the start of the season, a bit of an eye opener for the players and a humbling experience for us week in week out its good for the game good for the people of PNG to see the Broncos on home soil.

“It’s going to be a tough game they were the Queensland Cup Champions last year and they will be looking forward to play with us and I know from past experiences they won’t be holding back and they will be physical and will be a different dynamic from what we play,” Demetriou said.

SP PNG Hunters coach Michael Marum said the Hunters are excited and will be seeing the game as an opportunity to test out the team before the start of the season.

“We are excited to play the Broncos whenever we have the chance to travel down to Brisbane we try to catch a Broncos game, it will be a good game on Saturday there are some new guys in the team and we would like to see them play and see how we can select a team for the start of the season, We got the message that we will be the Broncos this year and as soon as I announced it to the boys they got excited,”Marum said.

Brisbane Broncos say trial match not a free ride through preseason (Post Courier 23/02/18)

from left SP PNG Hunters coach Michael Marum Captain Stargroth Amean, Broncos Captain Alex Glen and Coach Jason Demetriou pic by FIDELIS SUKINA


It’s was a rock star reception but it won’t be a free ride for the Broncos team says Captain Alex Glen.

Glen who was part of the Cook Islands team that lost to PNG in a test match last year has the experience of what Papua New Guinea player’s posses.

“I know it’s going to be physical against the Hunters I played with the Cook Islands team in the Pacific test and they were very physical and tough they played with a lot of skill swell and it won’t be easy they got a lot of skill and proved that winning the Intrust Super Cup.

“Preparation has been tough and we have been working hard in our training sessions preparing for the game, so we don’t think we going to come up here and it’s going to be a free ride just getting on with the 80minutes and not worrying about the results,” Glen said.

He told media at the Stanley Hotel that their welcome was a rock star reception, but that is part of the experience but Glen added that they have worked hard on ending their preseason on a high.

“This week has been tough we know we will be playing a physical side and they will be in front of their home crowd as well they want to make sure they do their best before round one.

“We want to make sure we are playing our game and playing our structure and walking out happy with the way pre season has gone leading into round one,” Glen said.

He was part of a rock star reception that he says only happens to rock stars that come to a city, and the welcome at the airport had all the glitz and glamour of it all.

“It was a rock star moment for me, as soon as the team walked out of the airport everyone was cheering and clapping and big smiles on their faces hundreds of cameras everywhere we saw hundreds of people up on the fence as well a rock star moment for stars when they come to a city,” Glen said

The second rower for the Broncos also commented on the humidity and the importance of hydration for the team.

“When we landed the pilot said it was 34 degrees and everyone gave a deep sigh and as soon as you walk outside you can feel the heat it’s going to be hot on Saturday and we better make sure we are hydrated,” Glen said.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Widnes Fans love the Albert brothers (Post Courier 13/02/18)

The Albert Brothers (Wellington)
with a fan holding a Kumuls World Cup
 merchandise with Brother Stanton
 pic by John Hughes Widnes Vikings club



THE Albert brothers, Wellington and Stanton are embracing the hospitality at their new Super League Club, the Widnes Vikings.

In an audio recording supplied to Post-Courier by John Hughes, director of communication and digital engagement with the Vikings confirmed the brothers’ amazement towards the support shown by the fans.

The brothers gave an interview of their experience so far at their first official public appearance for the club in a fan engagement meeting stronghold members and supporters on Friday where fans brought shirts, PNG flags and tributes to the late Kato Ottio.

Wellington Albert who made his debut for the club against the Catalan Dragons in a 40-12 win, said he enjoyed the sight of PNG flags and chants in his honour, in an overwhelming display of support for the two PNG internationals.

“Good to have the first win for the team. The crowd was good and they turned out in numbers. They were singing for me as well “Go Wellington Albert!” There were PNG flags as well I saw eight PNG flags out there and I thought I was playing a test match in the Kumuls because the Widnes fans bought the flags. Best debut I will never forget it.

“Fans here … they all love me and they shake hands with me and say welcome to Widnes. I have never experienced that before with other clubs. The fans go crazy supporting us and messaging us on Facebook as well and checking up on us. On how we are doing and if we needed help,” Wellington said.

Wellington added that training is good and he can’t wait to play alongside his brother Stanton who is yet to make his debut.

“Our first training session was really freezing. That was the day after we arrived. It was in the pouring rain and I think I got brain freeze but we are getting use to it.
The Albert Brothers Wellington (left) with a fan
holding a tribute to  the late Kato Ottio  with Brother Stanton
pic by John Hughes Widnes Vikings club

"I am really looking forward to Stanton playing alongside me. He is a big guy and we boast each other up in the game,” Wellington said.

Stanton said he still needed to train to get familiar with the combinations before he can make his debut. But he said the crowd was welcoming and can’t wait for his debut.

“Training going well coach wants me to do more combinations with the halves weather is quite different, the reaction is really amazing they are always crazy to see us make us feel welcome we love to be here. I would like to extend my thanks as well to the fans in PNG for their support since day one and keep on supporting us,” Stanton said.

Monday 12 February 2018

NRL expansion plans to cater for PNG (Post Courier 6/02/18)

NRL Commissioner Peter Beattie

The National Rugby League (NRL) competition will certainly be expanding to include Papua New Guinea with PNG showing superb form in the Queensland Intrust Super Cup and the nations turn out and support for the game of rugby league.

In an exclusive correspondence via email with Post-Courier NRL Commissioner and former Queensland Premier Peter Beattie, who is touted to be the next chairman of Australia Rugby League, said PNG is certainly showing the right signs to see the country included in the expansion of the league.

“PNG have been one of the real success stories of the Intrust Super Cup and would clearly be in the mix when we consider expansion of the NRL competition.

“You could not help but be impressed by the PNG side in the World Cup and we know they will draw great crowds, especially at home. There is a long way to go before we make any decision on expansion but, when we do, I have no doubt that PNG will be one of the contenders,” Beattie said.

In a recent interview with the “daily telegraph” an Australian Newspaper Beattie has come out with a strong statement “the quality of the game is great but we’ve got to ensure it has a future. That’s why expansion is so important,” he said.

He gave a possibility of expanding the competition in 2022 with the new TV deal for the NRL due four years from now. He added; “Are we going to have another QLD team? Or is it PNG? Is it Perth or country NSW?

Beattie who is a Brisbane Broncos fan told Post Courier while there was a long way before PNG is considered for NRL expansion more games like the 24th of February match between the SP PNG Hunters and the Brisbane Broncos was great but would be on the clubs prerogative.

“I think it would be great to see more matches played in PNG. The atmosphere at Port Moresby for a Rugby League game has to be seen to be believed. Inevitably it will come down to costs and whether it is practical for clubs to take games to PNG. But I’d love to see it happen,” Beattie said.

But Beattie did acknowledge the crowd factor in PNG which he added boosts the rugby league atmosphere.

“One of my priorities, if I take on the role of Chairman of the ARL, will be to look at how we can improve crowds.

“And, as I’ve said, there is no more fanatical group of supporters than those in PNG. One thing is for sure… when NRL stars visit PNG the fans turn up in big numbers,” Beattie said.

Beattie is certain though that PNG Players are NRL material adding it is inevitable that players will be considered for NRL.

“The PNG players demonstrated in the World Cup that the standard of the game in your country is improving all the time. The PNG stars excelled in the Intrust Super Cup last year and again at the World Cup. I think it is inevitable that, as they continue to improve through the Queensland Cup, more and more players will catch the eye of NRL clubs,” Beattie said.