Wednesday 28 February 2018

Broncos to put in more than a good word (Post Courier 27/02/18)

Broncos Captain Alex Glen and Assistant coach Jason Demitriou at the post match press conference against the Broncos
pic by FS


Brisbane Broncos assistant coach Jason Demetriou says the team will put in more than a good word for rugby league in Papua New Guinea when they go back to Australia.

Demetriou was vocal about the Broncos experience in Port Moresby and said it was humbling for the team to see what rugby league meant for the people.

He was the former coach of Northern Pride in the Intrust Super Cup and knows the Premiership of the Hunters in the Intrust Super Cup is a stepping stone into the National Rugby League Competition.

“I heard a few people in PNG rugby league and the council and Government talking about us coming back and spreading the word about PNG as a country and about rugby league in the country I can say from us and everyone at the Broncos we will be passing more than a good word,” Dmetriou said.

He added that the Broncos in the NRL would do a lot to the country and added that the Broncos would be representing the push for NRL inclusion.

“I think it would be great to see the Hunters in the near future in the NRL and what it could bring for change socially to this country I think rugby league has got the ability to do that as a governing we should be doing everything we can to find a way to make that happen and the Broncos will be representing that,” Demetriou said.

In support of this Broncos head coach Wayne Bennett has commended the Oil Search National Football Stadium as one of the best.

“It’s a wonderful facility that you have built here it’s a real credit to oil search what they have done the facility I have been to a lot of places in the World but not all facilities are that overall and that grandstand and that actual full facility maxes I think anything I have ever been in, something you all should be proud of,” Bennett said.

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