Thursday 15 December 2016

Central Rugby Union to get together (Post Courier 14/12/16)

Central Rugby Football Union President Ako Maniana

Central Rugby Football Union President Ako Maniana has said that they need to improve the game in the entire Central province in order to be competitive.

Maniana said the Central province was split into two main hi-ways the Hiritano and the Magi hi-way, he added that both hi-ways possessed great talent and that was their biggest task ahead to grow the game of rugby union in the Central province.

He added that the only flagship tournament hosted by Central Rugby Union was the famous Aroma Coast 7s (AC 7s) and it was only dominated by the people in Aroma and the Magi Hi-way.

“Central has only been running one competition the Aroma Coast sevens; we need money to grow the game in Magi Hi-way and Hiritano Hi-way.

“We make no excuses for Central we hope the new executives of Papua New Guinea Rugby Football Union can help move the growth of the competition forward,” Maniana said

He said giving the opportunity to the population in the Hiritano Hi-way can help boost the code of rugby union in that area as well as Central was known for its pool of talent in sports.

“Basically our focus in the last 5 years has been to develop the game, we have the Hiritano and Magi Hi-way to cover it’s been a very hard task.

“We believe we have the talent in that area as well and we want to give the opportunity and say that Central has truly embraced the game and can step up to the challenge to the provincial 15s and 7s tournaments.

“The most successful flagship tournament the Aroma Coast 7s has produced some good talent in administration and players to name a few, we have Billy Rapilla the Genia brothers and Douglas Guise and some others as well who have taken the game of Rugby Union,” Maniana said.

Maniana added that the success of team Central in the PNG games has proved they can produce some good rugby.

“As a province we have played in the PNG games and on three occasions we won bronze in the games and that’s the testament of the coaching staff and the players,” Maniana said.

Madang Madgauns to Improve (Post Courier 13/12/16)

Madang Madgauns (Yellow) taking on Defense (Black) in the Jonah Lomu Legacy Cup


The Madang Madgauns may have left without a trophy in the Jonah Lomu legacy Cup tournament, bowing out in the bowl qualifiers but they are looking to improve.

The Madgauns lost to Defence in the Bowl qualifiers but the team got some experience to build the team.

Madang Rugby Football Union president Jacky Tokam said they had a chance to get as much experience in this tournament for the growth of the team going into the future.

“We have this opportunity to get back some pride for Madang by giving some of our players the exposure for more tournaments we don’t really have had that much experience in recent times,”

But he added that the team was in a rebuilding stage from their dominant years when they were champions in the Coca cola sevens circuit.

“We in a rebuilding process in Madang to bring back in some experience guys to help build the team, we have our experience players making a return for the Gauns, Don Kais, Eddie Elua, Arnold Lange, Edwin Paliau Benjamin ,Robert Wail, young promising talents Joshua Singura and Benjamin Wahune,” Tokam said.

Tokam said the 15s Madang Rugby Football Union (MARFU) competition this year was really challenging but they managed to rally support from the Madang Open MP to help support the competition.

“We didn’t have a field to play so we were sharing the field with rugby league and we did well the club presidents and players cooperated and we started at 8am and finished at 11am and played through the season without any violence.

“We achieved our goal of preventing violence in sports and we would also like to thank current open member Nixon Duban for his K100, 000 donation for the Duban 7s that promoted the code of rugby union and Madang province as well,” Tokam said

Lomu was a family man Wife says (Post Courier 13/12/16)

Nadene Lomu the widow of Jonah Lomu talking during the presentation of the
Cup winner in the inagural Jonah Lomu 7s tournament in Port Moresby PNG.

Nadene Lomu the widow of former New Zealand All Blacks great Jonah Lomu has shared the legends love of his family.

She made a speech at the launching of her late husband’s legacy cup In Port Moresby, a teary moment for some that did not know what Jonah Lomu went through apart from his star studded rugby union career.

She said Jonah was someone who had played rugby union with great passion and adversity but had to end it all due to his kidney disease.

“Channeling his frustration and anger into success was something Jonah did so well he used adversity to motivate him to fuel his success on the field.

“While he endured immense health issues and challenges in early in his life this ended his rugby career early and really compromised his life style,” Nadene said

She mentioned that Jonah Lomu always wanted a family but was told by doctors that he could not have children with his kidney disease but he did have children with his wife Nadene and valued them more than anything in this world.

“His family was his priority Jonah was told he would never have children but he beat all odds not with one but with two little boys and with me having only one ovary they were our miracle boys,”

She added that she and Jonah always worked together and whenever they asked him what his greatest achievement was he would always say it was his family.

“Jonah and I worked as a team in everything we did we were never apart and he was always protective to me and the boys.

“Every time he was asked what his greatest achievement was he would say it was our family he was so proud of us to be told he would never have children to not know what it was like to be part of a family he did and he achieved all he could dream for

She added he was always helping others when he had the chance and would always put his priority to his family.

“He was always helping others and would never seek help for himself; he was always generous in life Jonah gave away cars houses if he had it he gave it and that was Jonah he gave it away like it was a piece of candy he never faulted in giving up himself despite being so sick,” Nadene said

Monday 12 December 2016

Morobe Hammerheads win Inaugural Jonah Lomu legacy cup trophy in Papua New Guinea (Post Courier 12/12/16)

left Wife of former All Blacks star Jonah Lomu, Nadene Lomu
with Holding the Jonah Lomu  Legacy Cup with
Morobe Hammerheads  captain Max Vali

Morobe Hammerheads have come out Cup winners in the Jonah Lomu Legacy Cup 7s after defeating the AROB Black Orchids.

In front of a jubilant crowd that braved the humid conditions, PNG Pukpuks 7s player Max Vali led the men from Morobe to take out the bragging rights as inaugural Cup winners as they hammered their way to a 22-7 victory at the new Bava Park stadium in Port Moresby.

The Hammerheads took on tough Orchids outfit but managed to weaken them with their hard hits allowing Eliud Hosea to run in for the first try in the 3rd minute.

The Orchids had some good ball handling skills with wide passes out to Jimmy Pahia and Captain Nathan Baramun almost leading to a try but Hammerheads speedster Maluai Patala pounced on their misfortune and dashed for a 90 meter try in 7th minute to bring the score to 10 -0 at half time.

The second half saw continued momentum as the Hammerheads back up play took center stage, as key players Jason Pitbang and others ran through a back paddling Orcids team to pass to Max Vali who stepped the defense before offloading to Andrew Purani to put a try in the corner.

Max Valis try in the 10th minute all but sealed the victory for the Hammerheads as Orchids Captain Nathan Baramun settled for a consolation try in the 12th minute, but the Hammerheads held firm to win the game 22-7 after 14minutes of play.

Morobe Hammer Heads 22 (E.Hosea 3rd, M.Patala 7th, A.Purani 8th M.Vali 10th) defeated Black Orchids 7 (N. Baramun 12th

Lomus wife shares his messages (Post Courier 9/12/16)

Nadene Lomu (right) with her dad Merv Quirk being welcomed at Jackson's International Airport.


Jonah Lomus wife Nadene has thanked Papua New Guinea for continuing her husband’s legacy and shared her husband’s life.

She said she would be sharing the experiences of the tournament with her two sons who could not make it to Papua New Guinea with her but acknowledged the invitation for her father Merv Quirk to be with her.

“I cannot wait to tell the little boys Dhyreille Lomu is six years old and Brayley Lomu is seven years old all the wonderful things I have seen and all the great people you are.

“While I am sorry our boys could not be here with us tonight but I acknowledge the invitation to have my father with me by my side,”

She said Jonah Lomu played the 1995 world cup with less than 60% health with no one knowing this but his doctors.

“We only got to see Jonah at 60% on a good day imagine what he could have been and what he could have done on a 100,”

She added that to live the legacy of Jonah Lomu was to listen to the messages that Lomu always shared when he was alive.

“If he (Jonah Lomu) was here talking to you all today he would say do what you love look after those you love and spend time with them for life is so precious.

“Believe, believe in yourself believe you can even if no one believes in you just believe and finally enjoy life and your family.

“How we honor his legacy to live by the messages I have shared we live them with Jonah the most exiting rugby player together we can make each of your dreams come through in growing rugby in this beautiful country,” Nadene Lomu said .

Minister Endorses PNGRFU President Kami (Post Courier 9/12/16)

left Steven Kami holding hands with Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko

Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko gave his endorsement for lawyer Steven Kami to take control of the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football Union (PNGRFU).

In an unprecedented move last night, Tkatchenko gave his blessings to Kami and his team to take the lead in heading the post of president of the PNGRFU, that was left vacant by the resignation of the Richard Sapias earlier this year.

“I would like to acknowledge the new president of PNGRFU Mr Steven Kami and the new Chairman is PNG Sports Foundation chief executive officer Peter Tsiamalili Jr.

“A t the end of the day the sport of Rugby Union has a big place in Papua New Guinea, and I always have said this if you don’t get the administration of a particular sports right that sport will fail.

“Now we have a new president Steven Kami I know now the sport will move forward in the right direction I am confident about it and all those supporting the new president to bring rugby union forward and we look for a bright future,” Tkatchenko said.

Provincial Rugby Unions support Steven Kami (Post Courier 9/12/16)

from left Ako Maniana President of Central Rugby Union, Avea Hiarua President of Morobe Rugby Union, Jacky Tokam President of Madang Rugby Union, Peter Prior President of West New Britain Rugby Union 


The constitution used by the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football Union (PNGRFU) is outdated and is deemed illegal, thus the formation of a new PNGRFU Board under the Presidency of Steven Kami was voted in.

This was made known by four of the 10 provincial rugby union presidents, at a press conference yesterday, Avea Hiarua President of Morobe Rugby Union, Jacky Tokam President of Madang Rugby Union, Peter Prior President of West New Britain Rugby Union and Ako Maniana President of Central Rugby Union, were present to rally their support for Steven Kami and they added as well that other Provincial Unions AROB, Capital Rugby Union, Oro and New Ireland were in support of Kami aswell.

Maniana confirmed that the only legitimate constitution for PNGRFU at the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) dated back to 1998, and based on that constitution an interim committee was established.

“When we discovered from the IPA that the constitution was invalid we had to correct that, so we reverted to the 1998 constitution because it was the only legal document we could base any action on and that constitution was then used to form an interim committee, and based on that interim committee we over saw 14 days required by the constitution leading up to the election of the current board under Steven Kami,”

He added that this was made known to the PNGRFU members who included Ben Frame and the other stake holders, but there was no positive response.

“We gave out invitations to the PNGRFU Board and members that there was going to be an election it was published in the media and 24th of November vote was taken by 46 people and the current executives were voted in under the 1998 constitution which was the only valid constitution according to IPA,” Maniana said.

Hiarua also confirmed that the unregistered 2012 constitution used by the PNRFU said there would be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) after every 15 months and that 15 months from 2015 AGM had lapsed on the month of October,

“According to the unregistered constitution from 2012 the 15 months before the next AGM had ended on the 28th October 2016 and we the Provincial Rugby Union presidents sent a petition to Ben Frame and his executives that if they were to move the AGM they would be in breach of the constitution that they were relying on, but they haven’t come back to us on that petition but they still want the provincial unions to comply with their January 2017 AGM,” Hiarua said.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Ben Frame is still president, says PNGRFU general manager (Post Courier 8/12/16)

Left PNGRFU general manager Frank Genia and PNG National Sevens team coach Douglas Giuse 


The Papua New Guinea Rugby Football Union (PNGRFU) is still headed by interim president Ben Frame.

This was made clear by PNGRFU general manager Frank Genia.

Genia made the clarification during a press conference at the PNGRFU headquarters in Port Moresby yesterday.

“At the end of the day the PNGRFU office reports to one board that is recognized by World Rugby, International Rugby Board (IRB) and the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA).

“The board consists of current president Ben Frame, treasurer Leon Buskins and their other executives, and until such time at the Annual General Meeting in January 2017 when the new executives are elected in, it will be business as usual,” Genia said.

Genia said he did not want to make comments without legal clarification from the IRB and the PNGRFU lawyers.

“The PNGRFU Board will make an official statement in due course after reviewing the legal advice from the World Rugby (IRB) lawyers and our lawyers so I cannot comment any further on this until we have spoken to our lawyers.

“The last thing we want to do is continue on with this media circus and ultimately risk PNGRFUs membership to IRB which will mean no funding and competitions and we don’t want that,” Genia said.

Kami qualifies PNGRFU status (Post Courier 8/12/16)

Lawyer Steven Kami
THE wrangle over the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football Union (PNGRFU) leadership continues.The new faction under lawyer Steven Kami is further questioning the legitimacy of the appointment of Ben Frame.

In a statement yesterday, Kami said how can the appointment of Ben Frame be legitimate, when the constitution he refers to has not been registered and even today remains unregistered.

He further stated that he (Frame) cannot claim a position (president) when he was never elected to that position.

The Illegal constitution he runs under requires the position remain vacant until a Special General Meeting to fill the position is called or the position is filled at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), if the position falls vacant within three months of the date of the next AGM.

With regards to World Rugby participation in this issue, Kami said they (new body) have set out steps to get themselves legally compliant.

“Then we will hold a special general meeting where we will invite Ben Fame and friends to nominate and attend.

“We want to get this sorted once and for all.

“We don’t need World Rugby to tell us what to do.

“We know what to do and are doing it legally and transparently.

“We are not shortcutting we are following the law,” he added.

“The only legal Board is my board,” he qualified.

Maintenance seminar for stadiums (Post Courier 7/12/16)

From left National Capital District  Governor Powes Parkop
and Sports Minister Justin Tkatchenko

The legacy of the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup is set to continue with a maintenance seminar scheduled to take place for the up-keep of the training pitch and stadiums.

In an email by FIFA, A spokes person for FIFA confirmed that the upgrades made to meet FIFA standards will remain with the exception of the signage and other branding to be dismantled.

“The upgraded and brand new stadium infrastructure will remain in the country with the exception of some overlay like temporary fencing, signage, and branding, which will be dismantled,“ said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson also added that the training fields and the stadiums will be maintained so that the legacy of the tournament continiues.

“ The stadium and training site pitches will also remain and a maintenance seminar will be held and a maintenance programme will be handed over to the groundskeepers to provide the possibility of legacy for the future of football in PNG,“ the Spokesperson added.

The spokes person also revealed some intresting statistcis, which included the use of 570 official match balls provided by adidas for training and the 32 matches played during the tournament, and a total of more than 63 meals for each team per day for the 16 teams during the FIFA U20 tournament.

On Papua New Guineas front, Sports Minister Justin Tkatchenko in a press conference yesterday confirmed that facilities including the two mini stadiums will be sub leased to respective Sports Federations in the country.

He added that the infrastructure would be utilized for local and international events, and further improvements would be made to the facilities.

“The stadiums will be subleased by the PNG Sports foundation to the respective Sporting federations; this includes the mini stadiums at the PNG Football stadium and the Bava Park stadium,”

He added that Papua New Guinea must make use of the facilities to host international events.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Johan Lomu Legacy Cup has two sponsors

from left, New Zealand High Commissioner, Tony Fautua, Chief Commercial Officer for PNG Air Paul Abbot and President for Capital Rugby Union Jacob Anga making the Sponsorship announcement.


The Johan Lomu Legacy Cup committee has announced two Major sponsors in PNG Air and Financial Corporation (Fincorp).

New Zealand High commissioner to Papua New Guinea Tony Fautua made the announcement at the New Zealand High Commission in Port Moresby last week Wednesday.

He said PNG Air has come on board as the Gold Sponsor and will be responsible for flying in the visiting teams from their respective provinces.

The teams that will be flown in by PNG Air are Madang Madgauns, Lae Hammer Heads, Kimbe Rebels and Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) Black Orchids men’s and women’s teams.

High Commissioner Fautua said PNG Air was their biggest sponsor and was grateful for their support, he also mentioned that Fincorp was one of the first corporate sponsors to come on board with a cash contribution.

“On behalf of the High Commission and Capital Rugby Union, it’s a privilege that we can receive such support, and for PNG Air to cover the teams air fares for free is the largest sponsorship for the tournament,” Fautua said

Chief Commercial Officer for PNG Air Paul Abbot said it was their pleasure to come on board and support the occasion to be part of the development of Rugby Union in Papua New Guinea.

“We are privileged to come on board, it took a long time to get off but it’s a wonderful prospect and we are here to support and give this opportunity to help make the dreams of some of these Papua New Guinean rugby union players come into fusion,” Abbot said

President for Capital Rugby Union Jacob Anga said he was grateful for the airlines support and hoped they continue with supporting rugby union in Papua New Guinea.

“Thank you for your support in helping to contribute to the getting the competition ready, and I hope we can continue this relationship into the future,” Anga said

Fatua said one of the Cups main concept was to ensure the development of school boys and grassroots rugby ensures Papua New Guinea both men and women teams can enter the Olympics and hopefully one day host a HSBC Sevens circuit game.

THE Jonah Lomu Legacy Cup is set (Post Courier 1/12/16)

The trophies with the Jonah Lomu Cup logo will be given to the winners Picture by Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia 


The management committee revealed the trophies, announced ticketing and the winning categories of the tournament at the New Zealand High Commission in Port Moresby.

The tournament is slated for December 9-12 at the new Bava Park Stadium in Port Moresby.

Tournament director Billy Rapilla said the competition is aimed at continuing the legacy of the late New Zealand All Black legend Jonah Lomu and importantly creating a pathway for junior and grassroots rugby union development in Papua New Guinea with the help of the New Zealand High Commission.

The tournament is the first after Lomu’s passing last year.

Rapilla said there will be two divisions for the men and women, with clubs from Port Moresby’s Capital Rugby Union (CRU) and visiting teams from outside provinces take part.

“There will be no prize money, but trophies handed out for the Cup, Plate and Bowl category winners.

“It will be a 16 men and eight women team competition,” he added.

He said there will be 11 Capital Rugby Union teams, four visiting teams,( Madang Madgauns, Lae Hammer Heads, Kimbe Rebels and Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) Black Orchids), and an invited team Hakatautai from the Mortlock and Tasman area of the Bougainville, that will be playing in the men’s category.

“The womens teams will see seven capital rugby union teams and the women’s Black Orchid team, from AROB, The men’s teams will be put into four pools and the women in two pools,” Rapialla added

He also added that the tournament will feature eight capital rugby union U19 teams that will play four games during the break intervals of the three day tournament, and an inclusion of two Brisbane based referees to ref and give the international field.

“There is a lot of excitement about the tournament with also the inclusion of eight U19 teams, we also will be brining p two referees from Brisbane to help with improving the standard of the game, and will be running a workshop for referees, as a refresher before the start of the tournament,” Rapilla said

The gate fee for the tournament will be K5 for Adults and K2 for Children

player of the match happy

Korea DPR`s Kim Phyong Hwa heading the ball to score their second goal of the evening


KOREA DPR Live Your Goals Player of the Match, Kim Phyong Hwa (No.11), was speechless after her performance paved way for their FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup win at the National Football Stadium in Port Moresby on Saturday.

She was a standout in the game with a goal of her own and an assist that led to the equalizer in the first half; her presence as the midfielder was crucial as she made inroads in the France defence.

But Kim was speechless after the match as she could not find the words to express herself, with the help of a translator; she said it was the best moment in her life.

“This is the happiest moment since my birth until today, no words can describe the win tonight (Saturday),” Kim said.

She added that they were always a confident group of girls; they had faith in themselves and they had to endure the expectations of their country, their friends and family back home in Korea DPR.
“We came here with the confidence and with that confidence we had to uphold and live up to the expectations of our family and of the country,” Kim said.

She added that the tournament has thought her and a lot of her teammates the experience that will help them into the future.

“I have gained a lot of experience during the tournament, and that has helped us keep up with the team’s expectations; the tactics and, of course, with the coaches help we can continue with our success,” she said.

Sung Hyang-Sim crowd favorite in FIFA U20 Womens World Cup 2016 Papua New Guinea

 Sung Hyang-Sim (2) getting away from France forward Grace Geyoro (8) during the Grand Final match on Saturday. Picture by Mark Talia


The crowd at the PNG football stadium was in roar, when Korea DPR sent in their super substitute player Sung Hyang-Sim on grand final day on Saturday against France.

A crowd favorite in the Korea DPR U20 Womens team Hyang-Sim played her best during the tournament, and her skill and stamina always took center stage.

Sung, who wears the No2 jersey and usually operates on the right side of attack, has gained in maturity and experience

Her speed and stamina along with her resilience in attack has made her a crowd favorite, she is probably the shortest player at a height of 156cm and the second youngest in the team at only 16years of age behind reserve goalkeeper Ok Kum-Ju, who is four months her junior.

Her blistering speed is the biggest problem for the opposition and Korea DPR coach Hwang Yongbong knows exactly when to inject his pocket rocket unto the field of play.

Her injection into the field is always in the second half around the 60th minute which causes problems for the tiered backline, and she will always push forward for opportunities.

At the end of October, the Korea DPR international helped her side take the honours at the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Jordan 2016, a competition in which she collected the adidas Silver Ball and was voted the Live Your Goals Player of the Match in three of their six games.

Within ten days of returning to her home town of Pyongyang, Sung was packing her bags again for another world finals adventure. Her destination this time was the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup Papua New Guinea 2016.

Her only goal in the tournament came in the 7-0 thrashing of the home nation Papua New Guinea, her pace and her never ending urge to score is passion, as she told

“I always want to score,” she told . “When I’m out on the pitch I give my all for the team and I always expect to get a goal or to set one up.”

She made her debute for Kotrea DPR at the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Costa Rica 2014 and since then has always improved in her game.

“I let nerves get the better of me on that occasion and I had a lot of respect for the other teams, especially the European ones. They had some very big players who really imposed themselves on me,” said Sung, reflecting on her first World Cup experience

Sunday 4 December 2016

Korea DPR has all the reasons to celebrate (Post Courier 5/12/16)

Korea DPR FIFA U20 Womens World Cup Champions Papua New Guinea 2016 Picture by Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia


Korea DPR has all the reason to celebrate their win in the final match of the FIFA U20 women’s World Cup.

The FIFA U20 World Cup womens title win is their second FIFA World Cup title this year after their U17 girls beat Japan on penalty shootouts to claim the U17 FIFA World Cup title in October 2016 in Jordan.

It has been a successful year for Korea DPR in youth football and a proud Coach Hwang Yongbong with the help of a translator couldn’t hold back the excitement of the girls’ achievement at the press conference after their big win.

“Needless to say I am proud of the girls this is the second time this year we have won a world title, and this is thanks to our President Kim Jong-un and his recruitment and training program,” Yongbong said.

He said that the win may be a good feeling for now but there is always room for improvement as the team moves forward into the future.

“I am very happy with the tournament the result but we won’t stop here, we have other goals to achieve as well in the future, but we are sure to be greeted with a huge welcome when we get back to our country,”

Yongbong said they were always weary of their opponents and always had a close eye on their opposition, with coach Yongbong personally watching the semifinal match between France and Japan to see the player’s tactics.

“Yes we knew the France team tactics and their physical condition; they played a grueling match with Japan in the semi finals and as I expected the game took a lot of energy out of them,”

Yongbong said it was really hard to single out the best players in his team, because of they all contributed really well in the tournament.

“I cannot really say who the best players are, because they are all good players, we like to thank the host nation for its hospitality and the Local Organizing Committee as well, the hotel staff for our stay in Papua New Guinea,”

Korea DPR FIFA U20 Womens World Cup Champions (Post Courier 5/12/16)

Korea DPR U20 Womens team celebrating their 3-1 defeat of France in the FIFA  U20 Womens World Cup Papua New Guinea. Picture by Post Courier Photogrpaher Mark Talia


Korea DPR is the FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup Champions in 2016 Papua New Guinea, after a come from behind 3-1 victory at the National Football Stadium.

It was a tough match with equal dominance in the first half both teams showed why they were in the final, with confident passing, open play, and organized defense.

It was France who scored their first goal in the 17th minute from a penalty kick, Maelle Garbino took the kick outside the 18 yard box that travelled straight to Korea DPR goal keeper Kim Myong Sun who pushed it back straight to a waiting Grace Geyoro to kick past the keeper.

France took the motivation of the goal to move forward with mid fielder Delphine Cascarino and forwards Carla Mateo and Grace Geyoro, attempting the Korea DPR goal mount.

But Korea DPR countered with forward Kim So Hyang breaking a set play by France, her 20 meter drive with the ball caused an opening to the left with Kim Phyong Hwa getting the pass before her impressive cross kick to the center for Wi Jong Sim to kick the equalizer.

The score remained 1-1 at half time with both teams having had 50% possession each in the first half, but Korea DPR showed their dominance in the second half, and got one over thanks to a header by Kim Phyong Hwa, causing the 14,752 plus crowd into frenzy.

By the 70th minute France showed signs of fatigue as Korea DPR sent in Number two Sung Hyang-Sim, the crowd favorite added the much needed speed and stamina in the frontline as a weakened France backline held their ground.

It was all over in the 87th minute when Jon So Yong was awarded a penalty goal within the 18yard box; her place kick saw a frustrated France Goal Keeper Mylene Chavas kick the posts after she couldn’t save the goal.

France tried to rally a last ditch effort in injury time but, their late attempts at goal by forwards Marie-Charlotte Leger, Laura Condon and Carla Mateo were saved by Korea DPR keeper Kim Myong Sun.

The win now sees Korea DPR with their second title as FIFA U20 Womens World Cup winners, after their first title win in their inaugural year in 2006.

Korea DPR 3 (W.JONG SIM 30' K.PHYONG HWA 55' J.SO YON 87' PEN)) beat France 1 (G. GEYORO17')

Friday 2 December 2016

French player finds her PNG roots (Post Courier 2/12/16)

ValĂ©rie Gauvin  wearing traditional
 Necklaces given to her by her PNG relatives
BY SIMON KESLEP (Post Courier Sports Reporter)

pictures by Post Courier photographer Mark Talia

UNITING with relatives for the very first time will always be treasured for a life-time.

For French striker ValĂ©rie Gauvin, yesterday was icing to the cake for her 2016 FIFA Women’s U-20 World Cup.

Who would have thought Gauvin has a Papua New Guinea heritsge, she has Central Province bloodlines, to be more exact from the Goilala District of Central Province in Papua New Guinea.

The young woman received an overwhelming surprise by her relatives at Koki-Wanigela community in Moresby South electorate yesterday.

Gauvin’s grandmother Joa got married to a French missionary during Papua New Guinea’s pre-independence colonial era.

Joa later gave birth to four children - three girls and a boy.

Valerie’s mother was the eldest of the four siblings and their mother (Joa) is a citizen of France where they all grew up.

One of Gauvin’s ‘long distance’ relative, Elizabeth Koitoi surprised her with a handful of traditional Goilala necklaces and local bilums as gifts.

“I am very excited to meet my relatives here in Port Moresby and these gifts will forever be remembered when I go back home to France,” said a smiling Gauvin.

Valerie Gauvin (18) in action for France during
the U20 Womens World Cup
Koitoi said Gauvin’s grand-mother is from Gudimaipa in Erom, Goilala District.
ValĂ©rie Gauvin with  relative
Elizabeth Koitoi

Gauvin’s village name is ‘Murain’.

“We are all happy to witness her taking part in the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup.

“This is a proud moment for the Goilala people, especially as she will be playing in the Grand Final on Saturday against Korea DPR.

“This is a special moment for our family,” added Koitoi.

Korea DPR have all the reason to beat France (Post Courier 2/12/16)

Left Korea DPR Midfielder  An Song Ok  (left) and Korea DPR coach Yongbong Hwang,

Korea DPR has earned itself the title of the most successful attacking team in FIFA U20 Womens World Cup in Papua New Guinea.

With just one sleep to go, the tension is building in both camps, as Korea DPR and France look to leave the shores of Papua New Guinea as Under 20 Womens Champions.

Statistics show that Korea DPR is leading in goal scoring with a total of 18 goals in five matches only conceding 6 goals.

France on the other hand ended up in sixth place with only seven goals in five matches, conceding only three goals.

While France may be seen as the underdogs against the statistics, they are more than capable of causing an upset, they have taken on USA in the pool stages and drew with them 0-0 and beat the two most favored teams in the tournament Germany and Japan to enter the final.

Korea DPR coach Yongbong Hwang may be confident but he is respectful enough to commend France on their road to the finals.

Hwang has lost to the France team before at the FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup final in 2012 in Azerbaijan where Hwang was the coach of Korea DPR that went down to France during a penalty shoot out.

“It will be a very interesting game because we have also met with France in the final of the FIFA U17 Womens World Cup in 2012, and I know it will be tough.

“They are all fit and have a safe dribble and nice routine in their game but they do have some weaknesses in their game that we will target,” Hwang said

Only four members from the France team that beat Korea DPR during the 2012 FIFA U17 World remain in the current U20 squad and they are France Captain Delphine Cascarino, fellow mid fielders, Grace Geyoro and Julian Gathart and Goal Keeper Cindy Perrault.

Korea DPR on the other hand has nine of the girls that were under the coaching of Hwang who will be certainly out for revenge as they are eager to take the title this time as the Korea DPRs U20 team.

Choe Sol Gyong, Ri Kyong Hyang, Ri Hyang Sim, Ri Un Hwa, Kim Phyong Hwa, Jon So Yon, Ri Un Yong, Kim Un Hwa, and Kim So Hyang, will be out for revenge as Korea DPR look to lift the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup trophy for the second time, as a nation.


France looking ahead for big game (Post Courier 2/12/16)

from Left Korea DPR coach Yongbong Hwang, with player An Song Ok, France player Grace Geyoro and France coach Gilles Eyquem 

France is not looking to their past for answers but rather in their players and their game plan to produce the result they need in the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup.

France will be taking on Korea DPR in the final match of the tournament but their coach Gilles Eyquem is not concerned about their road to the finals, but at how they can counter them in the game tomorrow.

Gilles is more concerned with Korea DPRs speed, ball control and their Stamina during the match and towards extra time.

“I am not use to looking back to the past, how we won the games to get here is different, Korea DPR is a different team a though team that has very tactical players and a go forward game, we just have to adjust to that,” Gilles said

Giles said both teams were tough but they would be really looking into their line up to pick the best players to play in the final.

He said the knockout stages of the tournament have taken its toll on the young women, as they played more than 90 minutes some nursing minor injuries.

“It’s the final game and we will be looking to get our best team on the field, both teams are not in the best physical state we played  two tough games on Tuesday that led right through to extra time, so we will choose wisely,”

Gilles added that the team was happy about their stay in Papua New Guinea as they have seen the support for their team is overwhelming, he said they were happy about the support, and added they would try to win the game for their fans.

“Our stay in Papua New Guinea has been great so far, we have had the chance of visiting our fans like at Koki yesterday I always see the enthusiasm in their support, we just hope they turn out in numbers and we can give them a win,” Gilles said

History-making France defy Japan with extra-time heroics

France celebrate their first goal in Extra time Picture by Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia 
France are into their first FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup final after a 2-1 extra-time victory ended the hopes of in-form Japan.
All the action was crammed into the 30 additional minutes with France hitting a quickfire double against the run of play, before some heroic defending ensured Japan’s comeback was limited to one goal.
France will now meet Korea DPR in Saturday's final, hoping to make it two wins out of two against Asian opposition in Papua New Guinea.
Actually it was Japan who had the better of the game's early exchanges and came close to opening the scoring, albeit inadvertently when Rin Sumida’s cross clipped the top of the crossbar.
Japan’s leading scorer Mami Ueno created an opening but fired straight into the hands of goalkeeper Mylene Chavas. France for their part, invariably looked dangerous down the flanks or on the counter-attack.
Though far from an overtly physical match, there were several injury blows. France lost dynamic full-back Sakina Karchaoui after a nasty head clash, while Japan saw Asato Miyagawa replaced with a serious looking wrist injury. And there was more bad news after the break for Japan with Ueno exiting on a stretcher after a blow to the leg.
Japan continued to have the better of things after the break, putting pressure on the France defence, and restricting their opponents’ attempts to hold the ball. But for all Japan’s domination in possession, France’s back-four, who have conceded just twice in the tournament, were resolute once again.
But the longer the contest remained goalless, the more it seemed that France could snatch a win. Incredibly, having barely troubled Japan goalkeeper Chika Hirao, they somehow managed to score twice in as many minutes.
Nine minutes into injury time, Marion Romanelli weighted a perfect cross and Clara Mateo rose between two defenders to head home.
And the France contingent in the Sir John Guise stadium were sent into ecstasy when midfielder Juliane Gathrat lashed home a loose ball, after Louise Fleury’s run caused chaos in the Japan penalty area.
Gathrat then turned villain bundling over an opponent to concede a spot-kick. France goalkeeper Chavas initially stopped Yuka Momiki’s penalty, only to push the ball over the line as she attempted to reach back and claim the ball off the goalline.
Live Your Goals player of the match: Hawa Cissoko (France) 

Korea DPR into final as USA sunk in extra time

Korea DPR players Congratulate themselves after their win against USA Picture by Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia


Korea DPR are into their third FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup final after a 2-1 semi-final win, though they needed extra time to see off some brave resistance from three-time winners USA. Korea DPR seemed set for victory after a penalty was converted by Jon So Yun early in the second half, only for Natalie Jacobs to equalise in the final minute of an at-times physical encounter.

It was a match featuring lots of intent, but little in the way of attacking cohesion or creativity until the latter stages, though it was Korea DPR who clearly had the better openings. One of USA’s few sights of goal came on the quarter-hour mark as Mallory Pugh burst into the penalty area with a trademark driving run, only to pull her shot wide.

Perhaps the best chance of the half fell to Korea DPR as WI Jong Sim created a yard of space at the top of the penalty area, only to fire her low shot just wide. The Koreans finished the half stronger than the three-time champions and Kim Un Hwa saw her shot narrowly deflected over, while Kim Phyong Hwa pushed a header into the side-netting from the resultant corner.

Five minutes after the break came a pivotal moment, and it was an unfortunate one for USA. Midfielder Katie Cousins was penalised for handball after sliding in for a tackle and Jon So Yun easily converted the spot-kick. The match became stretched in the final stages as USA pushed hard for an equaliser, with previous goalscoring substitutes Ally Watt and Kelcie Hedge adding an extra dimension in attack.

USA had registered just one shot on target approaching the final minute of the match, yet the Stars and Stripes have proved they can never be written off. Pugh saw her close-range shot blocked and Jacobs, making a first start in the tournament, perfectly pushed a volley over the head of the goalkeeper with her instep.

Ri Hyang Sim saw her fierce shot pushed wide by a diving Casey Murphy, while Kim Phyong Hwa had a gilt-edged chance to win in the last moments of regulation time only to direct a free header at the back-post over the bar. Korea DPR, however, hit back within seconds of the restart as Sung Hyang Sim teed up Ri Hyang Sim who easily slotted after her run into the penalty box went unchecked.

USA were surviving on slim margins and they needed a last-gasp Maddie Elliston goalline clearance from Ri Hyang Sim after goalkeeper Murphy’s initial block.

Live Your Goals Player of the Match: Ri Hyang Sim (Korea DPR)

Korea DPR and USA to bring their best game (Post Courier 29/11/16)

Players from the USA U20 team during the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup 
The Korea DPR team during the FIFA U20 womens World Cup 

USA and Korea DPR will both be bringing their best game in the semi final of the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup.

USA has had to rely on their forwards off the bench against Mexico to win on Friday, while Korea DPR sealed their win in a comeback against Spain.

Both coaches have the confidence in their players to produce a grand final berth. USA coach Michelle French has said that USA has nothing to prove because they are not the team that has won the previous U20 World Cups.

“This group hasn’t won anything. Those teams that won the trophies were completely different teams. What this age-group has done in the past is extremely impressive, but this group of players still wants to put their own stamp on the game,” French said

French added that they always had game plans in place, and her players were always keen on producing the desired results in every game they play.

“This team has the heart and the determination and they have proved that they can score goals when we really need it,

She mentioned team USAs culture as one that does not accept defeat easily, adding that mentally as well they were strong and all the players never gave up

“The game (against Mexico) was not about the soccer piece of it all, it was about the hard work and determination and the USA mentality. The resolve this group of players played with, from players one to 21, and the belief that we would come back and get the result, was one of the most impressive I have been involved in. They 100 per cent felt that they could come back, and that is something that has been built into our culture’.

Korea DPR coach Hwang Yong-Bong has always been positive about the Korea DPR girls with their performance always quoted as well planned and towards expectations.

Yong-Bong added that his substitutes are also the best and no different from the starting lineup.

"I make no distinction between my starting XI and my bench. Whenever I make such switches, it's always to try to help the team," Yong –Bong said

France weary of favorites Japan (Post Courier 29/11/16)

France supporters during the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup 

The France U20 Womens team is weary of their Japanese opponents, as they are set for the second match in the Semifinals of the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup in Port Moresby.
The France bench runs into the field on the final whistle. 

France played a hard fought match against Germany to oust them in the quarter finals but France could have scored more goals than the Germans but were too in experienced.

France forwards Clara Mateo and Marie-Charlotte Leger had a few opportunities in front of the keeper but looked under pressure to score goals.

France Coach Gilles Eyquem after the post match conference admitted that the young women had been lacking in the goal scoring department of late, with the team only scoring five goals in four matches and conceding only two from their draw against Ghana.

Their counterparts Japan however have scored 14 goals in four games conceding only two goals one from Spain and one from Brazil.

This statistic has been a wary for Franc Coach Gilles Eyquem who said that they needed to score first and hopefully shut down the Japanese attack from scoring more goals.

“We have been having lack of success in front of the goal it has become a weakness a lot of the girls in the team have not had that much experience in scoring goals in international tournaments, it might not be a problem if we hold the Japanese to at least a goal, but if they keep scoring like they are currently it could be a problem,” Eyquem said

Eyquem said they have been working hard in training and having some time to relax as well visiting the National Museum in Port Moresby yesterday.

The France team had the opportunity to relax and enjoy the rich cultural history of the country, Coach Eyquem at the Museum said it was part of their schedule to relax but they were still focused at the task ahead.

“We have had three days to prepare for the game so this is part of the training schedule and that’s to rest, we will be fielding our strongest team, and we will look forward to score first if possible,” Eyquem said

Cascarino leading the France team well (Post Courier 29/11/16)

France U20 Womens Captain Delphine Cascarino (7) against USA during the U20 womens World Cup in PNG


France U20 Womens team Captain Delphine Cascarino could be the difference in the France attack as they take on the favorites Japan in the Semi final of the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup

Delphine Cascarino is no stranger to finals football in her youth level; she was a member of the France women's national under-17 football team in 2012 which won the 2012 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup and she was also part of the France team that won the European title at the 2016 UEFA Women's Under-19 Championship this year.

She has so far captained the team with gutsy running and control as a key midfielder in the team and her spectacular goal against Germany capped off a stunning performance as she backed up and took on the German defense whenever they came in her path.

Her performance as captain in the last two matches has been wonderful and the technically gifted midfielder contributed a goal against Ghana and an assist against New Zealand and was named the Live Your Goals Player of the Match in two of France’s four games in Group C.

Even France Coach Gilles Eyquem had only positives to say about the 19 year old, he added that she was a player that brings quality to the side and one that is well respected by her team mates, who is generous and a great asset to their arsenal.

“Delphine Cascarino is a quality player that is generous and active in the field she defends well and her captaincy brings a treat every time she plays,” Eyquem said

Young Cascarino was happy about the team’s entry into the Semi Finals and was happy as well to learn about the country of Papua New Guinea when they visited the National Museum and the Nature Park in Port Moresby.

“I have been playing in international fixtures for France since 2012 and I am very happy with the success of the team, we made it to the finals, and I am hoping that we can win.

“I am very happy to be in Papua New Guinea, it’s a very beautiful country and I have learned a lot about the country.

“I enjoyed the visits to the Nature Park where we saw the different species of animals that are native to the country, and see the artifacts in the museum I have realized that we have very different cultures,” Cacarino said

Ally Watt a game changer for the USA team (Post Courier 29/11/16)

Ally Watt (11) and Ghana Midfielder Ernestina Amamabil during the U20 Womens World Cup.
Picture by Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia


The USA U20 womens team has dept in their bench and that is proven time and again by one of their outstanding bench players Ally Watt.

Ally Watt was a star in the game against Mexico scoring the goal that motivated a spirited USA team to a 2-1 victory against Mexico in the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup in Port Moresby.

Watt has so far scored two goals off the bench one against New Zealand in the 82nd minute and the recent one against Mexico in the 81st minute.

USA coach Michelle French always knew Ally was worth the sit on the bench, adding that she was part of a game changing substitute bench.

“Our Substitutes are game changers and Ally Watt is a game changer she brings to the team quality ball running and is a massive weapon off the bench for the US team.

Watt who received the Live you Goals player of the match was always up to the test whenever she was needed, she said at the post match interview after their 1-0 victory over Mexico that she would always play the role expected of her.

“It was an intense match in the first half and we knew we would be fighting well into the second half.

“We at the bench had the fight to keep going, and I am always ready to execute any plan by the coach, and whatever that is expected of me I will put myself into that role,” Watt said
French also motioned the ever impressive captain and work horse Mallory Pugh who with her experience is a testament of the team’s hard work.

“Pugh is always stunning and brings to the team a lot of emotion and she is the epiphany of that what the players expect of a captain,” French said

French added that the USA support from the visiting parents, and USA nationals in Port Moresby plus the Tokarara June Valley community was motivating.

“The fans are great their support motivates the players and it’s great to have that sort of energy to feed off from as we look forward to our next game,” French said.

USA Beat Mexica to get into World Cup Semi Final (Post Courier 28/11/16)

Mexico`s Vanessa Flores (3) in tears after the loss to USA
USA`s Jessica Scarpa, Marley Canales and Brooke Heinsohn
Mexico`s Maria Shanchez  (11) and USA Emily Ogle (10)

Pictures by7 Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia

United States of America again played catch up football in the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup in their 2-1 victory over Mexico in Port Moresby on the 25th of November 2016.

USA will now face Korea DPR on Tuesday at the Sir John Guise stadium in the first semi final match at 4pm.

It was a hard fought game in the humid afternoon that saw USA and Mexico battle it out in a match that remained scoreless in the in the first half.

It was an equally contested match, but opportunities were hard to come by, with both teams struggling to contain each other’s passing and running game at times.

USA captain Mallory Pugh bought her renowned speed and control to the game but was at times left without backup to finish the job.

USA forward Ashley Sanchez was also left with only a few opportunities, with Mexican defenders Vanessa Flores, Monica Flores and Rebecca Bernal working overtime.

It was in the 66th minute that the breakthrough came it was a hand ball by USA defender Kaleigh Riehl accidently got a hand ball, which earned Mexico a free-kick on the edge of the penalty area and Mexico Forward Maria Sanchez curled the ball around the near-side of the wall and straight through the hands of USA goalkeeper Casey Murphy.

USA had to catch up and they kept pushing up in attack and driving past the Mexicans, the Mexicans had a more decisive approach as they numbered up in defense and caused turn over’s from the USA forwards.

USA however had dept in the bench and it was none other than Ally Watt who was good off the bench that scored the equalizer.

Watt and her speed proved though as she was injected into the game in the 73rd minute Watt managed to sneak past the tiered Mexicans to latch on to a Sanchez through ball to put the ball past the approaching keeper.

It was substitute Kelcie Hedge who sealed the victory in extra time, when a break by again Sanchez give a pullback dummied by captain Pugh straight for Hedge to kick in the winner.

USA coach Michelle French said they had substitutes that were game changers and they were always there to deliver.

“The qualifying final was what I thought it would be and 100% more and I saw that the team had the determination, I always say our subs are game changers and they proved that,” French said

USA 2 ( A.WATT81' K.HEDGE 90'+3) defeated Mexico 1 (M. SANCHEZ 66')

France knew Germans Game in the U20 World Cup Semi Finals (Post Courier 28/11/16)

The France U20 Womens World Cup team Picture by Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia 


Germany may have been the favorites coming into the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup but France Coach Gilles Eyquem says Germany is not the team to beat in the tournament.

He made these remarks at the post match press conference after their win against the Germans 1-0, he instead said their toughest test would be Japan.

He added that the France team already knew what to expect against the Germans, who he described as not so outstanding in their road towards the FIFA U20 womens World Cup in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea.

“We knew what to expect, we studied their players and their game, and we treated it as any other game, because we knew what they were capable of.

“They haven’t been that outstanding it’s a different generation all together from the previous German sides, and they haven’t been that outstanding in the European Championships.

“I think Japan will be a tough side and they are the likely favorites in the tournament,” Eyquem said.

German coach Maren Meinert was happy though they lost the game but she said they couldn’t do much with a string of injuries in their wake.

She was all praise for the France team, commending them n their performance against a classy France side.

“Congratulations France on the win and all the best to your journey towards the semifinals, we couldn’t do much, but it was a fine game.

“We have had a wonderful experience in Papua New Guinea, it was quite difficult for us but we managed to make it this far despite a string of injuries to the team.

She added that the tournament was well organized and hopes the France team can carry the hopes of Europe into the finals.

“The tournament was very well organized and it was good to have our players experience this kind of experience.

“We are constantly looking for members for the senior women’s team and to make it to the knockout stages,

“It will be good to see a European team win the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup, It will be an interesting game towards the final,” Meinert said

France Beat German to advance to Semi Final (Post Courier 28/11/16)

France skipper Delphine Cascarino # (7)
 scored the only goal in the match
France Coach Gillies Eyquem congratulating his players after
the game
The France bench run into the field after the final wistle

Pictures by Post Courier Photographer Mark Talia

Germany went down 1-0 in the quarterfinal of the FIFA U20 Womens World Cup losing to a fiery and brave France team on the 25th of November 2016.

The Germans may have been one of the favorites but their loss against France proved the level of competition in the final eight was right up at the top level.
Germany and French played one of the most aggressive and decisive games of the finals, it was the Germans high balls and their speed that proved tough for France in what seemed to be a tough game for the French Women.

France stood the test creating their own speed out wide, with mid fielders Maelle Garbino and defender Sakina KarchaouI driving the ball past German defenders.

It was the leadership of France captain and mid fielder Delphine Cascarino and her stamina to run the line from backline to forwards that helped to contain the tougher, larger and more agile Germans.

She herself led by example scoring the only goal in the 16th minute, a classic kick that shook the 9,400 plus crowd.

She took the corner kick before exchanging passes with forward Louise Fleury in the 18 yard box, before she pulled one back and blasted an angled shot right past Carina Schlueter towards the right side of the goal.

Germany tried to come back in the second half with their strong running and short passing by German forwards Anna Gerhardt, Laura Freigang, Stefanie Sanders, Jana Feldkamp and Jasmin Sehan but could not score as France scrambled back in defense.

Even the high lobbed kicks from the Germans were pushed away by Live Your Goals player of the Match France Goal keeper Mylene Chavas.

The game ended in dismay for the German team but their coach wished their fellow European counterparts in the final leg of the tournament.

“I am proud none the less for my girls, they played well, we had difficulty with injury in the tournament but I want France to go into the final, I want to see a Europe team make it through,” German Coach Maren Meinert said

France coach Gilles Eyquem said they were more focused than ever before in the tournament.

“We knew what we would be up against and after the New Zealand win our moral has defiantly improved and we are ready for our next game against Japan,” Eyquem said

France 1 (CASCARINO.D 16') beat Germany 0.