Monday 12 December 2016

Minister Endorses PNGRFU President Kami (Post Courier 9/12/16)

left Steven Kami holding hands with Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko

Minister for Sports and APEC Justin Tkatchenko gave his endorsement for lawyer Steven Kami to take control of the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football Union (PNGRFU).

In an unprecedented move last night, Tkatchenko gave his blessings to Kami and his team to take the lead in heading the post of president of the PNGRFU, that was left vacant by the resignation of the Richard Sapias earlier this year.

“I would like to acknowledge the new president of PNGRFU Mr Steven Kami and the new Chairman is PNG Sports Foundation chief executive officer Peter Tsiamalili Jr.

“A t the end of the day the sport of Rugby Union has a big place in Papua New Guinea, and I always have said this if you don’t get the administration of a particular sports right that sport will fail.

“Now we have a new president Steven Kami I know now the sport will move forward in the right direction I am confident about it and all those supporting the new president to bring rugby union forward and we look for a bright future,” Tkatchenko said.

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