Tuesday 6 December 2016

player of the match happy

Korea DPR`s Kim Phyong Hwa heading the ball to score their second goal of the evening


KOREA DPR Live Your Goals Player of the Match, Kim Phyong Hwa (No.11), was speechless after her performance paved way for their FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup win at the National Football Stadium in Port Moresby on Saturday.

She was a standout in the game with a goal of her own and an assist that led to the equalizer in the first half; her presence as the midfielder was crucial as she made inroads in the France defence.

But Kim was speechless after the match as she could not find the words to express herself, with the help of a translator; she said it was the best moment in her life.

“This is the happiest moment since my birth until today, no words can describe the win tonight (Saturday),” Kim said.

She added that they were always a confident group of girls; they had faith in themselves and they had to endure the expectations of their country, their friends and family back home in Korea DPR.
“We came here with the confidence and with that confidence we had to uphold and live up to the expectations of our family and of the country,” Kim said.

She added that the tournament has thought her and a lot of her teammates the experience that will help them into the future.

“I have gained a lot of experience during the tournament, and that has helped us keep up with the team’s expectations; the tactics and, of course, with the coaches help we can continue with our success,” she said.

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