Tuesday 6 October 2015

PNG's Opposition Supports Somare

Don Polye Opposition Leader of Papua New Guinea supports
Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare's  cause

Opposition Leader Don Polye has thrown support behind the Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare in reference to his letter to the Ombudsman Commission

 Somare who wrote a letter to the Ombudsman referring about 70 members of parliament past and present including Prime Minister Peter O’Neill for breach of the leadership code, has gotten the support of the opposition.

The letter was in relation to the political impasse which took place in 2011 which saw Grand Chief Somare ousted as Prime Minister after he failed to turn up for Parliamentary sessions due to illness.

But the courts ruled in favor of Somare to remain the Prime Minister but was not upheld by Prime Minister Peter O'Niell and his government to steer clear and leave the Prime Minister ship to Somare. 

“The opposition is standing by in principal with people who
Sir Michael wants justice for  his removal and  lodged  a
letter to the Ombudsman  Commission  
are upholding the principals of law and democracy and the constitution, the opposition stands united to promote such, so we stand united to fight law breaking, undermining of the law and compromising institutions that uphold the law and we support Somare in that Principal”. Polye said during a press conference at Parliament House on Thursday.

Polye said Somare’s move was one to uphold the constitution and was from a founding father that was already sick and tired of laws being broken

“He has perused the matter to uphold the integrity of the constitution and the Justice system and the rule of law.”

“Why I am saying this is because the constitution of this country is not respected by just one person Peter O’Neill is someone who is not respecting the constitution of this country.”

“Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare being a founding father of this nation is sick and tired of seeing the laws of this nation being broken, he and other leaders in parliament like Sir Julius Chan and others  who made the laws for the betterment of this nation are seeing laws being broken and breached by leaders without respect ”. 

He added that systems in place were being undermined and gagged 

“Most of the pioneer politicians and Prime Ministers of this nation are sick and tired of what’s happening in this nation continuing to break laws and disrespecting systems”.

“There has been so much gagging and interruptions to the systems in place which are trying to carry out their work without fear or favor. The constitutional office has been compromised”.

“Grand Chiefs letter reflects enough is enough from the opposition’s side it’s about time the Prime Minister starts to realize that what he is doing is not in the interest of this nation when he continues to breach laws and disrespect institutions that enforce law in the constitution it’s an embarrassment brings disrespect to Papua New Guinea.” Polye said

Polye added that it paints a bad image overseas and the global community will see Papua New Guinea as a country that is made up of people who don’t respect the law and like to break the law

“If the Prime Minister was not irresponsible not carless if he did respect the law I don’t think that Grand Chief Somare would file such a letter to the Ombudsman”.  Polye said  

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