Wednesday 23 September 2015

Papua New Guinea Exhibition Built on Culture

One of the Masks from Papua New Guinea on display at the exhibition


A 12 month exhibition on PNG History, Arts and Crafts has been opened for the public at the National Museum and Art Gallery.

Titled Built on Culture, it features over 90 outstanding works of art from the museums extensive collection of over 80,000 objects. The exhibition will include works from each of PNG’s 20 provinces, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and the National Capital District.

Prime Minister of  Papua New Guinea Enjoying his tour of the exhibition
accompanied by Museum Director Andrew Moutu
This exhibition presents works of art from the collections of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Papua New Guinea which marks 40 years of Independence and displays the foundations of PNG’s unique national identity.

On display are enigmatic stone sculptures from thousands of years ago and stunning works of art made in recent years. The exhibition will include paintings and prints by Mathias Kauage, JakupaAko and Timothy Akis, who, at about the time of PNG’s Independence, forged a new style of art fusing traditional stories with new forms of expression.

Museum Director Andrew Moutu thanked the Australian government on their continued support and success of the exhibition.

“This project started 10 months ago and we thank the Australian government for their support they have also made a master plan for the museum and have funded it.” Moutu said
Human Figurines made by people  from Buin in the
 Autonomous Region of Bougainvilee

Ms Bronte Moules the acting High of Commissioner of  Australia said she was impressed and congratulated the museum on their efforts to get the exhibition done on time.

“When I walk through this exhibition I love that I am not just looking at objects, but that I am really experiencing the culture of Papua New Guinea.”

One of the pieces in the exibition  Seulolu Miline Bay Grass Skirt
“I understand exhibitions normally close to three years to prepare for. This exhibition has been developed and installed in approximately 10months, making your achievement even more remarkable.” Moules said

Prime Minister Peter O’Neil who was the guest of honor stressed on the importance of culture for the future generation

He also added that this was an important occasion to promote the countries history and the country  should be happy that this type of exhibition is here and not any other place in the world where some of the nations artifacts have been on show for others to see

"We should be happy that our children can be able to see our culture here in PNG and not in a gallery in America or Europe."

 “The last time I came here was 20 years ago, It is important we preserve our culture a country without history and culture is a country without a future, PNG is a country with a with different cultures and beliefs it is that that held us  that  for thousands of years and here it resembled today.”

“I am glad to be here and it is important our children come here and continue to visit the museum in an effort to help them learn and understand their society and know and understand the culture their generation has known and lived through.”  O’Neil said

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