Thursday 13 November 2014

Brothers in need

Dedicated to our brothers who keep it to themselves, don't hide it share it with your fellow brothers 


Peace be with you my friend, shalom my friend, shalom.
I know how it feels to be happy yet inside feel like ending it all, you smile joke but no one knows your life is slowly depleting. 

I know it’s a hard thing to tackle, to live life like this, to try to live each day but still regret,
I know it’s hard for us men to discuss our short falls and anger issues,
I know why you drink a lot and complain too much.
I know it’s a hard comprehension, it needs a break through; somehow we hope we can break through and find the root cause.

 I fear this ridicule of Manliness is unbecoming, no man should be made to think like this, emotions that rip a vacuum a void of nothing  positive, needs a society to help fill it in with love support and assurance, topped  off with encouraging  and supporting words , which can lift someone to know God has a purpose for everyone.

Even the most tough and successful men have something deep that needs to be thrown away far away, sometimes we just need to talk away from the busy schedules of this mortal world.
Help a brother who sees not a bright future but a present that is diminishing each day, with thoughts of negativity and utmost self-ridicule. 

I believe real men should discuss their thoughts to anyone they trust, clear and precise for either one to understand, He who does,  breaks the clutches of depression and sets course for a new renewed journey,

Brother, hear me out I know we are true brothers, let’s talk about it, let’s share and find some peace.
We’ve shared jokes, smiles, money, smoke, beer, buai, but never our thoughts, when it matters let a brother know, before it’s too late

We all hope one day we all can be real men and talk of our true inner thoughts, defying bereavement.
We often wonder why people take their exit in such a physiologically exhausted torment of short comings. 

We all have a conscious sometimes we need to hear what it says; maybe we need to start making the positives count.

It’s not unmanly to be depressed and not share with your brothers but it’s cowardly to end it all without notice, 

The last we wanna see is something unthinkable, the world lives on but at least make your stay a memorable and happy one with laughter and a legacy that will live on forever.

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