Monday 10 March 2014

Respect the Melanesian Male he will help you

Caption: from left: Eastern Highlands Governor Julie Soso and Minster for Community Development Youth and Religion Loujaya Kouza two of three women politicians currently in Papua New Guinea politics on Friday at the PNG Women’s Forum at Crown Plaza in Port Moresby


Politics in Papua New Guinea is a male dominated scene and you have to understand that and enhance it to gain their respect says Loujaya Kouza

Minister for Community Development Youth and Religion said this on Friday during a panel
discussion on Women’s Political Participation with Current/Former Female MPs, at the US Embassy’s two day PNG Women’s Forum at Crown Plaza in Port Moresby.

Being one of the three women currently in the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea Ms Kouza gave her strategy on how she won her Lae open seat.

“You must understand that the political arena the culture we are in as politicians is male dominant” Ms Kouza said

She said to be a winner in Papua New Guinea politics you have to be well in line with religion as well give respect to the Melanesian Male.

“First set yourself straight with God because he is the only one who can put you up or put you down, and then ask yourself how do you respect the male Melanesia? See the men in society and see how do you see yourself how do you conduct yourself?” Ms Kouza said

She added that those two things were important to win an election as a woman in Politics
“I tell you it’s not about the money or the educational qualification you have it’s about conduct and respect towards others that will win you votes” Ms Kuza added

She cautioned the women at the forum that to enter into politics you had to clear out the “skeletons in your closet” meaning that you must be cleared of everything bad hidden away or else people will be gossiping about you
“You have to give a public burial to your skeletons in the closet Melanesian style so that the men will respect you that it was your past you have changed; you cannot have skeletons in the closet where male Melanesia are concerned” Ms Kouza said

She said in a Melanesian society like PNG sisters were of more value and held at high esteem closer to their brother than the wife is.
 “Your brothers respect you they will come to you for their choice of a wife, when you’re down with anything you can always go to your sister and ask for assistance if you have that kind of relationship with your brother you will know what I’m talking about” Ms Kouza said

She added that in the race to parliament your base vote was important but your relationship with other candidates was important for their base vote area.
“When you go into their area tell them it’s okay give the number one vote to him but you can give me the two or three” Ms Kouza said

“Change your outlook your ways be the sister don’t act like the wife, I mean your actions your psyche must change be the sister help them with their campaign back them up make them look good and  they will say she’s my sister give her the second or third vote” Ms Kouza said

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