Thursday 13 March 2014

Awareness a Peaceful means to flush out avid followers of Misingku

Caption: Noah Misingku Self proclaimed King of Papala, the founder of Fast Money Scheme UV struct in PNG now holding guard at Tonu South Bougainville in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.

By Anthony Kaybing
The Autonomous Bougainville Government will not sanction the forced removal of the U-Vistract headquarters in Tonu South Bougainville and illusive money scam boss Noah Misingku.

Autonomous Bougainville Government President Chief Dr John Momis made this statement while responding to questions during question time at the ABG Parliamentary Sitting.
Dr Momis said the ABG will adopt an approach that though subtle will reflect the ABG’s confident stance against U-Vistracts unwarranted claims of sovereignty.

It is understood that Noah Misingku has a standing militia at his disposal thatare armed with military grade weapons while he preaches his message of economic salvation to his followers.
Dr Momis said responding with counter measures that involve tactical action will only result in unnecessary loss of lives as was a case in 2007 when a paramilitary assault was launched on Tonu that only resulted in casualties on both sides.

“We must adopt the peace by peaceful means approach that has long been the flagstaff of Bougainville since the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement,” Dr Momis said.
Dr Momis urged all Bougainvillean Leaders to take the lead in quelling the situation through a peaceful approach without destabilizing Bougainville’s future.

“We are on the eve of our political future and any everything we do to deal with Noah Misingku must be within the jurisdiction of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and does not endanger the lives of our fellow Bougainvilleans,” Dr Momis added.

“I urge all leaders of the ABG to start thinking honestly and critically,” Dr Momis said.
The President said the ABG must now embark on an awareness campaign as a form of peacefully flushing out the U-Vistract faction and as an indoctrinate Misingku’s avid followers.

ABG Vice President Patrick Nisira also supported the President while adding that faction’s sponsored currency is illegal just like the faction itself and again reiterated the President’s call to deal with situation with the utmost care.
ABG Finance and Planning Minister Albert Punghau in whose constituency resides the U-Vistract faction also denounced Noah Misingky saying that it’s now up to the people of Bougainville themselves to make a decision.

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