Friday 22 September 2017

Australia Prime Ministers XIII arrive for annual clash (Post Courier 22/09/17)

The Australian PM`s 13 rugby team arriving in Port Moresby 

The Australian Prime Ministers XIII team arrived in what seemed to be a low key reception, but was still a mad rush by the public to get a glimpse of the NRL stars.
For most it’s probably the only chance they will get to see their stars as the team bus drove past and in less than a minute the crowd dispersed from the Airport.
Captain Aaron Woods described the experience as an experience that never ceases to amaze the visiting team.
Jack Bird (left) and Valentine Holmes
“I told the players it’s going to be hectic.
“I’ve been coming here for the past four years, but this time it was tamed a bit.
“Once the police escort went past the crowd were screaming and come along the side and tapped on the bus with the players taking videos.
“It’s unreal to be here and be able to wear the green and gold with pride up here and play Papua New Guinea,” Woods said.
Coach Mal Meninga didn’t hold back the team’s potential stating this was the best available team for them to bring over to PNG, adding that it was out of respect to their nation and to the Prime Ministers XIII concept.
“We brought our best side and the guys are really keen to play this Saturday with the hope of making the national side down the track.
“We treat this game with great importance as it’s an integral part of the Kangaroos selection.
“A good stepping stone for players to make it into the World Cup side,” Meninga added.
PNG Prime Ministers XIII assistant coach Steven Nightingale said that he has faith in the team to deliver a strong performance.
“This match is an opportunity to show case our local league at the Digicel Cup level, as we think it’s really strong.
“The more exposure the players get… the better for the Hunters and better for the Kumuls and the country as a whole,” Nightingale added.

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