Friday 18 August 2017

PNG Orchids! PNGRFL Names Womens National Rugby League team (Post Courier 16/0817)


Oil Search PNG Orchid Freda Waula (left) Lynda Babao O`Neill and Orchid player Cathy Neap with the new logo for the PNG  National women’s Rugby League team and the two jerseys to be used in the match against the Jillaroos (right) and the World Cup. (Picture by Mark Talia Post Courier Photographer)


The PNG National Women’s team for the Women’s Rugby League World Cup has been named the Papua New Guinea Orchids after a nationwide survey was done says Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) Chairman Sandis Tsaka.

The Women’s World Cup will be played alongside the Men’s World Cup in October.

The logo and jerseys for the Prime Ministers IIIX curtain raiser against the Australian Jillaroos in September and the World Cup in October was launched at the Naked Fish in Port Moresby yesterday.

The orchids will play their first game as a team against the Australia’s Harvey Noram Jillaroos as part of a “triple-header” on September 23, alongside the Prime Minister’s XIII and Kumuls clash and a match between a NSW Young Achievers side and PNG.

Lynda Babao-Oineil wife of Prime Minster of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neil revealed the name and the logo for the Womens National Team.

Tsaka said the team has never had a formal name with the Orchids name symbolizing the woman folk of PNG.

“The PNG Rugby League Woman’s team has never had a formal name and as a matter of a fact has never played an international match before.
“The board after running a nationwide survey to find a name decided on a name the reflected a symbol that was indigenous to PNG and reflected the National Diversity and riches in our environment in this case of flora that will be culturally and nationally identifiable with the women folk in Papua New Guinea.

“After a process that raised many questions as much as answers the board settled on what we believed is a name that identifies with our PNG Identity and infect represent our woman and girls in PNG,” Tsaka said

The Orchids team was also announced after the Confederate National Championships in Lae on Tuesday 15th August, with a 30 women squad announced at the Launch, the team will assemble to take on the Jillaroos and onto the World Cup in October.

30 train on squad woman’s world cup

Barbar Selsel – Highlands

Carol Humeu – southern

Cathy Neap – southern

Elvina Aaron – Southern

Freda Waula – Southern

Grace Mark – Northern

Janet Michael – Southern

Joan Kuman – Southern

Maima Wae – Southern

Margaret Papo – Highlands

Martha Karl – Northern

Naomi Kaupa – Southern

Shirley Joe – Northern

Akosita Baru – Northern

Anna Oiufa – Highlands

Brenda Goro – Southern

Christy Roulage – Highlands

Della Audama – Southern

Elava Turpa – NGI

Gloria Kaupa – Highlands

Helen Abau – Southern

Jacobeth Ware – Northern

Shirley Jerry – Highlands

Vero Waula – Southern

Shadow players

Anas Lingiliket – NGI

Atua Arek – Northern

Barbra Andrew – Northern

Fay Sogavo – Highlands

Mala Mark – Highlands

Melisa James – Highlands

Coach: Dennis Miall

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