Tuesday 29 November 2016

Profile Captain U20 New Zealand Womens team Captain (Post Courier 16/11/16)

Meikayla Moore before thier game against Ghana picture
by Mark Talia Post Courier Photographer 
Compiled By

It’s the second trip for New Zealand Captain Meikayla Moore to Papua New Guinea she was here during the pacific games.

She led her team well against an athletic and physical Ghana team on Monday leading well in her position as a defender at the back, organizing a resilient defense against Ghana in their
1-0 victory.

She has had experience with the National team the Football Ferns playing in the Womens World Cup in Canada last year; Moore was started her representative career as a member of the New Zealand U-17 side at the 2012 Women's World Championships were she played in all three of New Zealand's group games

She and her team mates know about Papua New Guinea well enough to have researched the country and they will be a strong team if they advance to the knockout stages.

Name: Meikayla Jean-Maree Moore

Country: New Zealand

D.O.B: 04/06/96

Club: Cashmere Technical FC (NZL)

Position: Defender

Representative Duties: U17 women's world cup 2012, 2014 U20 women's world cup, 2015 women's world cup, 2016 Olympic games, 2016 U20 women's world cup

Who is Your Favorite Footballer and Why?
Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid) - pure athleticism and skill in both defending and with the ball

What Do You Think of Papua New Guinea?

Very Hot and humid climate, beautiful views

What is the first thing you will tell friends about PNG?
The locals are extremely happy and welcoming and friendly and are constantly waving at us ☺️

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