Saturday 13 August 2016

Chung appeals to stakeholders

OCEANIA Football Confederation (OFC) and Papua New Guinea Football Association (PNGFA) president David Chung

OCEANIA Football Confederation (OFC) and Papua New Guinea Football Association (PNGFA) president David Chung has appealed to all stakeholders to assist the local organising committee (LOC) to prepare for the FIFA World Cup by not putting up excessive bills.

Chung said: “I appeal to every stakeholder involved in the preparation of the FIFA Under-20 Women’s World Cup to assist the Local Organising Committee (LOC) so we can fast track the preparations.

“Let us work together to achieve a common good for a greater purpose and the country as a whole.
“The World Cup preparation is ongoing and the LOC is facing many challenges,” he added.
The challenges are:

  • Co-operation from certain key government departments are slow or none at all
  •  Infrastructure development is also slow in coming to shape due to lots of obstacles
  •  Private sectors and even NGO organizations are charging high exorbitant fees and the LOC is facing challenges with financial obligation to fulfill them

“I must clarify that FIFA is responsible only for the national team and the officials’ expenses.
“We the LOC are responsible for the operational costs which is a mammoth task.

“Our operational cost alone is K20 million…FIFA will only assists us with K10 million,” Chung said.

“FIFA is assisting in paying all teams and officials only, the rest of the expense is ours to deal with,” he added.

Chung said companies or government departments should not think or believe that FIFA is paying all the expenses to make extra money out of the LOC.

“Even some private hospitals want full payment and wanted bookings like hotels do to guarantee a place.

“We appeal to all Papua New Guineans, Government Departments and other stakeholders including the public sector and NGOs to assist fairly,” he added.

“For those few Government Departments who have assisted so far we are thankful of their continuous support,” he said.

Chung clarified that the O’Neill Government has approved this world event and is supported and gazetted by NEC.

“The country has a lot to gain from this World Cup in the long term.

“We urge all sectors of the community to support and especially Papua New Guineans to take pride that this World Cup is on our home soil and to support it. 

“This World Cup will put PNG on the map. The country will benefit both economically and socially,” he added.

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