Thursday 19 November 2015

Delegates enjoy park visit

Members of the delegation taking photos in the stands during the feeding of the crocodile


Papua New Guinea show cased to the delegation of the third Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry, a glimpse of its flora and fauna on Thursday during a visit to the Adventure Park at 14mile outside of Port Moresby city.

It was a welcome break and a chance to see native species from Papua New Guinea, despite the dry weather the park was still well kept and lived up to its name giving the dignitaries an adventure
The excited ministers and departmental heads graced the walk after a hefty three day meet on issues of Forestry and the visit to the park was the last program on the agenda,

They walked around the facility and took photos of the flora and fauna and witnessed the feeding of a crocodile by the park staff.

Earlier in the meeting on Tuesday Forestry Minister Douglas Tomuriesa, told the delegates of the rich history of Papua New Guinea and the immense biodiversity that is part of Papua New Guineas forests.

“80% of the total land mass of 46 million hectors  in Papua New Guinea is covered by vast  areas of forest  which is also very rich in biodiversity, but due  to limited time available to us we cannot take  you to see some other parts of our beautiful  country”. Tomuriesa said

But he did explain why the city was dry “Port Moresby is the capital city of our country and it is currently with the rest of the nation under the effects of the El Nino induced prolonged dry season making the city look rather dry and brown.” Tomuriesa said, but he surely made up for it with the visit to the adventure park.

Papua New Guinea joined APEC in 1993 and is part of 20 other member economies which make up the 21 members the APEC  meeting hosted by PNG is the first one since they joined, the country will be hosting the big one  in 2018 the APEC leaders meeting.

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