Thursday 19 November 2015

A lot to be learned from APEC

Delegates f the third Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry at Port Moresby's Adventure Park taking photos of a staff member feeding the crocodile

Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neil sees great potential for APEC meetings that will benefit the country.

During his opening speech of the third Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea, O’Neill gave his support of the APEC dialogues that can bolster growth in the nation.

“The APEC region account for half of the world’s trade and Papua New Guinea looks to increasing economic engagement in our region. As the Premier forum for advancing trade and investment in our region, APEC is important for Papua New Guinea”.O’Neil said

He added that questions were always asked about the benefits of hosting and being part of APEC he said APEC is a forum where ministers, delegates and technical experts can negotiate issues that affect all economies. Then when common positions evolve and consensus is reached – this can be endorsed by the highest political leaders of our economies to ensure action takes place.

“Each year when I attend the APEC Leaders’ meeting, in different APEC economies, I hear the same question asked. What do the people of each economy gain from being a part of and hosting APEC?  While many people focus on the Leaders’ Meeting when they talk about APEC –there is a lot more involved”.O’Neil said

He further stated that APEC gave opportunities for countries in their collaborated efforts during dialogue.

“There is a great deal that we all gain across many areas through APEC In education, we gain access to better learning systems and teaching techniques that we can adapt to local conditions and use in our schools”.

“In the area of information technologies, APEC projects and research helps us to facilitate better access to telecommunications and the Internet. We are working towards ensuring that every man, woman and child will at least have village-based access to the Internet in the coming years”.

“Through APEC engagement we access new policy and technical processes that help us to cut red tape and improve supply chains for small business”.

“Participation in APEC also benefits our grassroots people by creating opportunities to feed into the broader economy as it expands”.O’Neil said

He said that come 2018 when PNG will host the APEC meeting people will see through the media the nation of Papua New Guinea.

“Papua New Guinea will continue to enhance our engagement with APEC.  When we host APEC in 2018 more than 10,000 visitors will come to our country through the year – and millions will see Papua New Guinea through the media around the world”.O’Neil said

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