Wednesday 7 October 2015

PNG Prime Minister wants to know motives of Letter by Somare

Papua New Guineas Prime Minister Peter O'Neill 

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill has raised serious concerns on the motive and intent of the complaint submitted by Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare to the Ombudsman Commission.

In a statement Prime Minister O’Neill said that the court decision to reinstate Sir Michael Somare as Prime Minister back in 2011 was noted by the Government and through parliamentary mandate was sorted out .

“The actions taken by Sir Michael Somare in submitting his recent complaint is self and not in the best interest of the country”.  

“The Position of Prime Minister of Prime Minister is not a birth right; it is a position that is mandated by the people through their parliament”.

“It was in parliaments considered view that Somare’s lengthy absence of over 8 months, without proper explanation or reason given to parliament, gave rise to a vacancy in the position. This led to the events of 2011when the parliament elected a new Prime Minister.” O’Neil said

Mr O’Neill said decisions of the court were noted by Parliament that acted within the law.
Former Prime Minister Grand Chief  Sir Michael Somare

“The Parliament, at all times took note of the court’s decision, and has dealt with these decisions appropriately.”

“Through parliamentary process it was deemed that there was a vacancy, thereby allowing Parliament to conduct an election for the Prime Minister on each occasion”.

“Parliament has dealt with this within its mandate and the decisions of Parliament are not subject to the leadership code”.

He added that the people of this nation went to the polls in the general election and reaffirmed their support to the O'Neill government and the decision must be respected.  

“The people of this nation then went to the polls in 2012 where they elected our Government, and Somare must accept that the people made this decision through the ballot as part of our national democratic process. He needs to respect the decision of the people and stop being a spoiler for the country. If he thinks he has a case to present to the people, his opportunity will come again in 2017 within 20 months”.

“We will see him at the polls and this is where the people will decide again who should lead the country for the next five years” O’Neil said

He said the state has been very generous towards Sir Michael Somare and it is time that he recognizes the support that has been afforded to him

“All entitlements have been fully paid including additional funds he received from the state. The people of Papua New Guinea do not owe him anything further that what he has already received”. O’Neil said

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