Tuesday 15 September 2015

Pacific Islands discussions on West Papua to be given to Indo's

West Papua and Papua New Guinea

The Pacific Islands Forum will convey the outcome of discussion on the West Papua issue said Chairman of the forum Prime Minister of Papua new Guinea Peter O’Neil.

He added that diplomacy was the way forward and no other way but through Indonesia was the way forward to address the issues of West Papua.

He was responding to a question which pointed out the consensus of the PIF and no real action seemingly a missed opportunity for the people of West Papua during the forum.

“I don’t see it as a missed opportunity I think we have a very accommodating government in Indonesia. To talk about rights and self-determination you would have to talk to Indonesia that is what the Papua New Guinean Government has been doing for the last few years and we are encouraged by what we are hearing from Jakarta and it is part of many steps before us.”

He said the forum would bring the discussions to the Indonesian government, adding that the Indonesian government was cooperative giving the forum an opportunity to discuss the West Papua issue.

O’Neil stated that the forum would possibly go on a fact finding mission to the province as part of discussion on West Papua.

He commended Indonesia on their efforts to provide avenues for human rights and autonomy allocation.

 “With the issue of West Papua we noted some of their concerns and we are calling on all parties to uphold all human rights of all residents in Papua and leaders have requested the forum chair to convey the views of the forum to the Indonesian government and to consult it on the possibility of a fact finding mission to discuss the situation of West Papua with all parties concerned.”  

“We commend Indonesia for promoting democracy and giving autonomy to some provinces including Ache and we commend them for giving rights to some of the discussions held today at the forum.” O’Neil said.

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