Monday 15 June 2015

1991 Gold Medalist Takale Tuna a sprint sensation

Takale Tuna  1991  Gold Medalist in the 200m and 4 by 100m relay


With a month to go to the Pacific Games I had the chance to meet up with Papua New Guineas former sprinter Takale Tuna, he was part of the PNG team which won the games for the country when we last hosted the games in 1991.

Hailing from Matupit East New Britain he was a prodigy in his own right, breaking National and Pacific Games records during his illustrious ten year career,
“I am from Matupit full breed, that’s where some Papua New Guineas great Talent of Sprint hail from” he said,

He added that there was something unique about the Matupit boys that he could only speculate
“There’s something  unique about the Matupit Boys it started with John Kaputin and Silas Tita and it went up to me, I think it’s to do with the upbringing, The Jamaicans they say it’s the bread fruit sop for us it’s probably the banana” he said

He was a natural athlete and played a lot of Sports during his High School days at Boisen High School which was destroyed by the 1994 Volcano Erruption.

“I played a lot of sports in my time I played Athletics, Rugby Leauge Aussie Rules, Boisen also produced some of Athletics stars in the country the like of Ezekiel Wartovo and Peter Pulu”
 But it was his transition to Kerevat National High School that got him more into Athletics than the other sports

“I went to National High and that’s where I started serious training in Athletics there was a teacher there Bruce Hautau, with his training we got going and during carnivals I was noticed and was sent up to Goroka to the National Sports Institute (NSI) under the Junior Athletics Camp”
During his training he performed to expectations and was selected for a stint in the Pacific School games.

“The camp was sponsored by Colgate and was called the Colgate Camp, there were a few American Students who came around and we challenged them, I beat them and got selected to attend the Pacific School games”

Australians and Pacific Islands competed in the Pacific Schools games, and Takale was one of only two medalists to win at the Pacific Schools games

“I came second in the 400meters at the games the guy who won the Gold actually held the 400m world record for a while,”

“It’s only two of us from PNG that won medals at the games the other being our Paralympian Francis Kompaon”

After the Pacific Schools games he made the 1985 Mini South Pacific Games team and went on a winning streak

“I made a clean sweep in the sprint treble (100m, 200m and 400m) I broke all the pacific games records all the National games records in Raratonga Cook Islands”

After his performance in the mini games he went on to win Gold in the 200m and 400m and Bronze in the 100m at the Pacific Games in Noumea New Caledonia

But one of his greatest Highlights was taking part and winning in the 1991 Pacific games,
“It was a special feeling to be cheered on by more than 10,000 fans during the games it was exciting but a lot of pressure we had to deliver”

And deliver they did the team of Subul Babo, Ezekiel Wartovo and Takale Tuna, blew out the competition in the sprint treble

“Ezekiel won the 100m I came second, Subul won the 400m I came second, and I won the 200m, we even won the 4 x 100 metres and the 4 x 400 metres relay”

“ I was very happy, I set the pace in the Relay’s I told Subul and the other guys if you want to beat these other guys you have to beat me, It was a simple strategy just keep everyone out and race ourselves”
Takale with Games Mascot at the 1985 mini games in Raratonga

After his stunning performances he retired undefeated in the 200m for almost two decades, until his record was broken by Nelson Stone

These days Takale is still working with National Planning and is giving back to the community through sports administration.

“I have given to the country through sports and now I am giving to the community, I am currently the President of the Special Olympics I help athletes with intellectual Disabilities the ones with the Down syndrome”

“My Wife was already involved in Paralympics, I was just supporting behind the scenes, and when they were they were looking for an Olympian to head the organization I initially refused but my wife convinced me otherwise”

 And it’s going well for him at the moment and they are into their third year, some of the athletes went to the Asia Pacific Games in 2013 and won six gold three silver and a bronze medal

“Some of the parents find it hard to find opportunities for the children, and this is an avenue we help them in, we are preparing for the Los Angeles Summer games which we will be sending 6 athletes”

Takale who attended all the major events on the athletics calendar during his career had a lot to share.
He said taking pride in representing the country was important and he had faith in team PNG

“Remember seven million plus people will be behind team PNG, the baton is being relayed around the country and is touched by everyone and that represents their support”

He said our track team was a strong one especially the females, but was quite concerned about the male athletes on the track

“We have a strong women’s sprint team and it’s very strong with the likes of Toea Wisil and Betty Burua, but the men I haven’t seen them perform recently”

“Toea Wisil is a strong athlete and can run the 100m, 200m and 400m, a lot of athletes cannot do that it takes special people, on the world stage people like Usain Bolt only runs 100m and 200m and Michael Johnson only 100m and 400m”

“There is a Samoan running 10 seconds flat and a Fijian running 10.3 seconds in the mens 100m, the measuring stick is the last commonwealth games in Scotland  and the men’s team didn’t do too well”
He added that in their time during the lead up to the 1991 games they were in training competing with themselves and it was fierce

“We never really went overseas just a few competitions but the fierce one was back here in PNG we were from all over the country and we trained hard and checked our progress very well, we need that, the National Championships in Lae produced times that were quite slow, but I believe the boys can lift because we have the home ground advantage”

He said the Fijians liked to play mind games to psyche out the opposition and PNG should try to avoid that, he said during their time they would surge out of the starting block and break one by one just to intimidate their opponents.

“During the finals PNG would have three runners and in the past we would take off one by one and break, there were two chances after a false start but today there are none, we just have to find some new ways to intimidate them”

“We have to be hungry enough to win, our ancestors are warriors and when the time comes, like the beating of the Kundu it is the call to action, and I wish all the Athletes all the best in this year’s games”

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