Wednesday 6 May 2015

The boy with a sad morning

Caption: A small boy in school


One day there was a small boy walking along the road toward his school, he looked tiered and lazy dragging his bag on the footpath.

“Hey boy” a voice came from behind him, “who me” replied the small boy as he slowly turned, “yes you, I want to talk to you” it was John, a family friend.

“Uncle John” the small boy shouted as he skipped merely towards him,
“My boy Richard, how are you” he said as they hugged in excitement, “Why the gloomy face and the lazy stroll” John said as he looked at the sad boys face.

“I’m hungry and there’s no food in the house” Richard said as he shed a small tear, looking down at the foot path.

It was hard living in the city; one thing led to another and things got worse, the family had fallen into debt, and they owed a lot to loan sharks around the city.

John knew Richards’s dad had fallen on hard times but, he didn’t think it was this worse,
“I’m sorry my boy, here is a K20 get something for yourself” John said as he gave him two K10 notes

“I can’t get this uncle I am not supposed to get money, dad might get mad” he said as he reluctantly reached for the money

“Don’t worry my boy it’s our little secret, now go on than off to school”
That afternoon when Richard went back home he had a grin on his face, and some food in a small plastic bag.

His mother saw the bag and was curious as to how he had attained the food within the plastic bag,
“Richie my goodness how on earth did you get that plastic of food?” his mum said with a startled look

“Mummy its some rice and tinned fish for us for dinner” he said with caution
“Where did you get it from” she asked Richie “I saved the money myself” he said with heist,
But mum knew he couldn't have saved the money because he always carried lunch with him, and he always walked to school.

“Now boy don’t you lie to your mother” she said to him with a strong tone.
But Richard had made a pact with his uncle John, but he could not lie to his mother as well, and besides he had food for dinner, his mother would be proud.

“I got it from Uncle John” he said with a smile “my goodness” his mother said in bafflement.
She was concerned about what young Richie had told to Johnny.

“What did you tell him?” she asked again “please son tell me before your father comes home and sees the food” she said walking around cluttered

“But why mummy, are you not happy for the food?” he said 
“It’s not that son” she told him patting his head “It’s just that your father doesn't like people to think we are poor” she tried to explain

But Richie was not convinced, instead his confusion grew worse, not knowing what to do or say he feared his father might give him a smacking.

Later his dad arrived and told him to come “Richie where are you?” he shouted “I got something for you son”
Richie hesitantly walked toward his father and to his surprise it was a new bicycle.

His dad had secured a job and got an advance to family’s debt, there prayers were answered.
It was a very happy night for the family and as they sat and ate dinner Richie forgot all about the plastic of rice and tinned fish.

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