Tuesday 25 November 2014



I stop at the screeching of a machete on the tarmac,
Loud screams and cries could be heard.

I see blood from an open wound a brother, slashed for a can of export larger,
A clutter after a drink up, its zigs and zags as people run for cover.
Mothers crying, men wielding their weapons like something out of the Bronx
A ghetto brawl.

Does this mean I have no peace?
A peaceful neighborhood, now a war zone rotten tongues fill the air, words that kids need not hear,
An open display of public animosity against a human of same figure and stature.

None the wise are we for not knowing what it is to live in unity
Tear gas pops, screams sheer pitched into the Smokey atmosphere.

Still ringing in my ear, the screams of blood shot eyes
Kindness lost in the heave of scatter.

Old and frail fall while children are seen flopping and gasping for breath
Might I find Harmony?

Where ought to be the silence and soothing breeze,
We seek the harmony that was.

A community gathered after Sunday service for late tea,
Scones and biscuits the ice breakers, a harmonious start it is.

The streets once we pranced and played about,
We walked with favor without fear.

Now just an arid ruin of rubbish and filth. 
We lack the courage but not the will to bring change;
Let us all be singing in harmony with equality
Peace and harmony be thy hym.

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