Friday 19 September 2014

PNG's only Brewer of Beer supports Responsible Drinking

Picture Courtesy of PNGLOOP


Alcohol abuse causes a lot of problems and PNG’s only brewer SP Brewery is running training to help with awareness.

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RAS) training is provided by SP Brewery under the Brewery’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities.

 The company is training staff in the food and beverage industry and also licensed outlets that sell alcohol through the RAS training. 

I was fortunate enough last year to witness SP Brewery’s Business Relations Manager Kala Geri conducting  the training at the Crown Plaza hotel  he told staff that the training was important and would promote responsible serving of alcohol.

“Many people are drunk and disorderly and others are also under age this training will help discourage sales and purchase by minors and as will prevent damage to business and protect public safety” Geri said

He added that staff must know about the training on how to help stop drunkenness
“Staff should be able to know the law and what it states about serving minors and intoxicated persons staff must know how to manage and minimize the problems associated directly or indirectly” Geri added

He said most people are too drunk to even continue and are yet served alcohol and that caused a lot of problems
“Staff must know how much alcohol a person is consuming and stop serving once the person is getting out of hand” Geri added

Crown Plaza was the first to receive the training last year but previously SP Brewery conducted similar trainings at Gateway, Weigh Inn, Grand Papua, Lamana and Shady Rest Hotels. Its time we had the tools to help combat drunkenness

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