Wednesday 5 March 2014

ANOTHER MASSACRE PHOTO IN WEST PAPUA-*Please share as widely as possible*

This is Indonesia in Papua-Committing genocide against Melanesian Papuans and throwing them into mass graves

We are very sorry to share with you the latest pictures from a truly horrific massacre of innocent West Papuans.
Indonesian police and plainclothes police can be seen taking sickening "trophy photos" of the corpses of West Papuan people they have just stripped and murdered and thrown into a drainage ditch used as a makeshift mass grave in the middle of a highlands village. 
According to sources, this is in the Central Highlands of West Papua, possibly the Puncak Jaya region and was taken relatively recently.
What appears to be the National flag of West Papua, the Morning Star can be seen raised behind the horror. The raising of this flag has been made illegal by Indonesia and carries a 15 year jail sentence.
Papuans are even banned from raising their national flag, singing traditional Papuan songs or from wearing traditional dress.
As this photo has just emerged, we are currently finding out as much as possible about the details and cannot yet verify the exact date and location but what is for sure is that this photo, taken in the highlands of West Papua is 100% real and genuine, hard evidence of Indonesia's 21st century apartheid and genocide in West Papua.


Link on more Videos and  Photos

Report by ABC on discovery of more bodies

Sign the Avaaz petition here as over 35,000 have already done, calling for journalist access to West Papua and an end to the genocide

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